A Django Framework application to build dynamic forms, with widgets and Django's standards, using JSON objects.
Forms can be saved in a configurable storage (or settings.py). Users that requires high levels of customization will find what they're look for.
Consult the Official Documentation at readthedocs for usage specifications and advanced topics.
Image 1: Example of Dynamic Form built via frontend
Image 2: Preview of the builded form
- Forms definitions via JSON object
- Save compiled form as JSON objects in model db and get its structure and contents with a simple model method call
- Override form constructor in order to add static common fields
- Create input fields using heritable classes, with customizable validation methods
- Manage Django Formset fields, with form insertion and removal via javascript;
- Manage and verify digitally signed file fields (PDF and P7M) without a certification authority validation (TODO via third-party API)
- Audio and Image Captcha
Example of a dynamic form JSON in database
"field_1": "value_field_1",
"field_2": "value_field_2",
"field_3": "value_field_3",
"attachments": {
"p7m": "file_1.pdf.p7m",
"pdf": "file_2.pdf"
In settings.py
configure these parameters
CAPTCHA_SECRET = b'your_secret'
CAPTCHA_SALT = b'your_salt'
# build a virtualend where to install all the requirements and requirements-dev ...
cd example
./manage.py test
# coverage
coverage erase
coverage run ./manage.py test
coverage report -m
rm -R build/ dist/ *egg-info
python3 setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/*