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Introduction to Algorithms (MIT 6.006)

REPO: algorithms
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Work notes from Introduction to Algorithms MIT 6.006 course lectures on ytube
MIT 6.006 course info ~ Lecture & Problem Schedule ~ Lecture notes ~ Resources - Python / Latex ~ Quizzes / Exams


KEY: (:white_check_mark:) watched, (:mag:) rewatch, (:flashlight:) unseen / to watch, (:question:) problem / open question
CODE: (:seedling:) code complete, (:cactus:) incomplete / needs work, (:lemon:) not happy / code smells,

Lectures Recitations Problem Sets Solutions Example Code Implementation
01. Algorithmic Thinking, Peak Finding R01. Asymptotic Complexity, Peak Finding Set 1 PDF Set 1 DocDistance Optimisations PS1 - Problem Code
02. Models of Computation, Document Distance 🔦 R02. Python Cost Model, Document Distance
03. Insertion Sort, Merge Sort R03. Document Distance, Insertion and Merge Sort Set 2 PDF PS2 - Problem Code 🌱 merge.sort-P3
04. Heaps and Heap Sort 🌱 Heap-P3
05. Binary Search Trees, BST Sort R05. Recursion Trees, Binary Search Trees 🌱 BST-P3
06. AVL Trees, AVL Sort R06. AVL Trees AVL / BST 🌱 AVL-P3
07. Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Lower Bounds for Sorting R07. Comparison Sort, Counting and Radix Sort Set 3 PDF PS3 - Problem Code
08. Hashing with Chaining R08. Simulation Algorithms 🌱 Hash.w.Chaining-P3 🌵 Hash Div/Mul Word search
09. Table Doubling, Karp R09. Rolling Hashes, Amortized Analysis Set 4 PDF PS4 - Problem Code
No lecture 9b R09b - DNA Sequence Matching
🔦 10. Open Addressing, Cryptographic Hashing R10. Quiz 1 Review Quiz 1 Quiz 1
🔍 11. Integer Arithmetic, Karatsuba Multiplication 🔍 R11. Principles of Algorithm Design Set 5 PDF
🔍 12. Square Roots, Newton's Method 🔍 R12. Karatsuba Multiplication, Newton's Method
🔍 13. Breadth First Search 🔍 R13. Breadth First Search - BFS
🔍 14. Depth First Search 🔍 R14. Depth First Search Set 6 PDF
🔍 15. Single Source Shortest Paths 🔍 R15. Shortest Paths
🔍 16. Dijkstra 🔍 R16. Rubik's Cube, StarCraft Zero
🔍 17. Bellman-Ford no Recitation 17 Quiz 2 Quiz 2
🔍 18. Speeding up Dijkstra 🔍 R18. Quiz 2 Review Set 7 PDF
🔍 19. Dynamic Programming I - Fibonacci, Shortest Paths 🔍 R19. Dynamic Programming - Crazy Eights, Shortest Path
🔍 20. Dynamic Programming II - Text Justification, Blackjack 🔍 R20. Dynamic Programming - Blackjack
🔍 21. DP III - Parenthesization, Edit Distance, Knapsack 🔍 R21. Dynamic Programming - Knapsack Problem
🔍 22. DP IV - Guitar Fingering, Tetris, Super Mario Bros. 🔍 R22. Dynamic Programming - Dance Dance Revolution
🔍 23. Computational Complexity 🔍 R23. Computational Complexity Final Exam Final Exam
24. Topics in Algorithms Research 🔍 R24. Final Exam Review

TABLE created with Table Generator - load table from here


  1. Abstract
  2. Progress
  3. Contents
  4. AIM:
  5. Intoduction to algorithms MIT - part 1 / 3:
  6. Unit 1: Introduction
    1. L1 - Algorithmic thinking, peak finding
      1. Vid contents - L1
      2. Symbols:
      3. Useful maths equations
    2. R1 - Asymtotic Complexity
      1. Vid contents - R1
      2. Maths notes
    3. L2 - Models of computation, Python cost model, document distance
      1. Vid contents - L2
      2. Model of computation:
      3. Python Model - Computational Steps
      4. Document distance (problem and algorithms)
      5. Examples Document distance code:
      6. Maths notes
    4. R2 - doc distance optimisation - python cost model
      1. Vid contents - R2
      2. Setting up for profiling
      3. Code of code
      4. Comparing versions
      5. Maths notes
  7. Problem set 1.
    1. Problem 1-1. [15 points] Asymptotic Practice 
Calculating asymptotic complexity (Big O notation)
    2. Problem 1-2. [15 points] Recurrence Relation Resolution
    3. Problem 1-3. [16 points] Peak-Finding Correctness
    4. Problem 1-4. [16 points] Peak-Finding Efficiency
    5. Problem 1-5. [19 points] Peak-Finding Proof
    6. Problem 1-6. [19 points] Peak-Finding Counterexamples
 data that shows how the python algorithms can fail
  8. Unit 2: Sorting and Trees
    1. L3 - Insertion sort, merge sort
      1. Insertion sort
      2. Merge Sort
    2. L4 - Heaps and heap sort
      1. DATA STRUCTURE - Priority Q - L4 3m33
      2. Priority Queue
      3. Heap
        1. Heap as a tree navigation
        2. Heap as a tree properties
        3. Max_heapify
    3. L5 - Binary search trees, BST sort
      1. DATA STRUCTURE - BST - Binary search trees
      2. Vid contents - L5
      3. Augmented BST - 37m - node_count_before - RANK
    4. R5 - Recursion Trees, Binary Search Trees
      1. Vid contents - R5
      2. Maths notes
      3. get_successor()
      4. delete()
    5. L6 - AVL trees, AVL sort
      1. DATA STRUCTURE - AVL tree - R6 50m
      2. Vid contents - L6
      3. EG prob:
      4. TERMS
      5. Maths notes - AVL tree (19-25m) - height analysis v1
      6. Maths notes - AVL tree (26m) - height analysis v2
    6. R6 - AVL trees
      1. **Vid contents - **
      2. BST review
      3. AVL properties
      4. Maths notes
    7. L7 - Counting sort, radix sort, lower bounds for sorting and searching
      1. DATA STRUCTURE - Counting sort
      2. DATA STRUCTURE - Radix sort
      3. Vid contents - L7
      4. Sorting in Linear-Time
        1. Counting Sort - 37m
        2. Radix Sort - 45m
    8. R7 - Algos so far summary -
      1. Vid contents - R7
      2. Summary Sorting Algos So far:
      3. Maths notes
  9. Problem set 2.
    1. 2-1 Fractal rendering [40pts]
    2. 2-2 Digital Circuit Simulation [60pt]
  10. Unit 3: Hashing
    1. L8 - Hashing with chaining - (dictionary / associative array)
      1. Vid contents - L8
    2. R8 - Simulation Algorithms
      1. Vid contents - R8
      2. Maths notes
    3. L9 - Table doubling, Karp-Rabin
      1. Vid contents - L9
    4. R9 - Rolling Hashes, Amortized Analysis
      1. Vid contents - R9
      2. Maths notes
    5. R9b - 9b: DNA Sequence Matching
      1. Vid contents - R9b
      2. Maths notes
  11. Problem set 3 - Range Query (Analysis) / Circuit Layout (Tool optimisation)
    1. 3-1 Range Query - AVL tree
    2. 3-2 Tool Optimisation [55 points]
      1. REFS - alt profilers
    3. L10 - Open addressing, cryptographic hashing
      2. Vid contents - L10
      3. EG prob:
      4. Maths notes
    4. R10 - Quiz 1 review
      1. Vid contents - R10
      2. EG prob: s
      3. Maths notes
  12. Problem set 4
  13. Quiz 1
  14. Unit 4: Numerics
    1. L11 - Integer arithmetic, Karatsuba multiplication
      1. Vid contents - L11
      2. EG prob:
    2. R11 - Principles of Algorithm Design
      1. Vid contents - R11
      2. Principle of practical algorithm design
    3. L12 - Square roots, Newton's method
      2. Vid contents - L12
      3. EG prob:
      4. Maths notes
    4. R12 - Karatsuba Multiplication, Newtons Method
      1. Vid contents - R12
      2. Example of finding cubed root
      3. Maths notes
  15. Unit 5: Graphs
    1. L13 - Breadth-first search (BFS)
      1. ADT - Algo - BFS
      2. Vid contents - L13
      3. Maths notes
    2. R13 - Breadth-First Search (BFS)
      1. Vid contents - R13
    3. L14 - Depth-first search (DFS), topological sorting
      1. ADT - Algo - DFS - Θ(V+E)
      2. Vid contents - L14
    4. R14 - Depth-First Search (DFS)
      1. Vid contents - R14
  16. Problem set 5 due
  17. Unit 6: Shortest Paths
    1. L15 - Single-Source Shortest Paths Problem
      2. Vid contents - L15
    2. R15 - BFS - Shortest Paths
      1. Vid contents - R15
    3. L16 - Dijkstra
      1. ALGO - Dijkstra
      2. Vid contents - L16
      3. EG prob: - autogen map data to feed dijkstra
      4. Maths notes
    4. R16 - Rubiks Cube, StarCraft Zero
      1. Vid contents - R16
      2. EG prob:
      3. Maths notes
    5. L17 - Bellman-Ford
      1. ALGO - Bellma-Ford
      2. Vid contents - L17
    6. L18 - Speeding up Dijkstra
      2. **Vid contents - **
      3. EG prob:
      4. Maths notes
    7. R18 - Quiz 2 Review
      1. Vid contents - Q2 review
      2. Maths notes
  18. Unit 7: Dynamic Programming
    1. L19 - Memoization, subproblems, guessing, bottom-up; Fibonacci, shortest paths
      2. Vid contents - L19
      3. EG prob: - Fibonacci
      4. EG prob: - Shortest Path
      5. Maths notes
    2. R19 - Dynamic Programming: Crazy Eights, Shortest Path
      1. Vid contents - R19
    3. L20 - Dynamic Programming II: Text Justification, perfect information Blackjack. parent pointers
      2. Vid contents - L20
      3. EG prob: - Fibonacci
      4. EG prob: - Shortest Path
      5. EG prob: - Text Justification 17m-35m
      6. EG prob: - perfect information Blackjack 39m
    4. R20 - Dynamic Programming: Blackjack
      1. **Vid contents - **
    5. L21 - String subproblems, psuedopolynomial time; parenthesization, edit distance, knapsack
      2. Vid contents - L21
    6. R21 - Dynamic Programming: Knapsack Problem
      1. Vid contents - R21
      2. EG - Knapsack problem - 1m
    7. [L22 - Two kinds of guessing; piano/guitar fingering, Tetris training, Super Mario Bros.vid](#l22---two-kinds-of-guessing-pianoguitar-fingering-tetris-training-super-mario-brosvid)
      2. Vid contents - L22
      3. EG prob:
    8. R22 - Dynamic Programming: Dance Dance Revolution
      1. Vid contents - R22
      2. EG - DDR - Dance Dance Revolution
  19. Problem set 7 due
  20. Unit 8: Advanced Topics
    1. L23 - Computational complexity
      2. **Vid contents - **
    2. R23 - Computational Compelexity
      1. **Vid contents - **
    3. 24 - Algorithms research topics
      2. **Vid contents - **
      3. EG prob:
      4. Maths notes
    4. R24 - Final Exam review
      1. **Vid contents - **
      2. EG prob:
      3. Maths notes
  21. Glossary of terms
  22. How To s
    1. How so I plot a chart with python?
    2. How to setup autogenerate file from RTF notes?
    3. How do I autogenerate file from RTF?
    4. How can I add maths formulas to
      1. Manually: Generate math image and embed it.
      2. Automagically: Install texify.
      3. How can I get rid of ref numbers, or get them to increment at least?
  23. References
    1. Intoduction to algorithms MIT (part 1 / 3):
    2. LaTex example setup and doc repo:
    3. Design & Analysis of Algorithms (part 2 / 3)
    4. Advanced Algorithms 2008 (part 3 / 3)


Create an algorithms reference, and aide-memoire

In the mean time here are two great resources:
Big O Cheat Sheet:
Open data structures:

Intoduction to algorithms MIT - part 1 / 3:


Unit 1: Introduction

L1 - Algorithmic thinking, peak finding

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes

Vid contents - L1

time notes
0m - 15m45 Introduction to course and 8 units its separated into - mentions prerequisite Maths 6.042
15m45 - 36m20 Peak finding 1D
17m50 defining the solution to 1D algorithm
27m40 Divide & conquer (binary search)
32m30 Recurence relation overview
36m20 Peak finding 2D
37m13 defining the solution to 2D algorithm - note a >= b - means
38m Greedy ascent algorithm - find highest neighbour, go in that direction, loop
40m43 Greedy ascent algorithm complexity Θ(mn) (rown x columns) O(n^2) IE BAD!
43m 2D binary search
46m EG 1 - incorrect search
47m45 EG2 - working version
51m25 Recurrence for 2D algorithm
54m15 Note on PS1 - Prove one algorithm is correct & find counter examples for the rest (which are not)

Time complexity (always worst case complexity) aka: Big O notation / Bachmann-Landau notation / asymptotic notation.
See Time Complexity of Common Data Structures great summary of array sorting algorithm complexity and data structure operations


The following symbols o, Ω, ω, and Θ, are used to describe differing kinds of bounds on asymptotic growth rates.

symbol reads description
O big O describes the asymptotic behaviour of functions WORST case or UPPER bound (common in CompSci)
Θ big Theta describes the asymptotic behaviour of functions AVERAGE case - LOWER BOUND & UPPER BOUND (common in CompSci) (note the upper and lower bounds are the same function that only differs by a constant)
Ω big Omega BEST case or LOWER bound (common in CompSci)
o little O loose upper bound (common in Maths rare in CompSci)
ω little omega rough estimate of the order of the growth (rarely used)
T(n) time function? function defining the exact Time or number of steps to complete an algorithm for n items

Big O Notation wikipedia Family of Bachmann-Landau notations
Big O Notation notes from MIT p3 - from wikipedia?
Maths Symbols by subject Asymptotic behaviour

Time Complexity - Order Severity w/ Examples
alt text

Image source: wikipedia Licence: Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

The rate of growth of a function is also known as its order.
Great resource about Common Time Complexities

Where c is a constant and n is the size of data - number of elements to process:

name notation example
LOW - -
constant time O(1) Simple calculations, array lookups
logarithmic time O(log n) Binary search
linear time O(n) Finding smallest / large item in unsorted list
linearithmic time O(n log n) comparison sort, Fast Fourier Transform
polylogarithmic time O((log n) ^ c)
quadratic time O(n^2) Bubble sort
polynomial time O(n^c) where constant c > 1 AKS Primality Test
exponential time O(2^n) Various brute force searches
factorial time O(n!) Brute force travelling salesman
HIGH - many more here - wikipedia

If a function is made up of multiple components, (nearly always) the highest order is used: (this is because big O is the upper bound (worst case) and highest order will be fastest growing and eventually dwarf the other terms)

That is to say if a function f(n) is a sum of functions, one of which grows faster than the others, then **the faster growing one determines the order of f(n)**.

Simplified set theory? . . .
Some people (mostly mathematicians, as opposed to computer scientists) prefer to define O(g(x)) as a set-valued function, whose value is all functions that do not grow faster then g(x), and use set membership notation to indicate that a specific function is a member of the set thus defined. Both forms are in common use, but the sloppier equality notation is more common at present.

