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upto lem:Sub(T)=Inj(T)
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marcbezem committed Jan 8, 2025
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182 changes: 120 additions & 62 deletions intro-uf.tex
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Expand Up @@ -3097,63 +3097,70 @@ \section{The replacement principle}
\section{Predicates and subtypes}

In this section, we consider the relationship between predicates on a type $T$
and subtypes of $T$. The basic idea is that the predicate tells
whether an element of $T$ belongs to the subtype. Conversely,
the predicate can be recovered from the subtype by asking whether an element of $T$
is in it.
In this section, we give two (equivalent) definitions of the notion
of a subtype of a given type $T$. The first definition is based
on the notion of a predicate on $T$. A predicate tells, or `predicates',
whether an element of $T$ belongs to the subtype. The second definition
is based on the notion of injection, defined in \cref{def:injection}.

Let $T$ be a type and let $P(t)$ be a family of propositions
parametrized by an variable $t:T$.
parametrized by a variable $t:T$.
Then we call $P$ a \emph{predicate}\index{predicate} on $T$.\footnote{%
Note that giving a predicate on $T$ is
equivalent to giving a map $Q: T\to\Prop_\UU$ for a suitable universe $\UU$,
and we sometimes say that $Q$ itself is the predicate.}
If $P(t)$ is a decidable proposition,
and we sometimes say that $Q$ itself is the predicate.
We leave $\UU$ implicit.}
If $P(t)$ is a decidable proposition for any $t:T$,
then we say that $P$ is a \emph{decidable predicate} on $T$.

By \cref{xca:lem-prop}, the decidable predicates $P$ on $T$
correspond uniquely to the characteristic functions $\chi_P:T\to\bool$.

We recall from \cref{def:injection} the notion of \emph{injection},
which will be key to saying what a \emph{subtype} is.

The decidable predicates $P$ on $T$
correspond uniquely to the characteristic functions $\chi_P:T\to\bool$,
cf.\ \cref{xca:lem-prop}.

A \emph{subtype}\index{subtype} of a type $T$
is a type $S$ together with an injection $f : S \to T$.%
\glossary(SubT){$\protect\Sub(T)$}{type of subtypes of $T$}
The type $S$ is called the \emph{underlying type} of this subtype.
Selecting a universe $\UU$ as a repository for such types $S$ allows
us to introduce the type of subtypes of $T$ in $\UU$ as follows.
Let $T$ be a type.
The type of \emph{subtypes}\index{subtype} of $T$,
denoted by $\Sub(T)$, is defined by
\Sub^\UU(T) \defeq \sum_{S:\UU}\sum_{f:S\to T}\isinj(f).
\Sub(T) \defeq (T\to\Prop).
When no confusion can arise, we simply write $\Sub(T)$ for $\Sub^\UU(T)$.
Given a predicate $P$ on $T$, we define $T_P\defeq \sum_{t:T} P(t)$
to be the \emph{underlying type} of the subtype of $T$ characterized by $P$.

Show that $\Sub(T)$ is a set, for any type $T$. Hint:
given subtypes $T_f\defeq(S,f,p)$ and $T_{f'}\defeq(S',f',p')$ of $T$,
show that $T_f=T_{f'}$ amounts to finding a (unique) equivalence%
Since $\Prop$ is a set, $\Sub(T)$ is also a set, for any type $T$.

Let $T$ and $X$ be types, $f: X\to T$ a function,
and $P : T\to\Prop$ a predicate. Show that $\prod_{x:X} P(f(x))$
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
S \ar[rr,"{e}","{\sim}"']\ar[dr,"{f}"'] \& \& S'\ar[dl,"{f'}"] \\
\& T \&
X \ar[dd,dashed,"g"']\ar[r,"f"] \& T \\
\sum_{t:T} P(t) \ar[uur,"{\fst}"']
$e: S\equivto S'$ such that $f = f'\circ e$. See the diagram in the margin.
holds if and only if the following type, visualized in the margin,
is contractible:
\sum_{g: X \to \sum_{t:T} P(t)} f \eqto \fst\circ g.

We call the result in \cref{xca:subtype-univ-prop} the
\emph{universal property of subtypes}.
The following lemma states that identity types in a
subtype are equivalent to those in the type itself.

Let $T$ be a type and $P$ a predicate on $T$.
Consider $\sum_{t:T}P(t)$ and the corresponding projection map
$\fst : T_P \defeq \Bigl(\sum_{t:T}P(t)\Bigr) \to T$.
Then $\ap{\fst}: ((x_1,p_1) \eqto (x_2,p_2)) \to (x_1 \eqto x_2)$ is an equivalence,
for any elements $(x_1,p_1)$ and $(x_2,p_2)$ of $T_P$.
Consider the projection map $\fst$ from the underlying type
$T_P \jdeq \Bigl(\sum_{t:T}P(t)\Bigr)$ to $T$.
Then $\ap{\fst}: ((x_1,p_1) \eqto (x_2,p_2)) \to (x_1 \eqto x_2)$ is an
equivalence, for any elements $(x_1,p_1)$ and $(x_2,p_2)$ of $T_P$.

