Tumor Detection, Segmentation and Classification Challenge on Automatic Breast UltraSound 2023 (TDSC-ABUS 2023)
This is the oficial implementation of the ViCOROB Team challenge submission for the TDSC-ABUS 2023 MICCAI challenge. The description of the challenge can be found on the grand challenge website.
A more detailed description of the methods and results can be found in the paper "SAM-PR: Enhancing 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound Imaging Segmentation with Probabilistic Refinement of SAM", presented in the 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI 2024).
├── README.md
├── data
│ ├── challenge_2023
│ │ ├── TRAIN (original)
│ │ │ ├── DATA
│ │ │ ├── MASKS
│ │ └── only_lesion
│ │ ├── image_mha
│ │ ├── label_mha
├── checkpoints (for SAMed)
│ ├── epoch_159.pth (LoRA pretrained on Med)
│ ├── sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth (SAM pretrained)
├── SAMed (cloned from original repo)