This package, bcadata
replicates and updates the data used by
Angeletos, Collard, and Dellas in their paper “Business Cycle
Angeletos, George-Marios, Fabrice Collard, and Harris Dellas. 2020. “Business-Cycle Anatomy.” American Economic Review, 110 (10): 3030-70.
The package pulls most of the data from FRED and TFP data from the San Francisco Fed.
The data series constructed are:
- output, Real GDP per capita
- investment, Real investment per capita
- consumption, Real consumption per capita
- hours_worked, Hours Worked
- unemployment, Unemployment Rate (as percent)
- labor_share, Labor share of output
- interest, Fed Funds interest rate (quarterly rate, not annual)
- inflation, Inflation rate, from GDP price deflator
- productivity, Productivity (NFB)
- TFP, Total Factor Productivity cummulative
You can install the development version of bcadata from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This package requires a FRED API key to pull data from the St. Louis Fed.
You can get an API key here.
There are two functions exported from the package:
## Construct the updated data series
df <- pull_bcadata(fred_api_key = my_api_key)
## Chart comparing the updated series to the original data
The package includes the original dataset from the author’s replication files.
There is also an option to use vintage data for the data pulled from FRED. This makes use of ALFRED, the archival version of FRED.
To pull data using a specific vintage date:
df <- pull_bcadata(fred_api_key = my_api_key, vintage_date = "2020-01-01")
With specific validation dates, this package can replicate the data used in the BCA paper.
Data for TFP is pulled from John G. Fernald’s
website where he stores archived
versions of the TFP data hosted at the San Francisco Fed. To replicate
the original paper, the package pulls the file
For the other macro time series, all are pulled using ALFRED, using the
validation date of "2018-07-26"
, except for the series for real GDP,
which is pulled using the validation date "2018-07-28"
This is accomplished by setting the parameter replicate
Note that TFP is off by a constant value of 20.26
from the original
data. The original author’s code does not make clear why or how this
adjustment was made, so this package does not make it.
replication <- pull_bcadata(my_api_key, replicate = TRUE)