Expand All @@ -3166,15 +3173,86 @@ \section{Predicates and subtypes}
These give identifications in $\ap{\fst}\pathpair q {c_q} \eqto q$
for all $q: x_1 \eqto x_2$.
Also, for any $r: (x_1,p_1) \eqto (x_2,p_2)$ we have an identification
in $r \eqto \pathpair{\fst(r)}{\snd(r)}$.
The latter pair can be identified with
$\pathpair{\ap{\fst(r)}}{c}$ for any $c$
in $r \eqto \pathpair{\fst(r)}{\snd(r)}$.\footnote{%
Note that $\fst(r)\jdeq\ap{\fst}(r)$, since $r$ is a path,
and similarly for $\snd$.}
The right hand side of the latter can be identified with
$\pathpair {\ap{\fst}(r)} {c}$ for any $c$
in the contractible type $\pathover {p_1} P {\fst(r)} {p_2}$.

Combined with \cref{lem:inj-ap},
this gives that $\fst$ is an injection.\footnote{%
Alternatively, one uses that $\inv\fst(t)\weq P(t)$ for all $t:T$.}
\cref{cor:contract-away} gives that $\inv\fst(t)\weq P(t)$ for all $t:T$,
so $\fst: \sum_{t:T}P(t) \to T$ is an injection.
Such a pair $(T_P,\fst)$ is actually an example of
the second approach to subtypes, which we will explain now.

A \emph{injection into a type}\index{injection!into a type} $T$
is a type $S$ together with an injection $f : S \to T$.%
\glossary(Injinto){$\protect\Inj(T)$}{type of injections into $T$}
The type $S$ is called the \emph{underlying type} of the injection into $T$.
Selecting a universe $\UU$ as a repository for such types $S$ allows
us to introduce the type of injections into $T$ in $\UU$ as follows.
\Inj^\UU(T) \defeq \sum_{S:\UU}\sum_{f:S\to T}\isinj(f).
When no confusion can arise, we simply write $\Inj(T)$ for $\Inj^\UU(T)$.

\cref{lem:subtype-eq-=} yields the following special case
of \cref{xca:subtype-univ-prop}.

Let $S$ and $T$ be types and $i:S\to T$ an injection, \ie all fibers
of $i$ are propositions.
Then the following type is contractible:
\sum_{g: S \to \sum_{t:T} \inv i (t)} \isEq(g)\times (i \eqto \fst\circ g).
We first note that we have a proof $p(s)\defeq(s,\refl{i(s)})$
of the proposition $\inv i (i(s))$, for all $s:S$.
Hence \cref{xca:subtype-univ-prop} implies that the displayed type is
a proposition. Thus it suffices to show that the function $g$ defined by
$g(s)\defeq(i(s),p(s))$ is an equivalence. We show that all fibers
of $g$ are contractible. Let $(t,q):\sum_{t:T} \inv i (t)$. Then
$\inv i (t)$ is contractible.
Now, $\inv g(t,q) \jdeq \sum_{s:S} ((t,q)\eqto(i(s),p(s)))$
is equivalent to $\sum_{s:S} (t\eqto i(s))$, by \cref{lem:subtype-eq-=},
and hence contractble since the latter type is $\inv i (t)$.

The function mapping any $P:\Sub(T)$ to $(T_P,\fst):\Inj(T)$ is an
equivalence from $\Sub(T)$ to $\Inj(T)$, for any type $T$.
We apply \cref{lem:weq-iso}.
The inverse equivalence maps $(S,i):\Inj(T)$ to $(t\mapsto \inv i (t)):\Sub(T)$.
One round trip thus maps $P$ to $(t\mapsto \inv\fst(t))$, and they can
be identified using function extensionality and \cref{cor:contract-away},
as already mentioned just above \cref{def:injtype}.

The other round trip maps $(S,i)$ to $(\sum_{t:T} \inv i (t),\fst)$.
This can be identified using \cref{lem:subtype-univ-injection},
which provides an equivalence $g$ as visualized in the diagram
in the margin.
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
S \ar[rr,"{g}","{\sim}"']\ar[dr,"{i}"'] \& \& \sum_{t:T} \inv i (t)\ar[dl,"{\fst}"] \\
\& T \&

Consequently, $\Inj(T)$ is a set since $\Sub(T)$ is, for any type $T$.


Hence, given a predicate $P$ on $T$,
the \emph{subtype of $T$ characterized by $P$} is defined
as $T_P\defeq \sum_{t:T} P(t)$,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3243,26 +3321,6 @@ \section{Predicates and subtypes}
with a least and a greatest element (even if $T$ is the empty type).

Let $T$ and $X$ be types, $f: X\to T$ a function,
and $P : T\to\Prop$ a predicate.
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
X \ar[dd,dashed,"g"']\ar[r,"f"] \& T \\
\sum_{t:T} P(t) \ar[uur,"{\fst}"']
Construct an equivalence from the proposition
$\prod_{x:X} P(f(x))$ to the type
\sum_{g: X \to \sum_{t:T} P(t)} f \eqto \fst\circ g.
We may call this result the \emph{universal property of subtypes}.

Another important consequence of~\cref{lem:subtype-eq-=}
is that we can afford not to distinguish carefully
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion macros.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -597,7 +597,8 @@
\newcommand*{\incl}{\constant{in}}%the homomorphism in an element #1 in \Mono_G
\newcommand*{\ord}{\casop{\constant{ord}}}% order of cycle/group element
\newcommand*{\Sub}{\casop{\constant{Sub}}}% subtype
\newcommand*{\Sub}{\casop{\constant{Sub}}}% subtype through predicates
\newcommand*{\Inj}{\casop{\constant{Inj}}}% subtype through injections
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