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Merged Branch-FW-0.1 into trunk, using command
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"svn merge -r850:1193"
I clumsily resolved conflicts in files mainwindow.cpp, v3d_commandlineparser.h, mainwindow.h, main.cpp, and the webservices/ directory.
I also created a couple of tags under representing the two code bases being merged:
(all but webservice folder this time)
  • Loading branch information
cmbruns committed May 18, 2011
1 parent 6eee09d commit 3cfdba7
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Showing 94 changed files with 13,994 additions and 219 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions build.hudson
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# 2010-08-07 by Hanchuan Peng
# a convenience script for building teh system on Linux (Redhat and Ubuntu)
# examples:
# sh build.linux
# sh build.linux -B -j4 #rebuild the entire system using 4 processors

cd v3d_main

sh ./build.redhat $*

cd ../

# Check for the executable file
if [ -e "./v3d/v3d" ]
echo "Found executable"
exit 0;
echo "ERROR: did not find executable"
exit 1;

216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions released_plugins/v3d_plugins/HDRfilter/hdrfilter.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
/* hdrfilter.cpp
* 2011-03-21: create this program by Yang Yu

#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include "hdrfilter.h"

#include "stackutil.h"
#include "mg_utilities.h"
#include "mg_image_lib.h"

// redefine loadimage function copy from stackutil.h remove size constrains
bool loadImageWSC(char imgSrcFile[], unsigned char *& data1d, V3DLONG * &sz, int & datatype)
if (data1d)
printf("Warning: The pointer for 1d data storage is not empty. This pointer will be freed first and the reallocated. \n");
delete []data1d; data1d=0;
if (sz)
printf("Warning: The pointer for size is not empty. This pointer will be freed first and the reallocated. \n");
delete []sz; sz=0;
sz = new V3DLONG [4];
if (!sz)
printf("Fail to alocate memory for the size variable.\n");
return false;

unsigned char *tmp_data1d =0;
V3DLONG * tmp_sz = 0; /* note that this variable must be initialized as NULL. */
int tmp_datatype = 0;
bool b_5d=false;

char * curFileSuffix = getSurfix(imgSrcFile);
if (strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tif")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tiff")==0) //read tiff stacks
if (loadTif2Stack(imgSrcFile, tmp_data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype))
printf("Error happens in TIF file reading. Stop. \n");
return false;
else if ( strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "lsm")==0 ) //read lsm stacks
if (loadLsm2Stack(imgSrcFile, tmp_data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype))
printf("Error happens in LSM file reading. Stop. \n");
return false;
else if ( strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "raw5")==0 ) //read lsm stacks
if (loadRaw5d2Stack(imgSrcFile, tmp_data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype))
printf("Error happens in V3D .raw5 (5D) file reading. Stop. \n");
return false;
b_5d = true;
else //then assume it is Hanchuan's RAW format
if (loadRaw2Stack(imgSrcFile, tmp_data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype))
if (loadRaw2Stack_2byte(imgSrcFile, tmp_data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype))
printf("Error happens in reading 2-byte-size RAW file. Stop. \n");
return false;

//copy output data
switch (tmp_datatype)
case 1:
datatype = 1;

case 2:
datatype = 2;

case 4:
datatype = 4;

printf("Something wrong with the program, -- should NOT display this message at all. Check your program. \n");
if (data1d) {delete []data1d; data1d=0;}
if (tmp_sz) {delete []tmp_sz; tmp_sz=0;}
if (sz) {delete []sz; sz=0;}
return false;

sz = new V3DLONG [5];
sz[0] = tmp_sz[0];
sz[1] = tmp_sz[1];
sz[2] = tmp_sz[2];
sz[3] = tmp_sz[3]; //no longer merge the 3rd and 4th dimensions
sz[4] = (b_5d) ? tmp_sz[4] : 1; //090802

data1d = tmp_data1d;

/* clean all workspace variables */
if (tmp_sz) {delete []tmp_sz; tmp_sz=0;}

return true;

//Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 ( PluginName, ClassName )
//The value of PluginName should correspond to the TARGET specified in the plugin's project file.
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(hdrfilter, HDRFilterPlugin);

// func datatype converting main
int hdr_filtering(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent);

// func convering kernel
template <class Tpre, class Tpost>
int convering(void *subject1d, ImagePixelType v3d_dt, ImagePixelType dt);

//plugin funcs
const QString title = "HDR Filtering";
QStringList HDRFilterPlugin::menulist() const
return QStringList() << tr("HDR Filtering")
<< tr("About");

void HDRFilterPlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
if (menu_name == tr("HDR Filtering"))
hdr_filtering(callback, parent);
else if (menu_name == tr("About"))
QMessageBox::information(parent, "Version info", QString("HDR Filtering Plugin %1 (March 21, 2011) developed by Yang Yu. (Janelia Research Farm Campus, HHMI)").arg(getPluginVersion()));

// show different datatype data in V3D
int hdr_filtering(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
qDebug()<<"run hdr filtering ...";

// get image
HDRFilerDialog dialog(callback, parent);
if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted) return -1;

QString fn_image = dialog.fn_image;

qDebug()<<"input is ... "<<dialog.fn_image;

// load image
unsigned char *data1d=NULL;
V3DLONG *imgsz=NULL, sx, sy, sz, sc;
int datatype;

if (loadImageWSC(const_cast<char *>( fn_image.toStdString().c_str() ), data1d, imgsz, datatype)!=true)
std::cout << "The image loading fails."<<endl;
return false;

sx= imgsz[0], sy = imgsz[1], sz = imgsz[2]; sc = imgsz[3];

std::cout << "The image does not exist."<<endl;
return false;

Image4DSimple p4DImage;

p4DImage.setData((unsigned char *)data1d, sx,sy,sz,sc, V3D_UINT8);
else if(datatype==2)
p4DImage.setData((unsigned char *)data1d, sx,sy,sz,sc, V3D_UINT16);
else if(datatype==4)
p4DImage.setData((unsigned char *)data1d, sx,sy,sz,sc, V3D_FLOAT32);

// HDR filtering
HDRwidget *pHDRwidget = new HDRwidget(parent, p4DImage);

return 0;



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