Peak finding: assuming single peak, and
Initial look at 1d peak finding (an single index array) a) linear b) search by halves - height of a binary tree is logn (log base 2)

34m50 T(n) = Θ(1) + . . . Θ(1) = Θ(logn)
Binary search tree is formed by the search by halves algorithm and the number of steps to find the target is the height of the tree.
See R1 31m & 43m

Question: What comprises work due to n and what can be counted as constant time Θ(1) and disregarded!


m = columns n = rows **That all makes sense but binary search relies on sorted data and the data in the example is NOT sorted.** Swapping 14 & 20 would result in a fail, maybe it�ll make sense later!

Useful maths equations

Fundamental to binary tree algorithms:

R1 - Asymtotic Complexity

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code - PSet 1

Vid contents - R1

time notes
2m - 13m40 Asymptotic complexity Ω, Θ, O
13m40 common worst case runtimes
16m example asymptotic notation
23m log(log(n))
25m log ( N choose N/2 ) = Θ(n)
31m 43m peak finding 1d - running time T(n)
43m - 53m peak finding - running time T(n)

g(x) = O(f(x)) - UPPER bound - O - big O
g(x) = Θ(f(x)) - UPPER & LOWER bound - Θ - big Theta
g(x) = Ω(f(x)) - LOWER bound - Ω - big Omega

But in this course where big O is written it usually mean big Θ 13m - thanks for the confusion

31m 1d Peak finding - running timeT(n) WRITE OUT - in hand written notes L1

43m 2d Peak finding - running timeT(n) WRITE OUT - in hand written notes L1

Finish R1 notes from - Recurrence Traps & 2-D Peak Finding: Algorithm 5

Maths notes

(26m) Stirlings approximation - equation for n!

(26m) [Equation for Series - summation](

L2 - Models of computation, Python cost model, document distance

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ DocDistance 8 versions Code see R2 ~ DocDistance 8 versions R2 notes

Vid contents - L2

time notes
0-6m Whats an algorithm
6m model of computation
7m50 Random access machine (model of computation)
13m40 Pointer machine (model of computation)
19m-32m Python model
32m-44m Document distance
44m 8 version of doc distance and optimisations

Algorithm: computational procedure for solving a problem
What is time (complexity)? O(1) = constant time

Model of computation:

Operations an algorithm can perform
Time cost of those operations
Models of computation:
a) random access machine RAM - word array
- load O(1)
- compute O(1)
- store O(1)
- word log(size of memory)
b) pointer machine (OO programming)
- dynamically allocated objects O(1)
- object has constant no of fields O(1)
- word or pointer / references / null or None O(1)

Python Model - Computational Steps

Increment array item:
list[i] = list[i] + 5 is O(1)

Object attribute access:
obj w/ O(1) number of attributes (constant no. of attributes)
attribute access is O(1) - pointer/ref access

Access next item in linked list:
x = is O(1)

Add item to linked list:
list.append(x) ? python uses table doubling O(1)

Adding two linked lists together
list1 + list2 O(n)
Code steps:
L = [] O(1)
for x in list1: L.append(x) O( len(list1) ) - for list L - len(L) also written | L |
for x in list2: L.append(x) O( len(list2) ) - len, length, size, no of elements
total: **O(1 + len(list1) + len(list2) ) = O(n) **

Checking existence of item in list:
x in L O(n) - linear time
from python check to see if x is in list L
required search through whole list (worst case)

Sorting a list:
L.sort() O(| L | log | L |) - ie O(n log n)
Covered Lecture 3 Insertion sort, merge sort

Retrieving item from hash w/ key:
retrieve dict[key] O(1) constant time (uses lookup hash)
Covered in Lectures 8-10 Hashing with chaining

Adding two longs (many word numbers)
add two number of x words & y words:
x+y O(|x| + |y|)
x*y O((|x| + |y|)^lg3)
NOTE lg used instead of log base 2 (log_2)
lg3 = 1.6 so better than quadratic time
Covered in Lecture 11 - Integer arithmetic, Karatsuba multiplication

heapq covered in lecture 4 - Heaps and heap sort

Document distance (problem and algorithms)

d�(D1, D2) like a correlation function, similarity of two documents

The idea is to look for shared words:
Start by creating the vector of a document, hash of words (key = word) with a count of each one as value.
Create a vector common words, it contains only the word in both doc vectors
Sum them up to give a value.
The larger the value the more correlated they are.
Obviously bigger documents will naturally give bigger numbers do the value is normalised by dividing by the size of the original vectors.

Examples Document distance code:

this repo or on web

Maths notes

41m angle of two vectors
more detail?

Time Complexity of Common Data Structures
Look into this Latex insertion solution
using pdfLatex may work
Or use LaTeXiT from the command line to parse and auto generate equations
Or readme2tex

R2 - doc distance optimisation - python cost model

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes - CODE handout ~ python cost model 8 sources compared ~ Doc Distance 7 stages optimisation local code ~ Code - PSet 1

Vid contents - R2

time notes
0-7m inner product
7m** go through docdist1
13m** cost of code by line - docdist1: get_words_from_string() - CODE handout
One line, N = characters, w = word size, number of word = N / w + 1 (1 for each space)

Setting up for profiling

Code of code

Texify issue notes
Let me try this again but without the opening and closing brackets "<" and ">" so it won't try to render :)
What TeXify emits:
<img src="/docs/Tuple/tex/4b83ab92144c8118c40653189ab60df5.svg?invert_in_darkmode&sanitize=true" align=middle width=81.54091274999998pt height=22.831056599999986pt/>
What it needs to be:
<img src="/docs/Tuple/tex/4b83ab92144c8118c40653189ab60df5.svg?invert_in_darkmode&sanitize=true" align="middle" width="81.54091274999998pt" height="22.831056599999986pt"/&gt:

Comparing versions

Compare dd1 vs dd2 optimisation

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

Problem set 1.

PDF here

Problem 1-1. [15 points] Asymptotic Practice 
Calculating asymptotic complexity (Big O notation)

For each group of functions, sort the functions in increasing order of asymptotic (big-O) complexity:
Order of complexity here Time Complexity - Order Severity
Plotting functions to get a feel for them ./matplotlib/
Comment functions in/out of the source or add custom functions!

Problem 1.1a

Problem 1.1b

Note for f3() boils down to this [proof I think . . ](

with the left dominating the right give nlog(n)

Problem 1.1c

Problem 1-2. [15 points] Recurrence Relation Resolution

For each of the following recurrence relations, pick the correct asymptotic runtime:
asymptotic complexity of an algorithm with runtime T (n, n)
Maths course:

Lots of resources for recurrence relations

Problem 1-3. [16 points] Peak-Finding Correctness

Double click /problems/MIT6_006F11_ps1/visualizer.html to see algorithms in operation.
Python code notes:
Its python2 so run with

> cd /algorithms/problems/MIT6_006F11_ps1				# source unzip directory
> python ./ 
Enter a file name to load from (default: 
Algorithm 1 : (4, 4) => is a peak
Algorithm 2 : (4, 4) => is a peak
Algorithm 3 : (4, 4) => is a peak
Algorithm 4 : (4, 4) => is a peak

OK so whats going on here?
	load problem(matrix) from pas file name via CLI arg)
	create list of algos, tuples of (name, algo_no_func)
	iterate through list and call each algo w problem, trace
		trace object is a list of dictionaries, each method appends a result of each step in the algorithm as a dict
		the list of dicts is coverted into json file (trace.jsonp) 
	print results

Once run the results can be visualised with visualizer.html which loads data created by the tracer (in trace.jsonp)
	json file loaded by visualiser: <script type="text/javascript" src="./trace.jsonp"></script>	

Asses each algorithm to see if it is correct, and if it is efficient:
a) algo 1 correct? r x c
p1 (4,4) yes
p2 (2,7) yes
p3 (3,5) no - 11 surrounded by 3 11�s finds peak right there
p4 (3,4) yes
p5 (3,8) no - stops on consecutive same values


b) algo 2 correct? r x c
p1 (4,4) yes
p2 (4,3) no - stops on consecutive same values - CHANGE TEST
p3 (4,3) no - stops on consecutive same values - CHANGE TEST
p4 (4,4) yes
p5 (4,5) no -


c) algo 3 correct? r x c
p1 (4,4) yes
p2 (5,4) no - goes left - stops on consecutive same values - CHANGE? TEST - recursion required
p3 (6,5) no - stops on consecutive same values - > test p4 (4,4) yes
p5 (5,8) no -


d) algo4 correct? r x c
p1 (4,4) yes
p2 (5,4) no - goes left - stops on consecutive same values - CHANGE? TEST - recursion required p3 (6,5) no - stops on consecutive same values - > test p4 (4,4) yes
p5 (5,8) no - efficient?

e) algo 5 brute force scan - CORRECT p1 (4,4) yes
p2 (2,7) yes
p3 (4,6) yes
p4 (4,4) yes
p5 (6,6) yes

Problem 1-4. [16 points] Peak-Finding Efficiency

Look at 4 alorithms in 
Assess correctness, efficiency

Problem 1-5. [19 points] Peak-Finding Proof

proof for one of the algorithms

Problem 1-6. [19 points] Peak-Finding Counterexamples
 data that shows how the python algorithms can fail

REFERENCES: Correctness - various proofs
Reccurence relation by Induction

Unit 2: Sorting and Trees

L3 - Insertion sort, merge sort

contents ~ vid recitation
lect notes

Insertion sort

Sorted list have various properties:
simple to find median (constant time)
find item:
scan to find O(n) in sorted & unsorted list
binary search O(log n) (halves the list at each step)

Application: compression (frequency counting), graphic z-order etc

Insertion sort - also in doc distance python files (/algorithms/lecture_code/L2_doc_distance)

Bubble sort (scan list swap values in the wrong order, repeat) O(n^2)

Insertion Sort
a) Vanilla insertion sort (L2_doc_distance)
Move 1st item to new list, move next item to new list scan until correct place found, insert, repeat
n^2 - breaks down as: (n for number of items) * (n for search & insert )

b) Binary insertion sort
Move 1st item to new list, move next item to new list binary search until correct place found, insert, repeat
n log n - breaks down as: (n for number of items) * (log n for binary search & insert )

Merge Sort

Merge sort in 3mins
Pseudocode: (@ 2m32 in above link) Split array into 2,
repeat until only 2 items in each leaf,
sort those two items,
go up a layer and merge leaves

[Python implementation here] ( likely naive.

Concept of auxiliary space, in the above python code that would be stack I assume.

Instrument the merge sort code - s

Difference between theta, omega complexity and big O

L4 - Heaps and heap sort

vid lect notes
Reading: none listed
Code: Python

DATA STRUCTURE - Priority Q - L4 3m33

type: - (maxheap or minheap) - prefered implementation ?
use cases: finding min or max value in sorted set (not both), scheduling, flattening linked list, finding non overlaping intervals, ROAM
queries: min/max
updates: pop_min/max - Θ(logn), insert item - Θ(logn), delete item - Θ(logn), change priority
RI max heap: Node is larger than or equal child nodes, complete binary tree
RI min heap: Node is less than or equal child nodes, complete binary tree
properties: root contains max/min value, comparison model
node positions in array:
root i=1
parent = i/2
lc_i = 2i
rc_i = 2i+1
array implementation allocation
RI - representation invariant

Priority Queue

Implements a set of elements associated with a key - methods: insert(x, into set S) - add S as leaf node and bubble up to correct position,
get max priority (of set S) - read max - O(1) extract_max (of set S) - pop(max) replace max w/ last leaf and maxheapify - swap it w/ higher of the two leaves until in correct position, O(logn)
inc_key (in set S, increase element x�s key, to value k)
get min priority (of set S),
delete, change priority in Q.


Is an implementation of a priority Q, array structure visualised as a nearly complete binary tree - p4

Root of tree is array index 0, (tree node i=1)
1,2 are LEFT & RIGHT split
3,4 - 5,6 are next layer LEFT & RIGHT split
counting on like that see page 4

Heap as a tree navigation

see page 5
Using array to implement the heap
root i=1
parent = i/2
left = 2i
right = 2i+1

No pointers required.

Heap as a tree properties

Max heap property:
the key of a node >= keys of its children
(the key being the value in the circle)

Min heap property:
the key of a node <= keys of its parent


Python source exercise here

Note for array of any size: element A[n/2+1 . . n] are ALL leaves!

L5 - Binary search trees, BST sort

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code 1st guess ~ Code MIT ~ Reading: CLRS Chapter 10, 12.1-3

DATA STRUCTURE - BST - Binary search trees

type: BST - binary search tree
use cases: sorted data, priority queue queries: next_smaller, next_larger, search/find, min, max, node_count_before
updates: insert, delete
representation invariant (RI): ALL children to left are smaller, ALL children to the right are larger.
properties: sorted data, comparison model
See R5 - Recursion Trees, Binary Search Trees for queries / updates walkthrough

Vid contents - L5

time notes
0-6m define problem - runway scheduling - to demonstrate BST ADT
6m-21m EG�s things that don�t work: sorted array, sorted list(no fast insertion), heap(no successor/ predecessor or pointers)
21m intro to BSTs
24m BST RI
26m insert() - O(h) - height of tree - O(logn) - n=number of nodes
35m min() - O(h) - go farthest left
36m max() - O(h) - go farthest right
37m-43m Functional AUGMENTATION - Rank(t) - how many planes land before time t?
	           	| Add number of nodes below node to it. (number includes node itself)  

43m | AUGMENTATION - Rank(k) - algorithm code - O(logn) for a balanced tree!! Pseudo code below.

Concept: Representation Invariant - property of the data structure
Invariant (RI): All children to left are smaller, all children to the right are larger.
Each node has 3 pointers: parent, lchild, rchild

     / \
   <x   >x

Runway scheduling problem. Insert aircraft landing at least k minutes (3 min in this case) away from any other scheduled landings.
Plane landing @: 2 5 37 44 99
Find position
Check if theres 3min space either side
Insert new landing

Implemented as sorted array
Find insertion point: use binary search - O(logn) logarithmic time
Check space to land (3minutes) - O(1) constant time
Insert (requires shifting each element to make space for insertion - worst case front of array) O(n) - linear time

Implemented as sorted (linked) list
Insert is pointer manipulation - O(1) constant time - better
No binary search on a list! - so brute force O(n)

Implemented as heap
Check for element n1 <= k <= n2 requires searching whole tree - O(n)

Implemented as binary search tree (BST)
Find, navigate tree left if looking for an earlier time, right if larger. worst case from root of tree to leaf - ie height O(h)
Check do check at each node O(1)
Insert pointer manipulation O(1)

Other O(h) operations
Min - far left leaf
Max - far right leaf
Next largest value - Up a node? NO its next right node - parent.min() - smallest node of parent subtree. (or parent if no subtree)

Augmented BST - 37m - node_count_before - RANK

Augmented BST add subtree size to the data in the node. Includes the node and its children (number after dash in tree below).
Maintained by incrementing the tree size by one as theyre traversed to an insertion.

To find how many planes scheduled to land before time t?
Find highest node that is smaller than t return tree size to the left of the node including it.
Which is node subtree size - right_child subtree size (since all these nodes are higher) - ALMOST
To the left of the tree including back up the tree! Work through example!


