As described in Wu and Van Hooser (2024/2025), this library performs a full Bayesian parameter estimation of the parameters of a double gaussian fit. This is achieved by evaluating a range of possible parameter values. This operation is relatively slow on CPUs, but is fast on GPUs, and we offer calls to Apple Metal and NVIDIA GPUs on Linux/Windows systems.
The parameters that are estimated are
- vhlab-toolbox-matlab
- MatlabMetal
- Make sure that
is on the path
- Small example to explore the parameter estimation:
% example equation
angles = [ 0:30:360-30 ];
P = [ 0.5 10 5 45 30 ]; % [Rsp Rp Rn theta_pref sigma]
resps = vis.oridir.doublegaussianfunc(angles,P); % raw data
resp_struct = struct('angles',angles(:),...
%the parameter values to explore
param_grid = vis.bayes.double_gaussian.parameter_space('explore');
% We use a noise model where the expected noise of the spike response
% depends on the mean response of the neuron
% noise model: N = C + K * M^S, where M is the mean response of neuron
noise_model = [1.3549 1.9182 0.5461]; % [C K S]
[output_struct,lik] = vis.bayes.double_gaussian.grid_proportional_noise(param_grid, resp_struct, noise_model,'verbose',1);
% or force running on CPU
%[output_struct,lik] = vis.bayes.double_gaussian.grid_proportional_noise(param_grid, resp_struct, noise_model,'useCPU',1,'verbose',1);
- Research-grade parameter space exploration example (GPU strongly recommended):
angles = [ 0:30:360-30 ];
P = [ 0.5 10 5 45 30 ]; % [Rsp Rp Rn theta_pref sigma]
resps = vis.oridir.doublegaussianfunc(angles,P); % raw data
resp_struct = struct('angles',angles(:),...
%the parameter values to explore
param_grid = vis.bayes.double_gaussian.parameter_space('research-grade');
% We use a noise model where the expected noise of the spike response
% depends on the mean response of the neuron
% noise model: N = C + K * M^S, where M is the mean response of neuron
noise_model = [1.3549 1.9182 0.5461]; % [C K S]
[output_struct,lik] = vis.bayes.double_gaussian.grid_proportional_noise(param_grid, resp_struct, noise_model,'verbose',1);
The code to produce all figures of Wu and Van Hooser 2024/2025 is in the folder Bayes_Estimation_paper