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Milestone Projects of CS5010



  • Add graphic view, now the game is completely MVC pattern.
  • Add Mouse and Keyboard support, you can easily control the game.
  • Support load different map and restart the current game.
  • Friendly user interface.

How to use

  1. Open the root directory (not ./res). There are three files:
    1. FinalGraphDriver.jar, which is used to run the graphic demo.
  2. Execute the jar, java -jar FinalGraphDriver.jar
  3. Interact with the program:
    1. Click Load World menu button and choose a map (txt file) in the res folder to start a game.
    2. Enjoy the game and try every button, pay attention to the right panel also, it gives you important game messages.
    3. Note: green area is where the pet is in, pink area is where the current turn player is in.
    4. Brief manual
      • Right click: move
      • Press Q: pick up an item
      • Press W: look around
      • Press E: teleport pet
      • Press A: make an attack attempt


  1. No new assumption, every thing is reasonable enough.
  2. Look around can also see the player is now in, but can not see where the pet is.


  1. The GUI can be better, for example the marks hide the name of the room, and sometimes it is hard to find the current player. The instructions is easy to be omitted sometimes.
  2. Some small bugs for the game resizing, but not effect game play.
  3. The view and controller design is not perfect, so it might be difficult to read.




  • Add attack logic, now the game has winner if any one kills the target.
  • Add pets, which helps you kill the target without being seen by players in neighbor room
  • Add command now player can move pet
  • Update information display

How to use

  1. Open the directory ./res. There are three files:
    1. NewDriver.jar, which is used to run the MVC demo.
    2. map.txt, the plain txt file which store the sample data of the world. Can also offer other files (like dungeon.txt).
    3. WorldMap.png, a sample picture representation that is generated according to the world data. Which will be overwrite automatically if you successfully runs the jar. Can also save in other name (like dungeon.png).
  2. Execute the jar, this run recommend using file for reading .
    1. Read from file: java - jar NewDriver.jar -f [filename] [max Turn],
    2. e. g. java -jar NewDriver.jar -f map.txt 100
    3. The last 100 means the max turn: it should be positive
  3. Interact with the program:
    1. First, a window will prompt out, show the map. The window can be put aside as reference as you further interact with the program. The window would turn off automatically after the game is ended or you choose to quit.
    2. Then, you can choose whether to save it to a png file. You can also name the file, if not , it by default will be saved in the WorldMap.png.
    3. Before playing: you need to add at least one player follow the instruction.
    4. Turn begin: input option to make the player move, pick up item or stay and look around.
    5. End game: choose 7 to Exit when its human player's turn or wait for the turn to end.


  1. free information (no cost of turn) to give to player includes:

    1. get the target information like location or maybe health
    2. get detailed information for the current room the player is in, include items and other characters in the room
  2. Turn cost look around should also help player see all detailed information of the neighboring room so it is worthy the turn.

  3. Moving a pet can put the pet to any valid room . And the moving is more like a teleporting and the player is still in the original room. And the moving will cause the pet to change its depth-first-traversal logic。

  4. If attack is seen by others, the attack is cancelled but the turn is consumed.


  1. The interaction is mainly for console user, and it is hard to display information, users should memorize certain things by themselves.
  2. I found it is hard to get the information about if one could be seen by others, the only way is to look around to see it others were in neighbor, but the turn is cost by doing that, and the next time you want to attack you can not be certain if someone has come to the neighbor, so it might be hard to kill the doctor~


Example run

  1. begin the program: java -jar NewDriver.jar -f "map_easy.txt" 100, this means use the default map, run for 100 turn. You will see the the loading info, if finished, a brief word description will show, as well as the map window pop out, you can drag it aside and choose if save it to a png file.

  2. set up the player: here we add three player, "Jimmy", location =4 capacity = 2, human player; "AI", location = 1, capacity = 2, computer player; Remember to enter y to let them be added, and enter y again to begin game.

  3. Every turn, first it gives out information who's turn it is, if is human player, also shows a simple menu, like

    [TURN 1] Player No.0 "Jimmy"'s turn Target: ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 0, hp = 3] Pet: ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 0] Player: [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4] [No.1 "AI", pos = 1] Please select one of the option below MENU|1.Move|2.Pickup|3.LookAround|4.Attack|5.MovePet|6.ChekcInfo|7.Exit