        104-5                   158-6

   82-3       116-1     **138-3       184-2    

77-1 103-1  -     -    134-1 141-1 175-1  -   

For t=138 number planes scheduled before are - 43m
All of left subtree: left_child.tree_size = 1
(find first parent node less than 138) = 129.left_child.tree_size + 1(node 129) = 6
total: 7


Start at root is **t** larger than node?  
YES - add left_child.tree_size + 1 to total, move to right_child  
NO - move to left_child  
Repeat until no more children or t = node  
Return total  

R5 - Recursion Trees, Binary Search Trees

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code 1st guess ~ Code MIT ~

Vid contents - R5

time notes
3m-14m Solving Recurrence for merge sort. (PS2 problem 1)
14m-26m Data structures, HEAP
26m-35m Data structures, BST, (unbalanced)
35m-42m BST find successor/predecessor
42m-54m BST delete, 3 cases O(h) height of tree
54m-end BST augmentation - Uses example min - needed for problem set 3 PS3

Maths notes

Solving Recurrence for merge sort:

def merge_sort(unsorted_array)						# n elements
    bisect unsorted_array into aL & aR
	while aL elements > 1: left = merge_sort(aL)	# keep going if more than one element
	while aR elements > 1: right = merge_sort(aR)	
	return merge(left, right)						# nulls removed in merge

1st term: merge_sort calls itself twice with n/2 elements 2T(n/2) 2nd term: merge take O(n)? but n=1 in final node so O(1) constant time

T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) # recurrence T(1) = Θ(1) # base case - merge (1 element)

merge_sort call with number of elements
       n/2            n/2
  n/4      n/4    n/4      n/4             # each recursion
until reach base case
1   1   1   1  . . .  1   1   1   1        # base case

Binary Search Tree (BST) Local: algos/


Example tree

                       45                                             129                       

           15                      57                     104                     158           

     -           29          -           66          82         116         138         184     

  -     -     17    35    -     -     -     -     77   103    -     -    134   141   175    -   

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  90 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
rc = right_child   rp = right_parent(node == node.parent.left)

# case 1 - node has rc
return rc.min

# case 2 - node has no rc (dont care about lc always smaller)
         - has rp (left of parent : node == node.parent.left)
return parent

# case 3 - node has no rc or rp
         - right of parent : node == node.parent.right
go up parent until one has a right parent
return that

Case 3 covers case two - so no need to implement case 2


Example tree - BST (Binary search tree - unusually flat! Can be very lopsided)

                       45                                             129                       

           15                      57                     104                     158           

     -           29          -           66          82         116         138         184     

  -     -     17    35    -     -     -     -     77   103    -     -    134   141   175    -   

 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  90 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
rc = right_child   rp = right_parent(node == node.parent.left)

case 1: leaf
	simply delete

case 2: delete single node with only one sub-tree
	EG delete 15, 57 or 184
	replace parent pointer to node to point at subtree
	straight or zig/zag its the same

case 2: deleting a node that has 2 subtrees
	replace node with successor - smallest element in right subtree
	successor may have a subtree so need to call delete on it first
	replace original deleted node with it
	(from R5-44m50)

	running time 
		find key O(h) +
		delete - possible 2 subtrees O(h)
		link swaps constant time O(1)
		= O(h) + O(h) + O(1) = 2 * O(h) + O(1) = O(h)

L6 - AVL trees, AVL sort

contents ~ vid - lect notes - MIT EG code - guess implementation code
Reading: see lecture notes p6 summary of BST�s and where in CLRS to find them

DATA STRUCTURE - AVL tree - R6 50m

type: tree (balanced )
use cases: sort & retrieve data set, prefered in search intensive application, insert more costly
queries: min, max, successor, predecessor, search - Θ(logn), in-order traversal - Θ(n)
updates: insert item - Θ(logn), insert n items - Θ(nlogn), delete item - Θ(logn), rebalance
RI: height left/right trees only every differ by 1 - balanced tree
RI from BST: ALL children to left are smaller, ALL children to the right are larger.
properties: height = logn => tree balanced - height & balance maintained in each node, comparison model
RI - representation invariant

Vid contents - L6

time notes
0-2m BST summary - in-order traversal using recursion
2m-11m importance of being balanced - getting HEIGHT to be logn - local HEIGHT calculation
11m AVL trees definition and balance
18m showing height is logn
10-28m height of balanced tree maths
19m-25m Analyse Nh min nodes in a tree of height h - v1
26m-XXm Analyse Nh min nodes in a tree of height h - v2 - ps3
32m-48m Rotations
**48m-52 ** AVL sort
50m summary of heap / bst AVL reasons for use

EG prob:


AVL - inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis
Visualisation of AVL tree

In order traversal - process nodes by key order
successor - Next larger
predecessor - next smaller
height of a node - longest path down to a leaf from node including itself (the +1 below)
depth of a node - node in path from root to node balanced tree - height of left child = height of right child +/-1 - height h = logn

IMPORTANCE OF A BALANCED TREE - height being log n
Unbalance tree worst case height - n average n/2 << V.BAD!

height  = max(lchild height, rchild height) +1  max(3,8)+1 = 9  (maintained in each node)  

NOTE: NULL child node have a height of -1 so cal works - max(-1,-1)+1 = 0
information local to node has low (constant time) maintenance over head
largest_height also store which height is larger +1 left, 0 equal, -1 right

Maths notes - AVL tree (19-25m) - height analysis v1

Min number of nodes in a balanced tree

Total nodes in AVL tree

IE In a tree of height h, number of nodes n, is the sum of: the root + the two sub trees (that differ in height by 1).

The above recurrence is similar to the Fibonacci sequence, defined as:

an approximation for which is (Fibonacci number = nearest integer . . .

paper showing the above here

Since Nh = min nodes in a tree of height h, and phi = 1.618.

Maths notes - AVL tree (26m) - height analysis v2

Method of maintaining property: balanced AVL tree. << WHOLE LECTURE ABOUT THIS!

insert(x) - steps to do an insert

insert as normal for BST
update each nodes height while parsing tree (and largest_height L M R - left middle right)
largest_height = hL - hR 
from inserted node walk up the tree checking largest_height if abs(largest_height) > 2
	if largest_height > 2 right-rotate	(left height too large)
	if largest_height < -2 anti-rotate	(right height too large)

What the above is saying is - if the difference in height between to children is more than +/-1 then tree need rebalancing

Rotation Cases (@ 32m)

23              # left height too large 
   26           # right-rotate 29
  /  \
23    29

2nd case

      55        # zig zag requires 2 rotations:
      65        # left-rotate 50
50              # right-rotate 65:

  /  \
50    65

50m good summary of heap / bst AVL reasons for use

R6 - AVL trees

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code Handout ~ Reading: none listed

**Vid contents - **

time notes
0-7m BST review, height
7m-11m AVL balance
**11m ** Why height is logn (number of nodes in h rows (doubles each row) n = 2^h so height h = logn)
18m BST review, insert
21m AVL review, left_rotate, right_rotate
28m22 pointer exchange pseudo code right_rotate
40m AVL review REBALANCE
50m rebalance synopsis - AUGMENTATION (height in this case) needed for ps3

BST review

height h = longest path to leaf

4m28 - diagram on board show a single node has a height of 0
then he writes

height  = max(lchild height, rchild height) +1  max(3,8)+1 = 9  (maintained in each node)  

which means tit should be 1 - ??
The code line - Height Augmentation ln 7 says 1

def update_height(node): 8 node.height = max(height(node.left), height(node.right)) + 1

6m for case where node is a leaf height returns -1!
so the root evaluates to max(-1,-1)+1 = 0

AVL properties

Reads for all n, height of left and right subtree differs by 1 or less - basically says this tree is balanced

REBALANCE CASE 1 - unbalanced in a straight line: Rotate to fold the line

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

L7 - Counting sort, radix sort, lower bounds for sorting and searching

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ radix_sort MSB 1m56 - LSB 2m11 Code: Reading: none listed

DATA STRUCTURE - Counting sort

type: , mediocre sorting algorithm comp model: non comparative, ram model, sorting algorithm
use cases: good for bla
updates: sort O(k + n) n=num of keys, k=key range (32 for a 5it key)
properties: in place? stable
comp model = computational model


type: (bucket / digital sort), sort by digit LSB > MSB or vice versa, based on counting sort, stable
comp model: non comparative, ram model, sorting algorithm
use cases: good for bla
updates: sort O(d + n) n=num of keys, d=digits in key
properties: in place? stable
comp model = computational model

Vid contents - L7

time notes
0-2m Introduction
2m-32m Computational models - Comparison model
5m20 Descision tree
14m48 properties of descision tree - node, leaf, path, path length, height
16m Searching lower bound
18m PROOF searching Ω(lg n) - simple
20m-24m Sorting lower bound - logic
24m-32m Sorting lower bound - maths PROOF - p2 in notes
40m-44m Counting sort RUNNING TIME - O(k + n) n=keys k=key range - no of digits?
45m RADIX Sort MSB 1m56 - LSB 2m11

RADIX sort wiki

Sorting in Linear-Time

  • comparison model (computation model)
  • Only operation allowed are comparisons
  • lower bounds
    searching: Ω(lg n) - binary search is optimal
    sorting: Ω(n lg n) - merge sort is optimal

CONCEPTS: Models of computation: Comparison model 2-32m

decision tree algorithm
internal node binary decision (comparison)
leaf answer
root-to-leaf path algorithm execution
path length running time
height of tree worst case running time
  • ram model (computation model)
  • O(n) sorting algorithms
    . . counting sort
    . . radix sort


Counting Sort - 37m

Go through unsorted items using key to allocate to an index of an array. This basically creates a linked list at the index of an array for duplicates

Running cost: O(k + n) n=number of keys, k=key range (5bits key this is 32?)

Radix Sort - 45m

Conceptually simple - sort by each digit starting from LSB or MSB

R7 - Algos so far summary -

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading: none listed

Vid contents - R7

time notes
0m Summary sorting Algos so far
7m Python comparison overloading __lt__,__le__,__gt__,__ge__,__gq__,__ne__
7m-35m implementing COUNTING sort in place?
35m implementing RADIX sort
42m-47m RADIX sort running time justification - REDO this when awake - ps2 or ps3
47m-52m STABILITY, implications & summary of algos

Summary Sorting Algos So far:

Note for sorting you have to output the data set size n for optimal run time(Ω) is Ω(n)

algorithm running time model stability
insertion sort O(n^2) comparison model stable
merge sort O(n.logn) comparison model stable
heap sort O(n.logn) comparison model unstable
counting sort O(k + n) ? model stable
radix sort - O(d + n) stable
- -

Notes Comparison model (only using comparisons) SORTING run time Ω(n.logn) counting sort k=digits

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

Problem set 2.

PDF here

2-1 Fractal rendering [40pts]

Koch snowflake rendering: computational requirements of 4 ways of rendering LoD n (Level of Detail 0-n)
Recitation 5 (0m - 13m) �explains how to do this - dont be scared if you costs at each level arent the same sum them up and youll get the right answer
Recursion tree - forrest of trees in this case
Run example code fractal.html (/algorithms/problems/MIT6_006F11_ps2/fractal) git difftool

First - 3D hardware accelerated rendering . .
Surface > triangles > CPU co-ords list > GPU renders
a) [1pt] height of recursion tree for rendering snowflake of LoD n?
b) [1pt] how many node in the tree at level n
c) [1pt] whats the rendering time (triangle count) for a node at depth i
d) [1pt] whats the rendering time (triangle count) at each level i (all nodes on that level)
e) [1pt] total asymptotic cost for the CPU to render LoD n (using this method)

Second - 2D accelerated rendering . .
Surface oulines > open/closed paths > CPU co-ords list > GPU renders (used in laser cutters & plotters)
Properties of a koch snowflake
f) [1pt] height of recursion tree for rendering snowflake of LoD n?
g) [1pt] how many node in the tree at level n
h) [1pt] whats the rendering time (line segment count) for a node at depth i
i) [1pt] whats the asymptotic rendering time (line segment count) for a node in the last level n
j) [1pt] whats asymptotic rendering time (line segment count) at each level of the tree
k) [1pt] whats the asymptotic rendering time (line segment count) at the last level n l) [1pt] total asymptotic cost for the CPU to render LoD n (using this method)

Third - 2D unaccelerated rendering . . aka software rendering (CPU only) (used in laser cutters & plotters)
Surface oulines > open/closed paths > CPU co-ords list > CPU rasterises co-ords
NOTE the rasterised pixels represent the ink required to print or the the power required for laser to cut the image!!
m) [1pt] height of recursion tree for rendering snowflake of LoD n?
n) [1pt] how many node in the tree at level n
o) [1pt] whats the rendering time (line segment length) for a node at depth i (assume original triangle side length = 1)
p) [1pt] whats the asymptotic rendering time (line segment length) for a node in the last level n
q) [1pt] whats asymptotic rendering time (line segment length) at each level of the tree
r) [1pt] whats the asymptotic rendering time (line segment length) at the last level n s) [1pt] total asymptotic cost for the CPU to render LoD n (using this method)

Fourth - 3D unaccelerated rendering . . (CPU only)
Surface > triangles > CPU co-ords list > CPU rasterises
t) [4pt] total asymptotic cost for the CPU to render LoD n (using this method - assume initial triangle side length = 1)
u) [15pt] prove using recursion tree method

2-2 Digital Circuit Simulation [60pt]

a) What name of method w highest CPU usage? _find_min part of class

Profiler Qs ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 15/6 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 Whats the 15/6 mean under ncalls? Recursive call here: 6 primitive call 15 in total

Profiler column meanings:

    for the number of calls.
    for the total time spent in the given function (and excluding time made in calls to sub-functions)
    is the quotient of tottime divided by ncalls
    is the cumulative time spent in this and all subfunctions (from invocation till exit). This figure is accurate even for recursive functions.
    is the quotient of cumtime divided by primitive calls
    provides the respective data of each function

Full result of profiler in: circuit/profiler_output.txt

        628290079 function calls (628095620 primitive calls) in 474.045 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   259964  275.241    0.001  471.218    0.002         ** CULPRIT
625762426  195.969    0.000  195.969    0.000            # less than dunder function
    64400    0.788    0.000  473.659    0.007		# simulation time step > _find_min > __lt__
828936/634537    0.264    0.000    0.340    0.000 {len}
    65554    0.233    0.000    0.421    0.000
   194381    0.216    0.000  471.437    0.002
        1    0.173    0.173  473.948  473.948
        1    0.001    0.001  474.045  474.045<module>)

To run tests:

> python                                               # whole suite - 6min

> python  < tests/ > out                            # run single test write results out

> diff out tests/                                            # compare result to verified result

> python -m cProfile -s time < tests/          # profile test - take nearly 8min!

