A rework of Tweaks and Fixes, full documentation in the Docs folder and more information in the respective Nexus Mods description.
These are separate from the T&F rework because they don't fit its scope. More information in the respective Nexus Mods description.
- Seamoth Barrel Roll
- Camera Zoom
- Custom Sunbeam Countdown
- Rotatable Ladders
- PDA Movement and Bobbing
- Cockpit Free Look
Note: I realized after release that Mikjaw already created mods with the same goal as Seamoth Barrel Roll and Cockpit Free Look. Check the originals and make your own choice!
These are just for personal use and to have public source code.
- Anisotropic Fix (Credits to WhoTnT.)
- Dynamic Scanner Blips (Optimized and moved the settings to the Mod menu, credits to WhoTnT.)
- Abandon Ship During Cyclops Fire (Ported to Nautilus and added an in-game toggle, credits to Aishsh506.)
- Console Autocompletion (Ported to Nautilus from Console Improved, credits to zorgesho.)
@ungeziefi on Discord, you can find me in the Subnautica Modding server.
Built with Subnautica.Templates and Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.