  4. Target have 3Hp, our strategy is to pick up item, move pet, and kill it

  5. Output is like this

    [TURN 1]
    Player No.0 "Jimmy"'s turn
        ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 0, hp = 3]
        ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 0]
        [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4]
        [No.1 "AI", pos = 1]
    Please select one of the option below
    Item [itemId = 1, itemName = Letter Opener, itemDamage = 2, storedLocation = 4]
    Enter the item  you want to pick up
    Player No.0 "Jimmy" try to pick up No.1 "Letter Opener" Damage:2
    Pick up successfully.
    [TURN 2]
    Player No.1 "AI"'s turn
        ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 1, hp = 3]
        ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 1]
        [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4]
        [No.1 "AI", pos = 1]
    Player No.1 "AI" try to attack "Doctor Lucky" using poking in the eye ...
    Attack successfully, target get damage of 1.
    ​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Turn End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [TURN 3]
    Player No.0 "Jimmy"'s turn
        ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 2, hp = 2]
        ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 3]
        [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4]
        [No.1 "AI", pos = 1]
    Please select one of the option below
    -------------------Neighbor Info-------------------
    No.0 "Armory"
    No.3 "Dining Hall"
    No.5 "Foyer"
    No.19 "Wine Cellar"
    -------------------Target DETAILS-------------------
    Target: "Doctor Lucky"
    Health: 2
    Location: 2
    Target's pet: "Fortune the Cat"
    Location: 3
    Enter the room index to move the pet to (between 0 and 20):
    Player No.0 "Jimmy" try to move pet "Fortune the Cat" to No.0 "Armory"
    Move pet to No.0 "Armory" successfully.
    ​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Turn End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [TURN 4]
    Player No.1 "AI"'s turn
        ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 3, hp = 2]
        ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 0]
        [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4]
        [No.1 "AI", pos = 1]
    Player No.1 "AI" try to pick up No.8 "Billiard Cue" Damage:2
    Pick up successfully.
    ​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Turn End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    [TURN 5]
    Player No.0 "Jimmy"'s turn
        ["Doctor Lucky", pos = 4, hp = 2]
        ["Fortune the Cat", pos = 1]
        [No.0 "Jimmy", pos = 4]
        [No.1 "AI", pos = 1]
    Please select one of the option below
    -------------------Target DETAILS-------------------
    Target: "Doctor Lucky"
    Health: 2
    Location: 4
    Target's pet: "Fortune the Cat"
    Location: 1
    Items you are carring:
    [No.1 "Letter Opener" Damage:2]
    Enter the item id you want to use, press enter to skip using item
    Player No.0 "Jimmy" try to attack "Doctor Lucky" using Letter Opener ...
    Attack successfully, target get damage of 2.
    No.1 "Letter Opener" Damage:2 is removed.
    Target's health is zeroNo.0 "Jimmy" win the game.
    ​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Turn End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Opps, "Doctor Lucky" is dead, No.0 "Jimmy" is the winner!
    Game exited...
    New driver successfully run. Goodbye!.

Milestone 2 backup

How to use

  1. Open the directory ./res

    . There are three files:

    1. NewDriver.jar, which is used to run the MVC demo.
    2. map.txt, the plain txt file which store the sample data of the world. Can also offer other files (like dungeon.txt).
    3. WorldMap.png, a sample picture representation that is generated according to the world data. Which will be overwrite automatically if you successfully runs the jar. Can also save in other name (like dungeon.png).
  2. Execute the jar,

    this run recommend using file for reading .

    1. Read from file: java - jar Driver.jar -f [filename] [max Turn],
    2. e. g. java -jar Driver.jar -f map.txt 100
    3. The last 100 means the max turn: it should be positive
  3. Interact with the program:

    1. First, a window will prompt out, show the map. The window can be put aside as reference as you further interact with the program. The window would turn off automatically after the game is ended or you choose to quit.
    2. Then, you can choose whether to save it to a png file. You can also name the file, if not , it by default will be saved in the WorldMap.png.
    3. Before playing: you need to add at least one player follow the instruction.
    4. Turn begin: input option to make the player move, pick up item or stay and look around.
    5. End game: choose 7 to Exit when its human player's turn or wait for the turn to end.

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lucid chart(updated) :

citation: no


  1. Player choose the item they want to pick up and if no item in the room or the capacity is reached, they can not choose to spend this turn in picking up (applied to computer, too).


  1. The game is still not have a target to win
  2. The interaction is mainly for console user, and it is hard to display information, users should memorize certain things by themselves.

Example run

  1. begin the program: java -jar NewDriver.jar -f map.txt 15, this means use the default map, run for 15 turn. You will see the the loading info, if finished, a brief word description will show, as well as the map window pop out, you can drag it aside and choose if save it to a png file.

  2. set up the player: here we add three player, "Jimmy", location = 0, capacity = 2, human player; "AI", location = 0, capacity = 1, computer player; "Penny", location = 3, capacity = 2, human player. Remember to enter y to let them be added, and enter y again to begin game.

