Finding Lane Lines on the Road
The goals / steps of this project are the following:
- Make a pipeline that finds lane lines on the road
- Reflect on your work in a written report
My pipeline first chops a video into images, that i then convert into grayscale.
On this I apply Gaussian smoothing, and then find the Canny edges, with the threshhold being 50 to 150.
Afterward I want to specify the area in which I want to look for the lanes, I do this by isolating an area in which the lanes will appear in the image.
Finally I will look for lanes, since the Canny edges gave me a series of dots I used the Hough space to find the lanes, at this point I want to turn the lane markings into a linear equation which will mark the edge of my lane with a single straght line. To do this I first calculated the slopes of every line found, then filter out all the ones that dont satisfy my threshhold. next I sort the lines into right and left lane lines, I did this simply by sorting the end points of all lines depending on whether their position is before or after the middle point of the image. Now I need to isolate the end point of the lines and use the least squares method to get a single line that I will then draw onto the image itself.
One great shortcoming is that the code with struggle to place curved lines, another is that any damage to the road or faded lines might affect the output.
A possible improvement could be done to the way the lines are detected.
Another could be the way the the final line is calculated.