A simple measuring and reporting station based written in Lua for the ESP8266 running the NodeMCU firmware. Based on nodemcu-httpserver from Marcos Kirsch and code snippets from variuos files all over the net...
- Measuring temperature with DS18B20, using reworked out module by me, made from various sources
- Measuring temperature and humidity with DHT22 using in-built library/API
- Measuring temperature, pressure and altitude using BMP180, using lua module for BMP085 from nodemcu-firmware
- Sending data in JSON format to MQTT server
- Using pieces of code from nodemcu-httpserver for some of the current and mostly future functionality
After data is processed, it is sent to a MQTT server in JSON format, where it is parsed and presented as web page with gauges, dials etc.
Freeboard and ThingStudio are used for generating dashboards an presenting them in the browser through Javascript Paho MQTT library.
Would use some parts of nodemcu-httpserver code to make my own http server with basic authentication for configuring the whole thing, adding knobs for turning specific measurings on or off etc.