  3. Every turn, first it gives out information who's turn it is, if is human player, also shows a simple menu, like

    [TURN 1] Player No.0 "Jimmy"'s turn Please select one of the option below MENU|1.Move|2.Pickup|3.LookAround|4.PlayerInfo|5.RoomInfo|6.Target|7.Exit

  4. Choose option, like move

    -------------------Neighbor Info------------------- No.1 "Billiard Room" No.3 "Dining Hall" No.4 "Drawing Room" Enter the room index to move to

    Enter 4 Player No.0 "Jimmy" try to move to No.4 "Drawing Room" Move to neighbor successfully. -------------------PLAYER DETAILS------------------- Player: No.0 "Jimmy" Control Type: HUMAN Location: 4 Stock|Capacity: 0|2 Items: []

  5. the computer will action automatically

    [TURN 2] Player No.1 "AI"'s turn Player No.1 "AI" try to move to No.4 "Drawing Room" Move to neighbor successfully. -------------------PLAYER DETAILS------------------- Player: No.1 "AI" Control Type: COMPUTER Location: 4 Stock|Capacity: 0|1 Items: []

  6. if no item, there will be prompt to tell you this

  7. [TURN 3] Player No.2 "Penny"'s turn Please select one of the option below MENU|1.Move|2.Pickup|3.LookAround|4.PlayerInfo|5.RoomInfo|6.Target|7.Exit 2 Room has not item, choose other option.

  8. When Max turn(15) reached, game exit

MileStone1 backup

How to use:

  1. Open the directory ./res. There are three files:

    1. Driver.jar, which is used to run the demo.
    2. map.txt, the plain txt file which store the sample data of the world. Can also offer other files (like dungeon.txt).
    3. WorldMap.png, a sample picture representation that is generated according to the world data. Which will be overwrite automatically if you successfully runs the jar. Can also save in other name (like dungeon.png).
  2. Execute the jar, there are two ways.

    1. Read from file: java - jar Driver.jar -f [filename], e. g. java -jar Driver.jar -f map.txt

    2. Read from String: java - jar Driver.jar -s [world data], on windows, the terminal can accept multiple lines with ^ as one argument, so an example is

      1. first type : java -jar Driver.jar -s ^
    3. paste all the following data to the command line (Ctrl+c, then right mouse click)

      "36 30 Doctor Lucky's Mansion^^n50 Doctor Lucky^^n21^^n22 19 23 26 Armory^^n16 21 21 28 Billiard Room^^n28 0 35 5 Carriage House^^n12 11 21 20 Dining Hall^^n22 13 25 18 Drawing Room^^n26 13 27 18 Foyer^^n28 26 35 29 Green House^^n30 20 35 25 Hedge Maze^^n16 3 21 10 Kitchen^^n0 3 5 8 Lancaster Room^^n4 23 9 28 Library^^n2 9 7 14 Lilac Room^^n2 15 7 22 Master Suite^^n0 23 3 28 Nursery^^n10 5 15 10 Parlor^^n28 12 35 19 Piazza^^n6 3 9 8 Servants' Quarters^^n8 11 11 20 Tennessee Room^^n10 21 15 26 Trophy Room^^n22 5 23 12 Wine Cellar^^n30 6 35 11 Winter Garden^^n20^^n8 3 Crepe Pan^^n4 2 Letter Opener^^n12 2 Shoe Horn^^n8 3 Sharp Knife^^n0 3 Revolver^^n15 3 Civil War Cannon^^n2 4 Chain Saw^^n16 2 Broom Stick^^n1 2 Billiard Cue^^n19 2 Rat Poison^^n6 2 Trowel^^n2 4 Big Red Hammer^^n6 2 Pinking Shears^^n18 3 Duck Decoy^^n13 2 Bad Cream^^n18 2 Monkey Hand^^n11 2 Tight Hat^^n19 2 Piece of Rope^^n9 3 Silken Cord^^n7 2 Loud Noise"

    4. note all the line is break with ^^n, and that can only be executed on windows, mac not compatible yet

  3. Interact with the program:

    1. First, a window will prompt out, show the map. The window can be put aside as reference as you further interact with the program. But remember to close it at the end of the program in order to get back to command line.
    2. Then, you can choose whether to save it to a png file. You can also name the file, if not , it by default will be saved in the WorldMap.png.
    3. Interact with the menu to display various of information about the world, target character moving, the room and the item.
    4. Note: since the visibility is not clearly defined, the logic here is two room has overlap either in X or Y axis, assuming all walls between them are transparent.

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Milestone Projects of CS5010






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