This project demonstrated the effective use of computer vision techniques, and control algorithms in developing an autonomous navigation system. Despite the challenges faced, the project was successful in achieving its objectives and contributed to the field of autonomous navigation.
In autonomous driving, perception systems are pivotal as they interpret sensory data to understand the envi ronment, which is essential for decision-making and planning. Ensuring the safety of these perception systems is fundamental for achieving high-level autonomy, allowing us to confidently delegate driving and monitoring tasks to machines. This project focuses on enhancing the understanding and navigation capabil ities of self-driving robots through sensor fusion and computervision techniques. Specifically, it explores the depth based perception using ZED2 camera to improve autonomous driving perception.
In this project, we utilized depth-based perception to en able autonomous navigation of the robot in an unfamiliar environment. The fusion of 2D LiDAR and depth camera sensors demanded substantial computational resources, leading to system throttle errors during the object detection task alone. In addition to object detection, we also maneuvered the Rosmaster R2 bot autonomously, detecting traffic signs such as 'Move', 'Turn', and 'Stop'. Depth cameras and traditional cameras play critical roles in mobile robot perception, providing 3D environmental information and facilitating vision guided navigation, respectively. Below figure shows such example of the camera that we have used in this project.
The project utilized a combination of advanced hardware and software to process and analyze sensor data:
- Jetson Xavier Processor: Served as the computational backbone, handling data processing and model execution.
- ZED2 RGBD Camera:Provided high-resolution images and depth data, crucial for object detection and distance estimation. Fig 2 shows such example of the camera that we have used in this project.
- ROS (Robot Operating System): Enabled efficient sys tem integration, data handling, and algorithm implemen tation.
- ZED SDK: Offered tools and APIs for extracting and processing data from the ZED 2 camera.
The integration of these hardware components through ROS facilitated a modular approach, allowing for the independent development and testing of subsystems. Below figure shows the implemented environment we have used through this project.
The project faced significant challenges in terms of computational power.
The computational capacity of the Jetson
Xavier was limited, which posed a significant hurdle. The
team was unable to implement 2D LiDAR fusion and the
ZED 2 camera as initially planned due to these constraints.
Additionally, the project demanded significant computational
power for processing depth information from the ZED2 RGBD
camera and running the YOLOv5 object detection model
simultaneously to perform Autonomous Navigation. These
computation demands added to the complexity and challenges
of the project.
Despite the challenges, the team managed to devise effective
solutions and achieve significant milestones. For depth-based
perception, the ZED 2 camera was utilized for depth and RGB
data. The team estimated distances to objects using the depth
map, which proved to be a valuable asset for the project. For
autonomous navigation, the team incorporated computer vision
techniques to detect lanes and control the robot accordingly.
Werelied on depth data to get the distance of the object (traffic
sign), which was crucial for the navigation system. To address
the resource constraints, the team optimized algorithms for
computational efficiency. We achieved real-time performance
on Jetson Xavier by prioritizing system efficiency, which
significantly improved the overall performance of the project.
1) Lane Detection: In this project, we embarked on a journey to develop an autonomous navigation system, starting with the fundamental task of detecting lanes.
2) Object Detection: We utilized the YOLOv5 pre-trained model for object detection. This model has been widely used in various applications, including lane detection, missing road lane markings detection, and pedestrian detection. The use of YOLOv5 allowed us to effectively detect objects in real-time, contributing significantly to the success of the project. Here we have detected successfully the 'Stop', 'Move', and 'Turn' signs using which robot will perform the task according to the signs.
3) Depth Estimation: The ZED 2 camera is a powerful stereo camera that plays a crucial role in depth estimation for autonomous navigation. It combines advances in AI, sensor hardware, and stereo vision to build an unmatched solution in spatial perception and understanding. The camera features ultra-wide depth perception with a 110-degree horizontal and 70-degree vertical field of view, including optical distortion compensation. It also has enhanced low-light vision with an f/1.8 aperture and improved ISP, capturing 40 percent more light in dark environments. The ZED 2 camera uses stereo vision and neural networks to replicate human-like vision, enabling depth perception from 0.2 to 20m². In autonomous navigation, this depth information is used to identify obstacles, plan paths, and make decisions about the robot's movements.
4) PIDController: The system utilized a PID(Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller for dynamic steering adjustment.The PID controller adjusted the robot's steering based on the deviation from the desired lane position.This allowed the robot to make smooth and precise adjustments to its course, ensuring it stayed on track and navigated the lanes effectively. Throughout this project,we tried to improve our control as much as possible resulting the smooth navigation with in the environment.For lane following, a PID controller adjusts v and w to minimize the error between the robot's current position and the desired path.
The Robot Operating System (ROS) played a pivotal role in the implementation of this project. ROS is a flexible framework for writing robot software and provides services designed for a heterogeneous computer cluster such as hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly-used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management.