> TRACE=jsonp python < tests/ > circuit.jsonp		# create a trace for visualiser
> TRACE=jsonp python < tests/ > circuit.jsonp		# create a trace for visualiser
> TRACE=jsonp python < tests/ > circuit.jsonp
> TRACE=jsonp python < tests/ > circuit.jsonp

> python 
Testing correctness:
Testing ...... OK
Testing ...... OK
Testing ...... OK
Testing ...... OK
Testing ...... OK
Ran 1 test in 360.847s

> python  < tests/ 
19 axb 1
29 axb 0

b) How many time is this method called? 259964 c) What tightest asymptotic bound of the worst case running time of the method with the bottleneck? d) If implemented optimally whats the tightest asymptotic bound of the re-implemented method? e) Re-write the data structure using the most efficient method from class (no lib imports)

Unit 3: Hashing

L8 - Hashing with chaining - (dictionary / associative array)

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ succinct vid on hashing, open addressing & chaining ~ Code - 1st try - associative array ~ Reading: none listed

Vid contents - L8

time notes
0-5m Into to dictionary & functions( insert, delete, search) - implement - O(1) constant time (w/ high probability)
5m-13m Python dict API summary, and Motivarion (see lect notes)
13m-24m Solution 1 - Direct access table
24m Solution 2 - Hashing
29n introduces collisions - chaining
34m Simple uniform hashing - Mapping number of keys to number of slots
42m hashing to table size m


type: dictionary (ADT)
use cases: dictionaries, dbs, compilers, symbol lookup, routers, virt mem, all over
queries: search(key) O(1 + chain length = alpha)
updates: insert(key, item), delete(key) both O(1 + chain length = alpha)
properties: m = Θ(n) ie number of spaces in table m ~ number of keys n

DB - uses hashing and search trees Dictionary lookup - use hash table Spell check - trial perturbation of each letter - really?

13m Solution 1 - Direct access table

  1. key not being integers (therefore dont map direct to memory)
  2. if there are a lot of gaps in keys this solution is a huge memory hog!

Solution to 1:
Prehashing - map keys to integers (array location)

Python built in hash() - should be called prehash - but basically return and integer based on the input. (to use as a key for dict for example)

Python dunder function __hash__ is called when built in hash(object) is called.
if you dont implement hash hash(obj) used id(obj) to as the hash value
  this avoid collision because no two things occupy the same space in memory so id is unique

24m Solution 2 - Hashing - Mapping from Giant space of key to array indexes
Solution to 2:
I you have a space of keys, run those through hash function to generate indexes (ideally they should be equally distributed through the target array)
The ratio of number of indexes (entries) (n) : number of array spaces (m) is the load factor - alpha = n/m (aka expected collision chain length)

Methods for dealing with collisions (Chaining @ 30m & open addressing (next week) ) one type of open addressing is linear probing

See L9 1m-4m sunccict synopsis of last lecture and this solution!!
note the n may end up in a linked list for chaining
Visual summary of solution

34m - Simple uniform hashing - Mapping number of keys to number of slots
a) each key equally likely to be hashed to ANY slot in the table
b) INDEPENDENT of where other keys hashing
Hash function need to know size of table - m.

43m - DIVISION method

Note: m should be PRIME and not too close to power of 2.

44m - MULTIPLICATION method - preferred over division (notes p5)

a should be random, odd, and in the range 2^(r-1) < a < 2^r, and NOT close to a power of 2. w number of bits in key range

Basically multiply the key (w bits) by an odd (fixed to the function) random number resulting in a number of length 2w bits. (assuming a is also w bits long) Take the section with the highest diversity (in the middle) that generates a number of at least m (required spaces). IE 2^r bits must be at least m Which is why the m=2^r part which select the length of th section that is taken for the hash result. See diagram notes top

48m - UNIVERSAL HASHING (preferred)
blur. . . note bottom p6 . . . take 6.046 to understand better. . . Revisit this - implementation seems relatively simple

prehash collisions
collisions - chaining = storing the collision in a linked list at the address
collisions - linear probing = store the collision in the next available free address
collisions - open addressing = linear probing is open addressing (may not find item exactly where expected)
collisions - closed addressing = chaining is closed addressing (item store always in same location)
simple uniform hashing
universal hashing

R8 - Simulation Algorithms

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ lect notes code ~ Code: Reading: none listed

Vid contents - R8

time notes
0-xm Walk the code in problem set 3 -
9m introduce lexicographic comparison sort
17m-29m RangeIndex methods and running time for example (poor) code
29m KeyWirePairs,
42m RangeIndex - comparision model penalty
43m LIST LCA pseudo code
49m LCA run time intuition

All the lines(vectors) are added to the RangeIndex CrossVerifier((layers)._events_from_layer).wire_crossings > _compute_crossings > list


> python -m cProfile -s time < tests/
file contains list wires: wire v7035 61240 -815340 61240 410695
                               name   x1     y1     x2    y2
                  vertical wire since x1 = x2
command[0]   wire 
command[1]   v7035 
coordinates  61240 -815340 61240 410695

Loaded into layers
layer = WireLayer.from_file(sys.stdin)          # ln
      if command[0] == 'wire':
        coordinates = [float(token) for token in command[2:6]]
        layer.add_wire(command[1], *coordinates)
              Wire(name, x1, y1, x2, y2) + internally enumerated wire_id
				x1, y1, x2, y2 = *coordinates
        layer.wires = dict with name as key, Wire object as value

Once loaded the layer is passed to CrossVerifier
    left_edge = min([wire.x1 for wire in layer.wires.values()])   # find leftmost co-ordinate
    go through wires and sort into �events� - add for horizontal, query for vertical
      if wire.is_horizontal():[left_edge, 0, wire.object_id, 'add', wire])     # left_edge - constant
      else:[wire.x1, 1, wire.object_id, 'query', wire])     # wire.x1 - wire dependant

    1) ADD [-100, 0, 1, �add�, wire_obj]         # horizontal wire - _events_from_layer:line 333
    2) QUERY [-50, 1, 2, �query�, wire_obj]      # vertical wire - _events_from_layer:line 333 is a list[] # sort by 1st column then second then 3rd if 1st column same
    So will sort:
    Horizontal vectors 1st (all have left_edge in 1st column) sorted by incrementing obj_id,
	then vertical vectors sorted by x.1 co-ordinate (left to right)
self.index = RangeIndex()                        # create RangeIndex
self.result_set = ResultSet()                    # create ResultSet

result = verifier.wire_crossings()
    self._compute_crossings(False)               # count_crossings calls self._compute_crossings(True)
        result = self.result_set                 # initialised as ResultSet()

       @loop through                 # KeyWirePair - (KeyWirePairL & KeyWirePairH lower & upper limits obj_id)
       @                                         # have comparison operators __le__, __ge__ etc
       @                                         # add all the horizontal vectors as KeyWirePair objects
       @self.index.add(KeyWirePair(wire.y1, wire))	             the KEY in Range index is the horizonal lines vertical position y1
       @                                         # wire is vertical wire
       @for kwp in self.index.list(KeyWirePairL(wire.y1),KeyWirePairH(wire.y2)):
       @      get all horizontal vertices that lie in the vertical range of this wire
       @      check if they cross, and add to list cross_wires and from there compile in result			

walking code colour anotation
Steps to optimise code: todo. . .
Adapt AVL tree code to implement rank & count.
Implement LCA, Node-List, & List
Integrate into
Run profiler sort lexicographic comparison

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

L9 - Table doubling, Karp-Rabin

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes
Code: Reading:

Vid contents - L9

time notes
0-3m Refresh Hashing with Chaining: Load factor
3m Resizing table, for optimum performance - Start small (constant) and grow (or shrink) as necessary.
7m30 Growing, allocate the memory & rehash all entries (w/ a hash function appropriet to new table size)
15m Amortisation - COST of table doubling operation calculated as a series
21m Inserts - Table doubling costs
23m Delete - Table downsizing
23m46 Delete - PROBLEM w/ table downsizing by half
23m50 Optimal upsized & downsize - double giong up only halve when n (entries) down to 1/4
27m strategy for implementing table doubling in an RTOS
28m String Matching
34m Cost for simple string matching theta Θ(s*t) could be QUADRATIC
35m using a rolling hash ADT - concepts
41m-47m Rolling hash ADT - pseudo code - problem set 4

How to choose m (table size) - (on overflow double it)

When array becomes full n=m, double in size m*2 When shrinking shrink when n gets to m/4 shrink m to m/2

** Invariant property: n <= m <= 4n *** n has to be smaller than m (size of structure) or entries wont fit in the data structure If n falls to m/4 halve structure size m = m/2, results in amortised constant time

27m - listen to concept - table doubling in RTOS, to minimise rebuild time (and there minimise impact to latency) see Alternatives to all-at-once rehashing.
Term: amortised constant time - note on python lists

String Matching

Rolling Hash ADT - 37m - Karp Rabin string matching

needed for Problem set 4 ? ps4 see notes p4

Rolling hash ADT - pseudo code. 41m - 47m - 1987? getting more recent use choosing size using random prime

rehash function: 4m41 c / c++ / python / java code

Rehashing: hash(txt[s+1..s+m]) = d( hash(txt[s..s+m-1]) - txt[s]*h ) + txt[s+m]) mod q )
hash(txt[s+1..s+m]) = hash value @ shift s  
hash(txt[s..s+m-1]) = hash value @ next shift (s+1)
d: number of character in the alphabet (256 for 8bits)
q: prime number (laregr number = less collisions / false positives)
h: d^(m-1) 
compiled local
build instruction in file

R9 - Rolling Hashes, Amortized Analysis

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading: none listed

Vid contents - R9

time notes
0-5m Walk through naive implementation
5m30-10m Avoiding false positives / maths of collisions
10m Running time
14m fast hashing - mod prime number
18m-22m SLIDE implementation
22m prehash - smart way
28m contsructor(init) for rolling_hash
30m append & skip
36m-38 modular / multiplicative inverse - precomputed because base on const
40m rolling_hash, append, skip, hash - cost
52m amortised analysis breakdown
54m listing BST nodes in order - In order traversal - amortised cost
59m amortised analysis - ps4

Naive implementation of string match O(n*k), where n is string length & m is the search string length. For each of he n positions each letter in k needs to be compared to the to search text.

For hashing the smaller the m (number of available spaces) the hash maps to the the higher the number of collisions (and in this application potential matches) 5m30-10m

Naively implements hash function for n character string will be O(n) - (10m30 - Assume O(1) using rolling hash)

54m Number of edges in a tree of N nodes is N-1
Demonstrates intuitive proof of in order traversal in O(N) giving an amortized cost of O(1) per node < check understanding

Maths notes

Best from G4G ~ Computation of modular inverse ~ Using python built in pow() ~ Wha?

Multiplicative inverse / Modular inverse - 36m - also covered in R9b first add steps in calculation / proof - definition of modular inverse - revisit context

Given two integers �a� and �m�, find modular multiplicative inverse of �a� under modulo �m�.

The modular multiplicative inverse is an integer �x� such that.
 a x ≡ 1 (mod m) 
The value of x should be in {0, 1, 2, � m-1}, i.e., in the range of integer modulo m.

The multiplicative inverse of �a modulo m� exists if and only if a and m are relatively prime (i.e., if gcd(a, m) = 1).
To calculate the inverse of 38 mod 97
>>> pow(38, -1, mod=97)
>>> 23 * 38 % 97 == 1

y = x**(p-2) mod p        # pseudocode
y = pow(x, p-2, p)        # python built ins

Fermat little theorem:
pow(x,m-1,m) must be 1     
Hence (pow(x,m-2,m) * x) % m == 1
So pow(x,m-2,m) is the inverse of x (mod m)

R9b - 9b: DNA Sequence Matching

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code Zip ~ Code git ~ Reading: none listed

Vid contents - R9b

time notes
0m-1m what to cover? Hashes, Code & Amortisation
1m-3m Hashes, Extended Euclids Method, GCD greatest comm on divisor - modular multiplicative inverse
3m-14m Why using primes is important in hash function
13m6 Caching - better to use time on a good mod (hash) function than use up all your memory - warm cache performs better
14m-00m Walk the code in problem set 4 ps4
15m Rollinghash, API diff - slide(new, old) split out into: append(new), skip(old),
16m20 - iterator implemtaion, iter, next()
21m-44m method by method & python features needed
21m implementing reverse w/o using a lot of memory
23m-37m generators / yield / subsequences()
38n-40m intervalSubsequenceHashes(), concept of DRY code use subsequenceHashes() to implement
40m-44m getExactSubmatches()
44m Amortized analysis
49m-53m Time analysis list, append, memory alocation
53m Aggregate analysis / Cost based accounting
53m-57m Maths on aggregate analysis - write


def subsequences(seq, k):
        subseq = ''
        while True:
            while len(subseq) < k:
                subseq +=
            yield subseq
            subseq = subseq[1:]
    except StopIteration:

for subseq in subsequences(seq, 3):
    print subseq
    i += 1

# another method for generating primes
def isPrime(n):
    if n < 2 or n % 1 > 0:
        return False
    elif n == 2 or n == 3:
        return True
    for x in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if n % x == 0:
            return False
    return True

def getPrimes(value = 1):    
    while True:
        if isPrime(value):
            yield value
        value += 1

p2 = getPrimes()

while True
    table_size_m = next(p2)

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

13m6 reason to use prime over p - 2^w / bla see 1st 2mins

44m Amortized analysis

Example using lists:

list function cost
l = list() O(1)
for list size N
l.append() O(N) worst case

The argument goes that since l.append() is O(1) and only O(N) infrequently, the amortised cost is O(N)

insertions + number of table doubles

Problem set 3 - Range Query (Analysis) / Circuit Layout (Tool optimisation)

PDF here ~ PS3 problem code ~ [Setting up the Komodo IDE for python debegging] (

3-1 Range Query - AVL tree

3-2 Tool Optimisation [55 points]

Overview of how this code work is in recitation 8

> python -m cProfile -s time < tests/           # profile test - take nearly 15min!

