A simple library to manage observability needs for Spring Boot.
Include in your build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
// Needed for dependency version metrics only
plugins {
id("com.valensas.observability-artifacts") version "$observabilityVersion"
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
This feature allows to expose Micrometer metrics for Spring's WebClient.
val webClient = WebClient.builder().observationConvention(IntegrationRequestObservationConvention("metric.name"))
This feature is automatically enabled when Feign and Micrometer are configured. It enables Micrometer metrics for Feign requests.
Allows for customization of B3 header propagation. This configuration
is enabled when management.tracing.propagation.type=B3
and the header format can be configured using
. The default value is SINGLE
This feature allows to expose you application's dependencies' versions to Micrometer. This feature
is enabled when Micrometer is configured and valensas.observability.version-metrics.enabled=true
(default is true).
The metric name can be configured using the valensas.observability.version-metric.name
property (default is valensas_application
For this feature to work properly, you will need the use the com.valensas.observability-artifacts
plugin as described
in the installation section.