For object detection, the YOLOv5 model was integrated into the ROS framework. The images from the camera were passed to the YOLOv5 node, which detected objects of interest and published the detections as ROS messages. These messages were used to trigger specific actions by the robot. The ZED 2 camera was used to obtain depth information, which was crucial for object distance estimation.
The lane following functionality of the robot involves a sophisticated combination of image processing techniques and control algorithms to ensure precise navigation along road lanes. Through the integration of edge detection and color filtering, the robot adeptly identifies and tracks lane markings, enabling it to maintain a stable and centered position within the lanes.
The first step in the image processing pipeline involves applying a Gaussian blur to the camera input. This helps in reducing noise and smoothing out the image, preparing it for subsequent processing steps.
Utilizing the HSV color space, the robot isolates the yellow lane markings from the rest of the scene. By defining a specific range of yellow hues, the robot accurately filters out pixels corresponding to the lanes, enhancing the lane detection process.
By identifying abrupt intensity changes in the image, edges corresponding to lane markings are extracted, providing crucial information for subsequent analysis.
To focus solely on the relevant portion of the image, a region of interest is defined, typically covering the area of the road ahead where lane markings are expected. This helps in reducing computational overhead and improves the efficiency of lane detection.
Once lane markings are detected, the robot employs robust algorithms for lane tracking and control, ensuring smooth and precise navigation along the road.
Detected edges are processed using the Hough line transform to identify line segments corresponding to lane markings. These line segments are then extrapolated to form complete lane boundaries, providing a comprehensive representation of the road geometry.
By calculating the midpoint between the detected lane boundaries, the robot determines its position within the lane. Adjustments to the steering are made to ensure that the robot remains centered within the lanes, maintaining a consistent trajectory along the road.
The robot utilizes a PID controller to dynamically adjust its steering angle based on the deviation from the desired lane position. By continuously monitoring the error between the current and desired positions, precise steering corrections are applied, resulting in smooth and stable lane following behavior.
Through the successful execution of the lane following functionality, the robot demonstrates remarkable proficiency in autonomously navigating roadways. With its ability to accurately detect and track lane markings while maintaining a centered position within the lanes, the robot showcases a high level of autonomy and adaptability in real-world driving scenarios. This robust and reliable lane following capability ensures safe and efficient navigation, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the robotic system in diverse environments.
This model was built by Amir. It gives us the detections and we use it further according to our needs. The object detection module equips the robot with the capability to identify and localize various objects of interest within its environment. Leveraging an ONNX model trained on the YOLOv5 architecture, the robot processes incoming camera images to detect objects such as "Car", "Walk", "Speed", "Stop", "Go", and "Turn" signs.
Two ROS publishers are initialized to broadcast information about detected objects: /detected_class: Publishes the name of the detected class (e.g., "Car", "Walk", "Stop"). /detected_class_distance: Publishes the coordinates of the detected object's centroid.
Upon detecting objects in the image, the system extracts relevant information, including bounding box coordinates, confidence scores, and class labels. The bounding box's centroid coordinates (cx, cy) are calculated to represent the object's position. The class label is determined based on the assigned class number (cls), and if the confidence score exceeds a predefined threshold (e.g., 0.8), the class name is published. The centroid coordinates and class label are packaged into ROS messages and published via the designated topics.
Detected objects are visualized on the camera image for debugging and visualization purposes. Bounding boxes are drawn around detected objects, and labels indicating the class name and confidence score are overlayed. Additionally, small dots are drawn at the centroid of each detected object for reference.
After processing, the annotated image with detected objects is converted back to a NumPy array and published for visualization in the ROS ecosystem.
The robot demonstrated a high degree of proficiency in
following lane markings detected in the camera images. It
employed techniques such as color filtering and line fitting to
identify lanes. The robot was able to adjust its steering to stay
within the lanes, demonstrating the effectiveness of the control
algorithms implemented. The success in lane following is a
testament to the robustness of the computer vision techniques
and control algorithms used in this project.
The robot was capable of detecting objects of interest within
its environment, such as ”Turn”, ”Go”, or ”Stop” signs. This
was achieved using advanced computer vision techniques.
The detection was used to trigger specific actions by the
robot, adding a layer of interactivity and responsiveness to the
system. The successful detection of objects of interest and the
subsequent triggering of actions demonstrate the effectiveness
of the object detection algorithms implemented.
The robot was able to estimate the distance to detected
objects using depth information obtained from the camera.
This information was crucial for making decisions about when
to execute certain actions, such as stopping or turning. The
ability to accurately estimate distances to objects is a critical
component of autonomous navigation systems, as it allows the
system to interact safely and effectively with its environment.
The success in object distance estimation indicates the effec
tiveness of the depth perception capabilities of the system.
In conclusion, the results obtained from this project demonstrates the effectiveness of the techniques and algorithms implemented. The robot was able to follow lanes, detect objects, and estimate distances to objects accurately, demonstrating its potential for real-world applications in autonomous navigation.