> python -m cProfile -s time < tests/
         1436321483 function calls (1436321412 primitive calls) in 917.681 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
187590314  279.644    0.000  428.213    0.000
    20000  195.692    0.010  366.372    0.018             < < < high tot.time
562840882  148.598    0.000  148.598    0.000
        1  113.702  113.702  917.153  917.153      3
299400000  100.610    0.000  100.610    0.000
261444830   70.069    0.000   70.069    0.000
124719049    8.749    0.000    8.749    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
        1    0.135    0.135    0.371    0.371
    34970    0.108    0.000    0.146    0.000
        1    0.085    0.085    0.110    0.110
    20000    0.052    0.000    0.052    0.000
    34970    0.044    0.000    0.191    0.000
        1    0.041    0.041    0.041    0.041 {method 'sort' of 'list' objects}
    34972    0.024    0.000    0.024    0.000 {method 'readline' of 'file' objects}
20460/20445    0.022    0.000    0.022    0.000 {len}
    34972    0.021    0.000    0.021    0.000 {method 'split' of 'str' objects}
    34970    0.021    0.000    0.021    0.000
    20000    0.017    0.000    0.017    0.000
    14970    0.013    0.000    0.013    0.000
    20000    0.009    0.000    0.009    0.000
    20000    0.005    0.000    0.005    0.000
    14970    0.005    0.000    0.006    0.000
       57    0.003    0.000    0.003    0.000 {min}
        1    0.001    0.001  917.681  917.681<module>)                 2
        1    0.000    0.000  917.153  917.153 )                      1
        1    0.000    0.000    0.151    0.151
        6    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       80    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000

Profiler Qs

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     15/6    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000

What�s the 15/6 mean under ncalls? Recursive call here: 6 primitive call 15 in total

Profiler column meanings:

    for the number of calls.
    for the total time spent in the given function (and excluding time made in calls to sub-functions)
    is the quotient of tottime divided by ncalls
    is the cumulative time spent in this and all subfunctions (from invocation till exit). This figure is accurate even for recursive functions.
    is the quotient of cumtime divided by primitive calls
    provides the respective data of each function

3-2 a) list
3-2 a) 187590314 calls - why per call time zero?
Setup for next questions

Copy good_trace.jsonp to /circuit2/visualizer/bin/trace.jsonp         # its a trace of how sweeper should work
dbl click /circuit2/visualizer/bin/visualizer.html                    # or drag it into chrome

walking code colour anotation
Steps to optimise code: todo. . .
Adapt AVL tree code to implement rank & count.
Implement LCA, Node-List, & List
Integrate into
Run profiler

REFS - alt profilers

Using sProfile -
Alternative profilers -
Python debugger -
Python debugger tutorial -
Alternative implementation to CPython -
Working out if two vectors intersect + special cases -

Sweepline Algorithm Background
Sweep line algorithm 2/5 theory -
event (point) queue (use balanced BST) & sweepline status (use balanced BST)
Sweep line algorithm 3/5 pseudo code -
Sweep line algorithm 3/5 correctness proof (by induction) -

L10 - Open addressing, cryptographic hashing

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes
Code: Reading: CLRS Chapter 11.4 (and 11.3.3 and 11.5 if interested) Collisions 6m refresh 5m open addressing: linear probing - 9m load factor & chaining: closed addressing


use cases: good for bla

Vid contents - L10

time notes
0m-3m Into - Open Addressing, Uniform hashing analysis, Cryptographic Hashing
3m30-m Open Addressing - no chaining = no pointers
8m Mapping from key through trial count to slots U x {0,1. . . m-1} > {0,1. . . m-1}
11m Eg of INSERTION w/ linear probing - see animation in Collisions 6m refresh link at top!
15m Eg of SEARCH w/ linear probing - see animation in Collisions 6m refresh link at top!
22m Coping w/ a search after a deletion! Inserts a DELETE_ME flag in place.
30m-00m Probing strategies
30m 1 - linear probing
33m50 clustering issue
36m Double hashing to solve clustering
39m Uniform Hashing Assumption - NOT same as SIMPLE Uniform hashing
41m-46m Followed by Uniform Hashing Analysis CRITICAL info!
46m Cryptographic Hashing - NOT on quiz FYI only

3m30 Open Addressing:
Linear probing: insert, search delete
One item per slot so m > n (more array slots than items n)

U x {0,1. . . m-1} > {0,1. . . m-1} U - universe of keys x trials count > slots in table

Notation for trials:
h(k,0) 1st attempt to insert k
h(k,1) 2nd attempt to insert k
h(k,2) 3rd attempt to insert k

30m - Probing Startegies - Linear Probing
hp - hprime is an ordinary hashing function
i - tries
m - table entries
Problem with Linear probing hash function

h(k,i) = (hp(k) +i ) mod m

Permutation OK but has problems w/ clustering - when a CLUSTER STARTS TO FORM the probability of colliding w/ it GOES UP
If 0.01 < alpha (load factor m/n) < 0.99
then cluster size = Θ(logn) (35m20)

36m Double hashing to solve clustering

h(k,i) = (h1(k) + i*h2(k) ) mod m

Term relatively prime - see maths below - follow up math insert formula - get intuition

39m - Uniform hashing assumption
Each key is equally likely to have any one of the m! permutations as its probe sequence

  • not really true
  • but double hashing can come close

Analysis: basically as table starts to fill alpha n/m (slots become fewer so load factor goes UP) Cost if insert <= 1/(1-alpha) Add equations in latex As alpha -> tends to 1 insert goes though the roof

Requires resize of table by time alpha gets to 0.5-0.6

46m Cryptographic Hashing - Password Talks about one way cryptographic hashing for password. So only meet to store

EG prob:

Maths notes

Term "relatively prime" aka "coprime" or "mutually prime":
When two numbers have no common factors other than 1.
In other words there is no value that you could divide them both by exactly (without any remainder).

Simplifying a fraction as much as possible with give a numerator and denominator that are coprime.

factors of 21 are 1,3,7,21
factors of 22 are 1,2,11,22
only common factor is 1 so they are relatively prime.

21 and 24 are NOT relatively prime:
factors of 21 are 1,3,7,21
factors of 24 are 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24
common factors are 1 AND 3

Why do we care?

R10 - Quiz 1 review

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading: none listed

Vid contents - R10

time notes
0m-3m table, check empty vs move items - time complexity
4m30-5m Solving a Recursion problem using RECURSION TREE
14m30-24m Gold coins problem - DECISION TREE
24m-36m Bunker Hill problem - RABIN KARP - ROLLING HASH
36m-50m Rank search in parallel of 2 lists
50m-54m Time complexity - set pieces, techniques

1m Q? time complexity to move items from one table to another, COMPARED to checking an empty table

Moving items from one table to another, is moving a pointer NOT a whole object & therefore O(1).

Table of m entries:

action time empty full table
index into table O(1) O(m) O(m)
move item 0 0 O(m)
total O(m) 2O(m)
constants cancel total O(m) O(m)
Implies same time complexity

4m30 - Solving recursion - 2 methods:

  1. SUBSTITUTION - CLRS 4.3 p83 - Ex p87
  2. RECURSION TREES - CLRS 4.4 p88 - Ex p92/93 Maths: series, powers, logs

The hint given is the a formula involving n is a constant - 2 - which makes it a base case:
T(C) = O(1)

14m30-24m - Gold coins problem - DECISION TREE** Using a COMPARISON model the BEST you can do sort Ω(nlogn) - L7, R7

24m-37m - Bunker Hill problem - RABIN KARP - ROLLING HASH Walks though scanning a map for a target pattern.
pattern = h.w pixel
map = H.W pixel

Brute force - O(WHwh)
Check each pixel in the map (w.h) against each available position it can occupy (W-(w-1)).(H-(h-1))
In (W-(w-1)).(H-(h-1)) large W & H overwhelm other terms > WH

Rolling hash on height - O(WHh)

Rabin Karp rolling hash - O(WH)
Compute hash for each h cells going across the map (keeping hashes)
Then when computing the next row down roll the hash down one cell instead of computing the 3 each time
Memory requirements to store hashs (work done) goes up to 4W!

36m-50m - Rank search in parallel of 2 lists

50m-54m - Time complexity - set pieces, techniques

If comparing to complicated time complexities take logs - because they are monotic and will have the same relationship!!

EG prob: s

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

Problem set 4

PDF here ~ Code ~ git Solution Code

Quiz 1

Unit 4: Numerics

L11 - Integer arithmetic, Karatsuba multiplication

vid ~ lect notes ~ R12 Karatsuba Multiplication

Vid contents - L11

time notes
0m-3m intro, work w/ many digit numbers, very large, or high precision
3m-18m irrationals, Catalan numbers - loong aside?
18m-31m Newtons method, leading to need for high precision multiplication
30m-38m High precision multiplication of d digit #s
34m High precision multiplication of d-digit number
38m-42m Karatsuba Multiplication see R12
42m- Circular Geopmetry Problem

4m - Catalan numbers - ?? Lambda beloning to P
If alpha & beta belong to P, then (alpha)beta belong to P
Cardinality of the set Cn = number of elements of the set.

18m-30m - Newtons method, leading to need for high precision multiplication

Start with

Using newtons method first need to know how to do multiplication.

34m - High precision multiplication of d-digit number Note the switch form d-digit numbers to n-digit numbers!

TWO n-digit numbers (radix r=2, 10) < is this base 2 for decimal numbers? CHECK
numbers x, y where: 0 <= x, y < r^n. (EG for a 64 digit binary number then x & y < 2^64)
Makes sense since largest 64bit number is 2^64 - 1

So for 64Kword digit number recursively split them in half until their length reaches your target platforms word size. 64bits for example. Then multiply back up!??

        a  b            # x.y = 7006652
    x = 5678            # n digits   a = n/2 digits
    y = 1234            # n digits   as do b,c,d
        c  d
r1 = a.c = 672          # 10^4 - shift right 4 zero's for ballpark result MS addition 
r3 = a.d + b.c = 2840   # 10^2 - shift right by 2 zeros - middle addition
r2 = b.d = 2652         # 10^0 - the LS addition

r1 << 4       6720000
r3 << 2        284000
r2 << 0          2652 +
total         7006652   # tada!

but r3 involves 2 multiplications (expensive component) so above results in
4 calls to the recursive multiplication w/ numbers half the size: n/2 yielding . .

T(n) = 4T(n/2) + O(n)	complexity O(n^2) - R12 0-10m

 split  split
   x   .  y      r1    (   r3  )   r2
(a + b)(c + d) = a.c + a.d + b.c + b.d
so r3 = (a + b)(c + d) - r1 - r2

So r3 can be generated using the data from r1 & r2 multiplication need only 1 multiply instead of 2
resulting in 3 calls to the recursive multiplication w/ numbers half the size: n/2 yielding . .

T(n) = 3T(n/2) + O(n)	complexity O(n^log3)

See 37m26:
Quiz 2 ps - O(n^2) - worse than Karatsuba

EG prob:

Ex Code Karatsuba multiplication in python.
Take 2 input s multiply them together using recursive Karatsuba call.
wikipedia pseudo code

R11 - Principles of Algorithm Design

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R11

time notes
0m-14m HOW TO APPROACH A SOLUTION using EG problem Sorting a shifted / rotated array
14m-42m Extract kth laregest element from MinHeap example

Principle of practical algorithm design

More details in lecture notes p1

  1. Experiment w/ examples - generate inputs to test ideas on
  2. Simplify the problem - break into sub problems, do some pre processing on data, set one of the inputs to be contant, including some assumptions about the data to minimise special cases.
  3. Look for similar problems - leverage elements or approaches used in those problems.
  4. Delegate the work - use recursion, dividing the problem delegating the subproblems to recursive function calls. If you can�t figure out how to solve a problem, see if you can figure out how to solve only the last bit of it. Then see if you can use recursion to solve the rest of it.
  5. Design according to the runtime - to be able to do this we need a list of algo vs runtime & recurrence relations - CHEAT SHEET

Exersize implement n!, profile it plot time to compute against n implement stage memoized n! profile it plot time to compute against n - how much space is required for a 100x compute advantage? Don�t forget in practice simply use stirlings approximation

Problem 0 - Maintaining Medians Final Exam Fall 2008 Make notes

N elements in the array & array is sorted. k - amount of shift - rotation e - target number

Linear search O(N)

Binary algo: If you know k You know it�s shifted by k so centre is 0 index N-k mod N middle index ((N-k) + N/2) mod N Use de-referenced binary search - IE translate index w/ offset k w/ wrap around (size of array N)

Problem 1 - USE BINARY SEARCH HOME IN ON THE BREAK W/o knowing k - find the break - searching for a number to the left that is larger than its successor

At each step check for the target number e.

If at any point the target is in between one step and the next & that is ascending range re-scope the search limits to those points  
get first element - n0 - need a point of reference so that sequence break can be found
    n0 > n[N-1]
start index idx = n/2
is number target e?                - found target
is number to the left larger?     - found break
    YES found target
    NO  go to n/4 or 3n/4
            is number smaller than n0?
                YES - break on left - idx = n/4
                NO  - break on right - idx = 3n/4
loop - until found break (or target)
then look for target

Problem 2 - Using MinHeap - Find the Kth ranked number in the heap
How do we achieve a good running time for this hard problem of O(KlogK)

N elements
extract kth smallest element
k=3 is element val 6


        5-2                   7-4

   6-3       9-6          8-5  

Brute force solutions:
a) sort array O(nlogn), retrieve kth element - O(1) - O(nlogn)

b) pop_heap K times - O(Klogn) - K number of times you call pop(logn) - pop log n to bubble leaf down to right position

Problem 3

Array of random elements    e = 56,756,27,98,56,4,6356,879,68,8,4,64,6746,7,746,72,9,99,2
Query is range i to j       0 <= i,j <= n
Return minimum in the range

a) precompute all answers
Number of possible range queries is nn (i, j) create a hash to lookup the precomputed answer
Hash convert 2 digit base n number into table index. EG 23,53 = index 23
Precompute cost: O(n^3) or O(n^2) if using rolling hash style minimum assessment (see 48m)
Space cost: O(n^2) approx, there would be some duplicate inverted ranges
Query cost: O(1)

b) brute force search element on every query
Precompute cost: O(1)
Space cost: O(n^2)
Query cost: O(N)

Pre-compute ranges larger than n/4, or predetermined sweet-spot. Compute remaining queries.

c) Solution - 52m Space cost: O(nlogn) / O(1) elements

Maintining medians not covered in the recitation.

L12 - Square roots, Newton's method

contents ~ vid
lect notes
Code: Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L12

time notes
0m-2m Motivation, use of multiplication in division
2m-5m Review
5m-10m Error analysis of Newtons method Epsilon n being the error
11m-23m Multiplication Algorithms
23m- High precision division
26m30- Division
26m30- Newton iteration <
30m47 Critical - in the box! Derived from Newtons iteration
33m- Example w/ numbers plugged in!!
36m- Complexity calculation of division - SPOILER SAME AS MULTIPLICATION!
47m30- Complexity of computing square toots - SPOILER SAME AS MULTIPLICATION!

EG prob:

Maths notes


R12 - Karatsuba Multiplication, Newtons Method

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes
Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R12

time notes
1m-10m Karatsuba Multiplication - see L11 34m
3m time complexity normal multiply vs Karatsuba O(n^log3)
10m Newtons Method
11m20 Graphical walk through theory
10m-20m deriving Newtons Method
30m33 One thing to remember is using this trick
31m Example of finding cubed root

11m20 Graphical walk through theory
tan(Θ) = opposite / adjacent ()
This works by making a first guess.
Finding the tangent at that guess and using it�s intersection w/ y=0 as the next guess.
Repeat this log d times where d is the precision in digits. [explain log d comes from raising to a power below 1 inserts 0s in e]
We need to remove difficult division which is done my multiplying everything by 10^d and working w/ integers.
Feed the result back into the approximation until you get the same result twice which means we have converged on a solution.
The initial guess is arrived at by binary search to get a number that produced a correct most significant digit.
Then homing in on then solution w/ Newtons method.

30m33 removing difficult division

Example of finding cubed root

for 10 digits of precision multiply by 10^d IE left shift 10 places in decimal

Summary of steps - towards code:

Approach: Create function whose root is the answer we seek & use newtons method to home in on the solution
Generate function.
See worked notes for steps w/ maths R12 p2-3
Type up add here
CODE this up - requires Karatsuba Coded. .

Maths notes

Unit 5: Graphs

L13 - Breadth-first search (BFS)

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: BFS EG w/ visualisation Reading:

ADT - Algo - BFS

type: Breadth-first search (BFS)
use cases: web crawlers, find shortest path & minimum spanning tree for unweighted graphs, route planning GPS, broadcasting in a network, detecting unreachable vertices from s (start)
queries: UPDATE from notes R13 at end
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L13

time notes
0m-2m Intorduction to graphs, adjacency lists
5m Applications
10m Pocket cube
20m Graph representation, adjacency lists
29m30 Space used Θ(V+E) vertices + edges I assume
34m BFS algorithm pseudo / python code - writing it on the board yawn. .
37m BFS algorithm pseudo / python code - WALKING the code
43m Parent pointer concept to create shortest paths
45m Shortest paths properties
49m30 Total running time BFS 2.E
49m45 Runtime & Handshaking Lemma

Handshaking Lemma, CLRS p1173 - says every edge increases the degrees by 2 - one for each node it connects.
Lemma - �a subsidiary or intermediate theorem in an argument or proof.�

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference
Graphs appendix in text book!

