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Controlled vocabulary terms

noahkgilman edited this page Jun 11, 2020 · 7 revisions

Controlled vocabulary terms

In the future, NDI may have a strict controlled vocabulary. At present, we have a suggested controlled vocabulary for certain terms.

Lab identifiers: PI_lastlab.Institution. PI_First.PI_Last.Institution. <- + lab room

Eve Marder Lab, Brandeis: marderlab.brandeis Eve.Marder.Brandeis Eve.Marder.Brandeis.Volen306 Don Katz Lab, Brandeis: katzlab.brandeis. Don.Katz.Brandeis Don.Katz.Brandeis.Bassine345 Shantanu Jadhav Lab, Brandeis: jadhavlab.brandeis. Shantanu.Jadhav.Brandeis Shantanu.Jadhav.Brandeis.Bassine303 Steve Van Hooser Lab, Brandeis: Steve.VanHooser.Brandeis Steve.VanHooser.Brandeis.Bassine326

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