R13 - Breadth-First Search (BFS)

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: & &
Reading: CLRS C22 p589-602

Vid contents - R13

time notes
0-17m PS5 help
17m-28m Terms BFS graphs, handshaking lemma
28m-34m Representing graphs in python, adjacency lists
34m30 Representing graphs in python, adjacency matrix
39m Walk Breadth First Search - BFS
44m-52 BFS running time decomposition
52 FB / twitter thoughts - directed / undirected

Vertex - node in the graph.
Edge - line connecting two nodes.
Connected component - set of nodes connected by edges that can all be reached from each other.
Degree - number of other nodes connected to a node
Handshaking Lemma - Sum of all the degrees = 2 x number of edges. (each edge add 1 to the degree of 2 nodes)
For directed graphs:
In degree - number of incoming edges
Out degree - number of outgoing edges
Total in degrees = Total out degrees Sum of in degrees + Sum of out degrees = 2E

28m - Representing graphs in python
Graph is represented using a dict of vertices.
Each vertex has an adjacency list of the vertices (nodes) its connected to.
The length of the adjacency list is the degree of the node (number of other nodes its connected to).
Space = O(V+E) assuming empty lists 33m40

34m30 - Representing graphs in python, adjacency matrix
See lect notes p2
Square matrix of nodes using a bit per node.
If nodes are connected a 1 is placed in the cross section.
If nodes are NOT connected a 0 is placed in the cross section.
Where a node crosses with itself the cross is set to 1.
Number of 1s in the matrix = 2E + V (the +V comes from the nodes crossing with themselves, V nodes so +V)
Number of 0s in the matrix = V^2 - (2E + V) (V^2 is all the cross points - total # of 1s)
Space V^2 bits

39m - Walk Breadth First Search - BFS
BFS start form a particular node will discover the elements in a component. NOT necessarily the whole graph.
Uses a Queue data structure to store nodes as they are discovered, then remove them after their connections have been checked.
Nodes are kept in a dict.

44m - BFS running time decomposition
Vertex/Node seen held in a hash table w/ T/F value - EG dict seen or dict level
Hash: search O(1), delete O(1), insert O(1)
BFS running time:

BFS hash of adjacency lists: Look up edges for each node: O(V) - V number of nodes for each node O(degree) - number of edges connected - stored in list

Matrix - O(V^2) Adjacency list - O(V + E) or O(E) - 47m40

See lect notes p2

type matrix adjacency list
space Θ(V^2) bits Θ(Ew) bits or Θ(V + E) nodes
time - -
add edge O(1) O(1)
has edge?(U,V) O(1) O(degree)
all neighbours Θ(V) O(degree)
BFS O(v^2) O(V + E) or O(E) - 47m40

w - word size V - number of vertices E - number of edges del edge - similar to find & add

The adjacency list representation provides a compact way to represent sparse graphs - those for which |E| is much less than |V^2| - it is usually the method of choice.
We may prefer an adjacency matrix representation when:
A) the graph is dense - |E| is close to |V^2| or
B) when we need to be able to tell quickly if there is an edge connecting two given vertices.

Number zones in a maze
Code: & &

> cd algos
> ./        # display random maze
> ./    # create random maze & graph of maze run BFS on it label distance from origin (0,0) TLHC
 0 @@@@@   @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @@@@@
 1     @   @           @   @       @   @   @   @       @       @       @       @    
 2   0 @ 11@ 12  13  14@ 17@ 22  23@ 26@ 29@ 30@ 41  40@ 17  18@ 11  10@ 5   6 @ 1  
 3     @   @           @   @       @   @   @   @       @       @       @       @    
 4 @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @   @   @   @   @@@@@   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @
 5 @   @                   @   @       @   @   @   @   @               @           @
 6 @ 1 @ 12  13  14  15  16@ 21@ 24  25@ 28@ 29@ 40@ 39@ 20  19  20  21@ 4   3   2 @
 7 @   @                   @   @       @   @   @   @   @               @           @
 8 @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@
 9 @               @       @   @               @       @                           @
10 @ 2   3   4   5 @ -1  -1@ 20@ 25  26  27  28@ 39  38@ 21  22  23  22  23  24  25@
11 @               @       @   @               @       @                           @
12 @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @
13 @       @       @   @   @   @           @       @           @           @   @   @
14 @ 33  32@ 7   6 @ -1@ -1@ 19@ 20  21  22@ 39  38@ 37  36  35@ 26  25  24@ 25@ 26@
15 @       @       @   @   @   @           @       @           @           @   @   @
16 @   @   @   @@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @   @
17 @       @       @       @   @   @       @       @           @   @       @       @
18 @ 32  31@ 8   9 @ -1  -1@ 18@ 19@ 24  23@ 38  37@ 32  33  34@ 27@ 22  23@ 26  27@
19 @       @       @       @   @   @       @       @           @   @       @       @
20 @@@@@   @@@@@   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@   @
21         @       @               @       @       @               @   @       @    
22   29  30@ 11  10@ 15  16  17  18@ 25  26@ 35  36@ 31  30  29  28@ 21@ 24  25@ 28 
23         @       @               @       @       @               @   @       @    
24 @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@   @@@@@
25         @           @       @       @   @   @               @   @       @        
26   28  29@ 12  13  14@ 23  22@ 25  26@ 27@ 34@ 35  34  33  32@ 29@ 20  19@ 26  27 
27         @           @       @       @   @   @               @   @       @        
28 @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@
29     @   @       @       @   @   @   @   @   @       @           @           @    
30   29@ 30@ 29  28@ 25  24@ 21@ 24@ 27@ 28@ 33@ 36  35@ 32  31  30@ 19  18  17@ 30 
31     @   @       @       @   @   @   @   @   @       @           @           @    
32 @@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@   @   @   @   @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @
33             @       @       @   @       @   @   @       @                   @    
34   32  31  30@ 27  26@ 19  20@ 23@ 28  29@ 32@ 37@ 34  33@ 14  13  14  15  16@ 31 
35             @       @       @   @       @   @   @       @                   @    
36 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
37             @       @   @       @       @   @       @       @   @                
38   9   10  11@ 14  15@ 18@ 21  22@ 27  28@ 31@ 38  39@ 16  15@ 12@ 9   8   7   8  
39             @       @   @       @       @   @       @       @   @                
40 @@@@@   @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @@@@@


L14 - Depth-first search (DFS), topological sorting

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: & &
Reading: CLRS C22 p603-602

ADT - Algo - DFS - Θ(V+E)

type: Depth First Search
use cases: prescedence scheduling, cycle detection, logic requiring backtracking
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L14

time notes
1m-m DFS using recursion to leave trail
2m-7m Recursive call to find all nodes connected to a source
7m-9m Build on recursive function to find ALL vertices / nodes
9m Example
14m Running time O(V+E)
18m-30m Edge classification, in directed & undirected graphs
30m Use of edge type for cycle detection
31m-42m cycle detection - and proof, uses matched parenthesis - recursion entry exit pairs
42m topological sort - scheduling
46m Correctness proof - topological sort

Code - broad brush

parent = {s: None}    # keep track of vertices / nodes visited

DFS-Visit(Adj, s):    # recursively find nodes in graph (Adj - dict of adjacency lists)
    for v in Adj[S]:
        if v not in parent:
            parent[v] = s
                DFS-Visit(Adj, v)

# visit all components (subgraphs) by node dict
# V is a set of vertices of the graph
DFS(V, Adj):    
    parent = {s: None}        # will contain list of root nodes at the end
    for s in V:               # one for each component / subgraph
        if s not in parent:
            parent[s] = None
            DFS-Visit(Adj, s) # different Adj for each component!

14m - Running time Analysis - Θ(V+E)
In DFS visit each vertex once O(V)
In DFS-visit called once per vertex V, pay len(Adj) or |Adj[v]|

This says for all v ∈ V (v in set V ie that are members of set V)

|Adj[v]| is saying len(Adj[v]) which is the list of successor nodes and implicitly edges.

So the sum of the lengths of all the adjacency lists is the number of edges. Thus O(E)

So DFS + DFS-visit is Θ(V+E)

Edge Clasification
Tree edge - edge that goes to something so far unvisited. (parent holds the tree edges)
(these create a forrest of trees)
Back edge - node to ancestor in the tree / forrest - indicates a cycle (all nodes in the stack - detected by marking inStack flag in the node and checking it in subsequent node visits)
Forward edge - node to descendant in the tree (further along from source) (detected by counter stamping each node as its passed - forward node low to high)
Cross edge - edge between two non ancestor related subtrees, ancestral fork resulting in subtrees / siblings.

Cycle detection
Back edges are detected by setting an INPROGRESS (node in the stack) flag at start of each recursive node check.
If the node being checked has the INPROGRESS flag set the edge is a back edge.
To get the cycle follow parent list back to the node.

42m - Topological sort - scheduling Name comes from sorting the topology of the graph.
DAG - Directed Acyclic Graph
Acyclic Graph - graph w/o any cycles in it.
Output the reverse of the finishing times of each vertex.
Worked example CLRS p607.
When DFS processing a graph first encounter & �starttime� depicted by (n and finish time by n).
Entry & exit will be a well formed set of parentheses:

(s (z (y (x x) y) (w w) z) s) (t (v v) (u u) t)

Do Practical Code example

46m Correctness proof

Number components / subgraphs / zones in a maze
Code: & &

> cd algos
> ./        # display random maze
> ./    # create random maze & graph of maze run DFS on it label components
                   # A component being each complete distinct subgraph
 0 @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@
 1     @       @   @       @       @                   @           @   @            
 2   1 @ 2   2 @ 3 @ 4   4 @ 4   4 @ 4   4   4   4   4 @ 5   5   5 @ 3 @ 1   1   1  
 3     @       @   @       @       @                   @           @   @            
 4 @   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@
 5     @       @   @       @   @       @           @   @           @   @            
 6   1 @ 2   2 @ 3 @ 6   6 @ 4 @ 4   4 @ 4   4   4 @ 4 @ 5   5   5 @ 3 @ 1   1   1  
 7     @       @   @       @   @       @           @   @           @   @            
 8 @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@
 9     @           @       @       @                   @                   @        
10   7 @ 3   3   3 @ 6   6 @ 4   4 @ 4   4   4   4   4 @ 3   3   3   3   3 @ 7   7  
11     @           @       @       @                   @                   @        
12 @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@
13     @           @           @                   @       @           @   @        
14   7 @ 3   3   3 @ 8   8   8 @ 4   4   4   4   4 @ 3   3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3 @ 7   7  
15     @           @           @                   @       @           @   @        
16 @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@
17 @               @           @       @               @   @           @           @
18 @ 3   3   3   3 @ 8   8   8 @ 4   4 @ 3   3   3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3   3   3 @
19 @               @           @       @               @   @           @           @
20 @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@   @
21 @   @               @       @       @           @   @           @       @       @
22 @ 3 @ 9   9   9   9 @ 8   8 @ 4   4 @ 3   3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3   3 @ 3   3 @
23 @   @               @       @       @           @   @           @       @       @
24 @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @   @@@@@
25     @               @       @   @       @       @   @           @       @        
26   3 @ 9   9   9   9 @ 8   8 @ 4 @ 3   3 @ 3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3   3 @ 3   3  
27     @               @       @   @       @       @   @           @       @        
28 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@
29 @       @               @       @   @           @   @   @       @   @           @
30 @ 10  10@ 8   8   8   8 @ 4   4 @ 3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3 @ 3 @ 3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3   3 @
31 @       @               @       @   @           @   @   @       @   @           @
32 @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@@@@@   @   @   @   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @
33 @       @               @   @   @               @   @       @       @       @   @
34 @ 10  10@ 8   8   8   8 @ 4 @ 4 @ 3   3   3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3 @ 3   3 @ 3   3 @ 3 @
35 @       @               @   @   @               @   @       @       @       @   @
36 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @@@@@@@@@   @@@@@   @   @@@@@   @   @   @   @   @
37                 @           @           @           @           @   @       @    
38   3   3   3   3 @ 4   4   4 @ 4   4   4 @ 3   3   3 @ 3   3   3 @ 3 @ 3   3 @ 3  
39                 @           @           @           @           @   @       @    
40 @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @   @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@

[ 0 1,  1 1,  3 9,  4 9, 13 1,  4 2,  0 3,  4 4,  1 6,  0 8]  < Component Start nodes
0,0 = TRHC  19,9 = BRHC 

R14 - Depth-First Search (DFS)

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ ~ Reading:

Vid contents - R14

time notes
0-2m What to cover?
2m-3m Graphs, dict of adjacency lists
3m-6m Going over graph DS implementation
6m Going over DFS code
23m Edges
32m Undirected graph walk through
35m Edges in directed vs undirected graphs
39m Topological Sort - Directed Acyclic graphs only (DAGS only)

39m - Topological Sort - Directed Acyclic graphs only DAGS only
�A > B - forward edge means B depends on A� < this doesn�t sound right to me . .
If B follows A then sure B depends on A!?? CHECK - CONFIRM

Problem set 5 due

Unit 6: Shortest Paths

L15 - Single-Source Shortest Paths Problem

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: ~ Reading: CLRS C24 p643-683


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L15

time notes
0-4m Intro Motivation
4m Dijkstra (non negative edges) O(VlgV + E)
6m Bellman Ford (+ve -ve negative edges) O(VE) = O(V^3)
8m Notation 1
14m-18m Notation 2
18m Example notes p3
24m Predecessor relationship PI ∏ shorted current path d(V)
27m -ve weights -
32m -ve cycles
37m Relaxation - resolving to shortest paths
38m Structure of shortest path algorithms (Single source / Brute force)
45m Exponential graph example - notes p5
50m Optimum substructure

Graph G(V, E, W)
V - vertices
E - Edges
W - Weights

4m - Dijkstra (non negative edges) dominating factor is E (edges)
O(VlgV + E) - R15 18m49 �you need a fancy DS for this running time� O(ElgV) more practical running time.
E = O(V^2)

6m - Bellman Ford (+ve -ve negative edges)
O(VE) = O(V^3)
IE prefer Dijkstra . .

8m - Notation
Definition of path and its weight

  1. Path p is the set of vertices 0 to k
  2. (vertex i to vertex i+1) and edge is a member of E - set of edges where i is between 0 and k
  3. the weight of the path w(p) is the sum of the weights w(vertex i to vertex i+1) of paths it contains

14m-17m - Notation 2

18m - Example notes p3

24m | Predecessor relationship**
d(V) - value inside the circle - current best path weight ∏[V] - Predecessor on the (current ) best path to V - ∏[S] = NIL

32m - Structure of shortest path algorithms

45m - Exponential graph example - notes p5

R15 - BFS - Shortest Paths

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes 1 ~ lect notes 2 ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R15

time notes
0m-16m Adapting BFS to solve undirected graph w/ weighted nodes
16m Running time of adapted BFS
20m Exam Q - transforming a problem - graph layers to represent state odd/ even in this case
40m Mulitlayered state representation - highway network - travel time different at time t

0m-16m - Adapting BFS to solve undirected graph w/ weighted nodes
For a path of length 4 insert 3 fake nodes to simulate a distance of 4 w/ 4 edges. Do the same for all the paths then run BFS on the new graph. Take the output and reverse the process - remove fake nodes leaving the original nodes forming the path.

16m - Running time of adapted BFS
Dijkstra - O(VlgV + E) or O(ElgV) - R15 18m49
BF - O(V.E)
Adapted BFS - O(v)

20m - Exam Q - transforming a problem - graph layers to represent state odd/ even in this case
Tim & Jim traveling from A to E.
Constraints, they must taking it in turns driving and Tim must start and end the journey.
So shortest path starts with Tim and ends with Tim so must have an odd number of steps.

Duplicate the graph labelling one set ODD & the other EVEN.
Use Dijkstra to find shortest path between A_even and E_odd

Code this

40m - Mulitlayered state representation - highway network - travel time different at time t
Problem: Least amount of fuel to get from a to b. (Most ecological)
Fuel used to get from path a to be is a also a function of t (integer in minutes)
F(a,b,t) = fuel used. going from node a to b leaving at time t Also introduces the concept of waiting which uses no fuel

L16 - Dijkstra

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Dijkstra Shortest path Computerphile ~ A* A star Search Algorithm ~ Code: Reading: CLRS, Sections 24.2-24.3 p648

ALGO - Dijkstra

type: greedy BFS to find shortest path
use cases: routing tables (networks), route finding (maps)
queries: find(graph, start, target)
updates: none

Basics to understand Dijkstra algorithm.

With DFS the search uses a stack to store new nodes as the graph is searched, this also lends itself to using recursion since it has an implicit stack in the call stack.

With BFS a queue structure is used to store an process nodes, this is what is used by Dijkstra

Dijkstra is a greedy algorithm (it makes the locally optimal choice at each stage).

The first step is to process all the nodes adjacent to the start node and queue them up in order of shortest distance first. (Shortest distance is the optimal - greedy - next choice).

The algorithm then repeats this step with each element in the Q:
It pulls a node off the Q, goes through each adjacent node, calculates the distance of the adjacent node from the start and places that adjacent node back in the Q according to its distance from the start.

Note if an early node (processing wise) is a long distance away from the start, a multistep route with a smaller distance will be processed first because it will appear earlier in the queue. This ensures the shortest route requirement.

The algorithm also maintains a set of visited_nodes to detect when the target node has been found.

Relaxation - fundamental concept:
d[v] length current SP from source (blue) to v

  • (d[v] updates for each node as algorithm runs - set to ∞ to start)
  • except for S which is 0 these all start at infinity until they are deduced

delta(s,v) length of a shortest path between s & v

∏[v] predecessor of v in the SP from s to v (used to reconstruct the SP)
∏[S] = NIL

w(u,v) distance from u to v

Relaxation operation:

RELAX(u, v, w)
	if d[v] > d[u] + w(u, v) 		if dist from S to u + dist from u to v is < dist from S to v
		then d[v] = d[u] + w(u, v) 	then update v with new shortest path
			∏[v] = u			and update its predecessor with u

It is basically saying: if we have found a shorter route to v via u, update the details in v to reflect this.

Keep going until T is in the visited_nodes.

S Source
T Target
SP Shortest Path
DAG Directed Acyclic Graph
1 2 3
sk sk sk
Code @ More nodes More nodes
sk sk sk
Code @ u9_fp_random_target.js More nodes More nodes

To see short animation navigate here and click DOWNLOAD for mp4.

Vid contents - L16

time notes
2m-6m Review - Shortest Paths in DAGs - Directed Acyclic Graphs
6m Relaxation & its being SAFE
6m-17 Relaxation & its being SAFE proof - dubious
17m-21m DAGs (-ve edges OK cant have cycles) - SPECIAL CASE SHORTEST PATH
21m DAG graph visual example
28m-41 Dijkstras Algorithm
41 Dijkstras Algorithm - walking example

2m - Review - Shortest Paths in DAGs - Directed Acyclic Graphs
d[V] - shortest path to V from source S - number in the centre of the node in diagram!!
d[V] at S is 0, rest are initialised to infinity and are then relaxed AFAP (< Far)
∂(S,V) delta(S,V) - length of A shortest path from S to V
∏[V] pi[V] - Predecessor on the (current ) best path to V - ∏[S] = NIL
w(u,v) - weight of path from u to v

7m - Relaxation step
Relaxation step involves updating a d[V] with the value of a newly found shorter route.
Updating its predecessor ∏[V] w/ the new predecessor nodes

7m10-17m - Relaxation SAFETY
Converging on the delta value from the top and stopping at the minimum delta. Lemma: The relaxation algorithm maintains the invariant that d[v] ≥ ∂(s, v) for all v ∈ V

**17m - DAGs (-ve edges OK - CANT have cycles) **
SPECIAL CASE (Graph w/o cycles -ve edges OK) SHORTEST PATH - O(V+E)

  1. Topologically sort the DAG
  2. Then relax in sorted order - Note a path from u to v in the sorted graph implies u preceeds v.
    Process O(V+E)
    What is this used for?? Getting shortest paths of DAG weighted graph w/o cycles -ve edges OK!

28m-41 - Dijkstras Algorithm
Watch for an uncomplicated accurate walkthrough Dijkstra Shortest path Computerphile ~ developed into A* A star Search Algorithm

Next iteration of processing is taken from the PRIORITY QUEUE (MinHeap) where nodes are inserted when found ordered by their d[node] from S

EG prob: - autogen map data to feed dijkstra

./		# create a random set out cities connect by routes to present to ./

S = source node
Π[v] = predecessor node
w(v1,v2) = sum of edge weights from v1 to v2

See generic pseudo code L17 top p2
	Each node should start w/ distance from S set to math.inf
	Predecessor node Π[v] (pi = symbol for predecessor) set to NIL / None

Distance from S at S is obviously 0!	Since its the source node

Iterate through all outbound nodes and only update the vertex if this route is shorter than the a previous routes update.
	Note nodes / vertices may have been reached by another route and may already have a bette path
	in which case don�t update!

Only on and update(shorter path found) add/update the node to/in the priorityQ - - - I think? this the bit Im hazy on
	PriorityQ no support update? < CHECK if this will 

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

R16 - Rubiks Cube, StarCraft Zero

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R16

time notes
0m-30m Rubiks cube walk through
22m44 Inverse of permutation
29m Starcraft

EG prob:

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

L17 - Bellman-Ford

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:

ALGO - Bellma-Ford

use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L17

time notes
0m-2m Intro
2m-4m40 Summary of graph w/ -ve cycle & expectations of Bellman-Ford algo
4m40-10m Summary generic shortest path algo & problems
10m50 Polynomial Time vs Exponential time top p3 in notes - CRITICAL - top p4 too!
11m50-15m Bellman-Ford algo pseudocode - bottom p3 in notes
16m-18m Bellman-Ford complexity O(VE + E) = O(VE)
18m-30m Proof part 1
30m-34m Proof part 2 - corollary
34m-40m Couple queries answered
40m-end Finding longest paths in a graph / problems w/ cycles

L18 - Speeding up Dijkstra

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

**Vid contents - **

time notes
0m-4m Intro, ps6, bidirectional search
4m-6m basic Dijkstra pseudo code review
7m30 Bi-directional search
11m40 df[u] & db[u] terminology - distance forward & backward
11m50 Qf[u] & Qb[u] terminology - PriortyQ forward & backward
28m Constructing SHORTEST path problems notes p5 for diagram
42m Constructing SHORTEST path SOLUTION
46m Goal directed search & A*

7m30 - Bi-directional search
searching from S > t (source to target)
and from t > S and look for frontier collision
Requires Π[v] (predecessor node) from S and from t for traversal in both directions,
and obviously shortest path info too.
for each node
df[u] & db[u] - distance forward & backward
fer each search
Qf[u] & Qb[u] - PriortyQ forward & backward
Then detecting the collision of the frontier by looking for a node that has bean extracted from both PriorityQs

Concatenate subpaths to that node from each direction:
S > node + node > t
is NOT the way to get the shortest path!

28m - Constructing SHORTEST path:
42m - Constructing SHORTEST path SOLUTION
S > node + node > t gives a starting point for comparison
Then you need to Look in the PriQs for nodes that appear in both and check to see if an paths are shorter. Check this, doesn�t seem particularly rigorous!?

*46m - Goal directed search & A **
Used combination of path weight and a guiding metric to prefer paths going towards the goal. EG in a map route, could be weight + distance to goal: Computerphile A* - 14m vid

EG prob:

Add code.

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

R18 - Quiz 2 Review

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - Q2 review

time notes
0m-5m Covering: Numerics . . see below
5m-8m Why you might get different shortest routes bast on relaxation order
8m Numerics: Newtons method NM, choosing good start function
19m Numerics: NM, avoiding fraction, shifting,
23m Numerics: NM, estimating initial guess, order of magnitude
25m Numerics: NM, using binary search to generate first guess - home in on approximation
27m Numerics: NM, stop when approximation match - CONVERGED
30m Numerics: NM, speed of convergence.
30m-35m Numerics: NM, student Q&A - good summary
35m- Graph tranformation - 2d graphs, layers R15
45m- Graph tranformation - running complexity
47m- Graph tranformation - expressing constraints
51m- BFS & DFS use case summary L13, R13, L14
57m- DFS edge types L14


0m-5m - Covering:
Why you might get different shortest routes bast on relaxation order Graph transformation - converting and complicated problem into a shortest route problem to solve it. Numerics: Karatsuba
Numerics: Newtons method - FORMULA SB on CHEAT SHEET DFS Edge types
Transformations & Layers

8m | Numerics: Newtons method, choosing good start function

Add formula for Newtons method & step summary, rationale behind each step

B - base d - digits of precision

23m - estimating initial guess, order of magnitude

35m - Graph tranformation
Path from S > t Coloured edges have associate cost (5) for switching for on to the other

51m - BFS & DFS use case summary

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

	Problem set 6 due
 	Quiz 2	 

Unit 7: Dynamic Programming

L19 - Memoization, subproblems, guessing, bottom-up; Fibonacci, shortest paths

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes
Code: good side by side review L20 - 6m-17m Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L19

time notes
0-5m Introduction to Dynamic Programming (DP) recursion + memoization + guessing
5m-11m20 Solving Fibonacci w/ Memoization - naive version
11m20-15m40 Memoized version - running cost Θ(n)
15m40 running cost Θ(n) - rule 30m49 flashback for acyclic sub problems
19m30-23m DP generalisation, running cost
23m-29m Bottom-up DP algorithm (topological sort)
29m-51m shortest paths, converting cyclic paths to acyclic & bellman-ford
35m shortest paths - GUESSING

0-5m - Introduction to Dynamic Programming (DP) recursion + memoization + guessing**
Wikipedia definition:
Dynamic programming is both a  method and a computer programming method. The method was developed by  in the 1950s and has found applications in numerous fields, from  to . In both contexts it refers to simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems in a  manner. While some decision problems cannot be taken apart this way, decisions that span several points in time do often break apart recursively. Likewise, in computer science, if a problem can be solved optimally by breaking it into sub-problems and then recursively finding the optimal solutions to the sub-problems, then it is said to have . If sub-problems can be nested recursively inside larger problems, so that dynamic programming methods are applicable, then there is a relation between the value of the larger problem and the values of the sub-problems. In the optimization literature this relationship is called the Bellman equation.

SEE L20 6m - for 5 steps!

5m-11m20 - Solving Fibonacci w/ Memoization - naive version
8m15 Recurrence p2 notes - revises Fibonacci recurrence

11m20-15m40 - Memoized version
Main takeaway here is that running cost described as a tree once a particular value has been calculated it can be retrieved from a dict. Resulting a in the main cost being the first time the memoization table is filled with data. The rest of the calls are essentially dict lookups. so for fib(n) the runing time O(n) - linear

add code from

15m40 - running cost Θ(n) - rule 30m49 flashback for acyclic sub problems

19m30-23m - DP generalisation, running cost
RECURSION + MEMOIZATION + GUESSING Split the problem into memoized subproblems . .
and then if you need the solution to that problem again you don�t need to recompute the solution!
time = # of subproblems x time per subproblem Recursions are NOT counted because memoization removes the cost of repeat computation.

ONLY WORKS ON DAGS? ACYCLIC GRAPHS To fix this create layered graph - graph transform - 48m

23m-29m - Bottom-up DP algorithm (topological sort)
Dont get it - its a for loop? Add timing info from Notes on Space - see p3 notes

29m-51m - shortest paths, converting cyclic paths to acyclic & bellman-ford
Using graph transform - code example - code example in R19 See R19 notes too

35m - shortest paths - GUESSING

EG prob: - Fibonacci

EG prob: - Shortest Path

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

R19 - Dynamic Programming: Crazy Eights, Shortest Path

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ dynamic prog lect18 spring 2011 - crazy eights ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R19

time notes
0m-9m30 Crazy Eights crazy eights - L18
9m30-20m40 Computing shortest paths on a DAG
19m Computing shortest paths on a DAG - complexity + Crzy8 complexity
19m30 Crzy8 complexity
20m Options: Generalised Pseudocode, Memoization, Dealing w// cycles, another DP
22m-28m Manhatten lattice
28m Q&A - develop Manhatten lattice solution, topologically sorted so no memoization
32m Q: what is dynamic programming - Optimal substructure
37m-48m Cycles - graph transforms used to remove cycle + complexity
48m Q&A about cycles

**9m30 - Computing shortest paths on a DAG Break the graph into subgraphs and work out their weights. For each node it has a number of incoming nodes each with and associated weight. Shortest path looks at their weights and chooses the minimum weight. For the target node this DEPENDS on the PRECEDING nodes and the same for them until you reach the source. The dependency requires the the nodes be processed in the order the edges progress so a topological sort is required before processing starts. (Missing info will cause the recursion to fail) Every node & edge must be processed giving O(V + E) + topological sort which he appears to gloss over!!

22m | Manhatten lattice Nodes labelled col,row (n * m) so top left 00, top right 5,1, bottom left 1,4, bottom right 5,4

31m you don�t need memoization if you know the topological order of the graph - explain.

32m - what is dynamic programming - Optimal substructure
Optimal substructure Technique to solve optimisation problems maximise or minimise something. Also see L20

51m - devils in the detail question - explain

L20 - Dynamic Programming II: Text Justification, perfect information Blackjack. parent pointers

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L20

time notes
0-6m Lecture overview
6m-17m 6m Dynamic programming overview - 5 steps - Fibonacci / Shortest Path
17m-35m Text justification
35m-39m Parent Pointer - remember which guess was best - track the solution
39m-52 Blackjack - fires though at high speed

6m Dynamic programming overview - 5 steps (not necessarily sequential!)

  1. define sub problems - [count # subproblems]

  2. guess (part of the solution) - [count # choices]

  3. relate sub problem solutions - [compute time/subproblem]

  4. recurse & memoize - [time = time/subproblem * # subproblems]
    OR build DP table BOTTOM-UP
    For DP table BOTTOM-UP - check subproblems acyclic & in topological order!!

  5. Solve original problem = subproblem
    OR by combining sub problem solutions. - [extra time]

  6. this is identifying the recursive part 5 is about expressing the problem as a directed acyclic graph DAG, compute the shortest path w/ bell-ford.
    Here the skill is in expressing the problem as a DAG.

Note: R19 - 31m you don�t need memoization if you know the topological order of the graph - explain.

EG prob: - Fibonacci
Goes over the steps 6m-17m

EG prob: - Shortest Path
Goes over the steps 6m-17m
15m for k on the outside / for loop over V on the inside reverse does not work!

EG prob: - Text Justification 17m-35m

Use DP rather than greedy.(Whole page strategy rather than line by line) badness of line = (width page - width words)^3 < the more space really highlighted by the cubedness! badness of line = math.inf if the words don�t fit Problem is to minimise the sum of the badnesses of the lines. (Whole page strategy rather than line by line)

1. Copy steps to code and implement in python

EG prob: - perfect information Blackjack 39m

1. Copy steps to code and implement in python
2. guess - how many hits?
3. recurence outcome member { -1, 0, 1}  lose, draw, win

R20 - Dynamic Programming: Blackjack

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code:[Black] Reading:

**Vid contents - **

time notes
39m-end L20 39m-end refresh BlackJack DP solution
0m-6m R20 introduce the problem
6m-18m Encoding into a GRAPH solution
15m15 Choose TOPOLOGICAL SORT +DFS O(V+E) over Dijkstra O(E + VlogV)
18m-37m Dynamic Programming solution
37m-end Longest Increasing Subsequence

Ace can be 1 or 11. Dealer stick 17 or higher $1 per win Cards consumed each round 2 + 2 + player hits + dealer hits

4m - macro - round_outcome(i, h) for each game the only important info is how many cards player hits - h

After that is chosen: player gets 2 cards dealer gets 2 cards each player hits some cards number of cards played - #cp result {1,0,-1}

macro: round_outcome(i, h) i - start point, h - number of cards to hit return: (number of cards played this round #cp, winnings{1,0,-1} )

6m - Encoding into a GRAPH solution The game starts with a deck of cards and after each round #cp cards have been used up resulting in an outcome{1,0,-1}. Setup: 52 nodes each representing card played in the deck. Each edge represents a result, and will go from the start position (i) to start position (i) + #cp

This results in a DAG since all the edges move forward (by at least 4 cards) for each game.

Next step is to find the most profitable (highest score) path through the graph.

Topological Sort + DFS O(V+E) will give the shortest path.

15m15 - Choose TOPOLOGICAL SORT + DFS O(V+E) over Dijkstra O(E + VlogV)
C++ implementation findinh longest path

18m-m - Dynamic Programming solution
Fro DP the graph is implicit and no nodes are used the solutions are stored directly. Here cards are stored in a 52 element array. named dp[]

37m-endLongest Increasing Subsequence
Brute force but solutions to sub problems already computed as you progress!

Solutions (length of largest sequence of rising number) are store in an array same size as the sequence. 1 slot per number n the problem space. EG 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15

index:	          0  1  2   3  4   5  6   7  8  9 10  11 12  13 14  15
Problem space:    0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15
Solutions array   6  4  5   3  5   3  4   2  4  3  3   2  3   2  2   1
parent_index      2  3  6   7  6   7  9  15  9 11 11  15 13  15 15  nil

Start at last element end of sequence the solution to longest increasing sequence is 1 store it in same location in solution array.

Go left 1 and calculate from there solution is 2, [7,15]
Repeat index 12 both index 13 & 14 provide acceptable (precalc) routes to increasing sequence. Store 3, parents 13,14
Repeat index 11 only i=15 provides acceptable (precalc) route to increasing sequence. Store 2, parent=15
Repeat index 10 only i=15 provides acceptable (precalc) route to increasing sequence.
Repeat index 9 both index 11 & 13 provide acceptable (precalc) routes to increasing sequence. Store 3, parents 11,13 Repeat index 8 all index higher 9,10,12 provide acceptable (precalc) routes to increasing sequence. Store 4, parents 9,10,12 Repeat index 7 only i=15 provides acceptable (precalc) route to increasing sequence. Store 2, parent=15
Repeat index 6 only i=9 provides acceptable (precalc) route to increasing sequence. Store 4, parent=9
etc etc until whole array processed.

Keep track of the highest stored number and its index. Use parents to reconstruct sequence.

Note depending on requirements only one parent may be necessary.

L21 - String subproblems, psuedopolynomial time; parenthesization, edit distance, knapsack

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L21

time notes
0m-3m15 Intro - 5 steps revision
3m15m-6m Choosing sub-problems - string or sequences - suffixes
6m-24m Parenthesization
24m-43m Edit Distance
31m Breaking down Edit Distance: Common subsequence - HIEROGLYPHOLOGY ex?
43m-53m Knap sack

3m15m - Choosing subproblems - string or sequences - suffixes

type complexity notation
suffixes O(n) linear x[i:] ∀i
prefixes O(n) linear x[:i] ∀i
substrings O(n**2) quatratic x[i:j] ∀ i<=j

6m-24m - Parenthesization
Associative expression: re-arranging parenthesis wont change result: (2 + 3) + 4 = 2 + (3 + 4) = 9
Example is matrix multiplication. Where computational cost depends on order of parenthesis.
matrix computation cost
Initial analysis looks like the solution approaches from both ends, IE using prefixes & suffixes!
In this case use substrings!
Draw out this recurrence / DAG, get better understanding.

24m - Edit Distance
Cost of creating one string from another. Can be used to build a list of likely words from a typo word.
Cost / Distance calculated in character edits w/ each edit having an associated cost.
(keys next to each other might have low cost since typo more likely)
insert c
del c
replace c > c`

Also spelling correction, DNA sequencing, likely mutation progression.

Longest common subsequence

31m - Breaking down Edit Distance
Understand how the matrix representation on of the graph maps to a graph.
What he data in each cell represents, helpful to visuailse

31m subset / recursion

43m-53m - Knap sack
Optimising the content of a container of constant volume based on volume & value of a set of items.

48m subset / recursion

R21 - Dynamic Programming: Knapsack Problem

contents ~ vid ~ a lot DENSE lect notes READ ~ Code: Reading:

Vid contents - R21

time notes
1m Knapsack problem
1m Graph version
25m Graph version - running time
26m-59m DP version
42m DP version - fills in matrix
45-47m DP version - pick matrix apart
48m Pseudo polnomial time
59m Dijkstra - data representation impact on running time - WRT pseudo polynomial time

EG - Knapsack problem - 1m

n items, each item: s_i - weight v_i - value

Knapsack can carry s lbs

Problem: Fill the knapsack w/ the most valuable loot! Answer: list of items!

As a graph each node is an item. Each edge represents adding item to sack. (value of items added to sack so far. room left in the sack) Nope!

Weight is an integer create a layer for each weight in Eg 5lb is the limit so 5 layer 1 for each lb. Edge represent the value change. items
0 - gold statue - $10 - 4lb
1 - crystal ball - $4 - 2lb
2 - fountain pen - $7 - 3lb

42m - DP version - fills in matrix Understand arrows / matrix - depends on changing bag capacity?? 45-47m DP version - pick matrix apart - try notes - p1!
quick rehash of knapsack L22 2m-5m

59m - Dijkstra - data representation impact on running time

L22 - Two kinds of guessing; piano/guitar fingering, Tetris training, Super Mario Bros.vid

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes ~ Code: Reading:


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

Vid contents - L22

time notes
1m Intro, Piano, guitar, tetris & super mario brothers, 2ND KIND OF GUESSING!
5m40-35m Piano & Guitar fingering
13m-16m P&G f: sub-problems - first INCORRECT attempt
16m-21m P&G f: sub-problems - CORRECT approach
21m-23m30 P&G f: topological order
23m30-27m P&G f: DAG form
27m P&G f: multiple notes
35m30 Tetris (w/ contraints!)
43m30 Super Mario Brothers

EG prob:

5m40 - Piano & Guitar fingering
note > single note
10 fingers
difficulty measure - d(p, f, q, g)
p - note on
f - finger f & transition to
q - note q using
g - finger g

13m - P&G f: sub-problems
How to play note for i onwards - notes[i:]

23m30 - P&G f: DAG form
5 rows - five fingers

R22 - Dynamic Programming: Dance Dance Revolution

contents ~ vid ~ NO lect notes
Reading: Strassen's algorithm for fast matrix multiplication is covered in CRLS, chapter 28, pp. 735-742.

Vid contents - R22

time notes
1m-6m Intro to DDR rules, what to maximise
6m-11m Turning prduct into sums using logs, Concept: NUMERICAL INSTABILITY
11m-end Modelling using a graph

EG - DDR - Dance Dance Revolution

Bouncing ideas about - what to minimise/ maximise:
Maximise score
Minimise effort
Best appearance to MAXIMISE entertainment (for TV)
Minimise probability of failure = maximise probability of success! (Use logs - doing sums instead of products? 6m45?)
(see L44m43 min product - PS6 I can haz moor frendz - friendbook) Probability of succeeding on each move, eventually sums up to the total probability of success!
How turn products into sums I assume he means

6m - Turning prduct into sums using logs, Concept: NUMERICAL INSTABILITY 7m14
Multiplying lots on numbers that are close to 1 (IE probabilities that are high/likely) creates NUMERICAL INSTABILITY.
So use logs (of probabilities) and add them up instead of the actual probabilities and multiplying them.

Quick game summary: trochadero dance arcade

Hit all the nodes minimise the effort

delta(from, to) > results in number 0 > 1 0=easy to 1=hard
Moves coded L / R foot position U D L R arrow
So delta(LU RD, LL RR) produces a difficulty

11m - Modelling using a graph
node = state
edge = move

What doe the State mean? Move difficulty independant Sum of difficulties up to

44m59 - state summary on board

Problem set 7 due

Unit 8: Advanced Topics

L23 - Computational complexity

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

**Vid contents - **

time notes
0m-1m Intro: polynomial time algos
1m-5m Complexity classes: P, Exp, R
5m-11m Examples: cycle detect, n*n chess, tetris, halting problem
12m-18m most problems uncomputable - set theory - walk the PROOF
19m- NP - non deterministic polynomial - lucky algorithm
24m- NP - tetris
26m- NP - alt view
26m-34m P ne NP or P vs NP - YOU CANT ENGINEER LUCK
36m hardness & completeness
41m-end reductions

see lect notes

Complexity classes: P - { Set of all problems solvable in Polynomial Time }
Complexity classes: Exp - { Set of all problems solvable in Exponential Time }
Complexity classes: R - { Set of all problems solvable in Finite time }

R23 - Computational Compelexity

contents ~ vid ~ NO lect notes
Reading: 34.1-34.3 p1053 34.1 Polynomial time, 34.2 Polynomial time verification, 34.3 NP-completeness and reducibility

**Vid contents - **

time notes
28m Solution approaches - know what to avoid
32m k-SAT (2R-SAT, 3-SAT) - satisfiability, CNF

28m - summarises solution approaches from the course. Smiley faces - one approach per face. Talking about reductions,

READ THE NP COMPLETE CHAPTER IN CLRS - C34 p1048-1105 - BIG!! 57 pages!

24 - Algorithms research topics

vid ~ lect notes


use cases: good for bla
representation invariant (RI):

**Vid contents - **

time notes

EG prob:

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

R24 - Final Exam review

contents ~ vid ~ lect notes

**Vid contents - **

time notes

EG prob:

Maths notes

Any equation identities / topics for this lecture include context and uses for later reference

Glossary of terms

The following symbols o, Ω, ω, and Θ, are used to describe differing kinds of bounds on asymptotic growth rates.
O - big O - describes the asymptotic behaviour of functions WORST case or UPPER bound (common in CompSci)
Θ - big Theta - describes the asymptotic behaviour of functions AVERAGE case (common in CompSci)
Ω - big Omega - BEST case or LOWER bound (common in CompSci)
o - little O - loose upper bound (common in Maths rare in CompSci)
ω - little omega - rough estimate of the order of the growth (rarely used)
T(n) - function defining the exact Time or number of steps to complete an algorithm for n items

Binary tree types:
Full All nodes have 2 children or 0 children (one child not allowed)
Complete Filled top to bottom left to right (and removed in reverse, data position likely re-ordered to preserve RI - EG Heap)
Perfect All layers have all their nodes
Balanced Usually refers to weight height balance leaf depths differ by no more than 1 (can also be weight balanced)

ADT - Abstract Data Type (interface definition, methods & properties)
DS - Data Structure (actual implementation of the ADT)
RI - representation invariant

Stable sorting algorithm - A sorting algorithm is said to be stable if two objects with equal keys appear in the same order in sorted output as they appear in the input array to be sorted.

Note for array of any size tree: element A[n/2+1 . . n] are ALL leaves!

How To s

How so I plot a chart with python?

> .pe						# alias .pe='. venv/bin/activate'
> pip install matplotlib			# plotting lib
> pip install numpy				# math sci lib 
> ./matplotlib/				# super basic 2d plot example - in maths repo


How to setup autogenerate file from RTF notes?

> python --version			# Python 2.7.16
> python3 -m venv venv
> .pe					# alias .pe='. venv/bin/activate'
> python --version			# Python 3.7.5
> pip install --upgrade pip
> pip install striprtf			# for rtf processing

How do I autogenerate file from RTF?

> .pe				# alias .pe='. venv/bin/activate'
> ./ -p	# takes MATHS_00_MIT_6.042.rtf course notes and add TOC >
				# also add to git, commits, and pushes
				# -p = commit & push

How can I add maths formulas to

Manually: Generate math image and embed it.

Install Latex tools notes here
Open LaTeXit edit equation click text and hit the LaTeXit button to check its good.
Export as png and upload it to git (need to do this so the URL and be used to embed the image)
Embed image with

![uses dot product of the vector of each document](  
Note the ! before opening [ denotes image

Automagically: Install texify.

Find texify here
Use LaTeXit to check formula correctness then past it into doc surrounded by consecutive $ symbols like so latex script

Will display the following document distance equation

How can I get rid of ref numbers, or get them to increment at least?

open problem . .


Courses / Books Found w/ Summary:

MIT 2011 course Prerequisite: Maths for CS: 2015
[L3.2.1 Asymptotic Notation] (
[L 3.2.3 Asymptotic Properties] (
[L 3.2.6 Asymptotic Blunder inc Big O] (
[L12 Sums] (
[L12 Sums and Asymptotics] (

Prerequisite: Probability:
Assignments w solutions:

Intoduction to algorithms MIT (part 1 / 3):
Paper version:
How Lectures Match problem sets:
Problem Sets (inc code):
Problem Local (inc code):/a_syllabus/_COURSES_03_TO_SORT/_algorithms/MIT_introduction_to_algorithms/_problems_exams
Final exams & mocks:
Play list video: /a_syllabus/_COURSES_03_TO_SORT/_algorithms/MIT_introduction_to_algorithms/_Alogrithms_MIT_2011_vid.m3u
Play list audio: /a_syllabus/_COURSES_03_TO_SORT/_algorithms/MIT_introduction_to_algorithms/_mp3/_Alogrithms_MIT_2011.m3u

Installing LaTex:
Latex Tutorial:
Maths in Latex:

Follow up courses

Design & Analysis of Algorithms (part 2 / 3)

Advanced Algorithms 2008 (part 3 / 3)

Θ Ω ω - little omega - rough estimate of the order of the growth (rarely used)


Intro Algorithms MIT 6.006 notes






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