: VCS install of other required packages for AAVaav_control
: Package for control of tello droneaav_description
: URDF description of AAV
: VCS install of other required packages for AGVagv_base
: Hardware drivers and MCU codeagv_bringup
: Launch files to bring up the hardware driver nodes (cameras, microcontroller, etc.) as well as the C++ nodes from the agv_base package for the real robot.agv_control
: Package for ROS control implementation and control inputs (keyboardagv_description
: URDF description of AGV including its sensors.agv_metapkg
: ROS metapkg convention for easy install of whole ROS stackagv_msgs
: Message definitions specific to AGV, for example the message for encoder dataagv_navigation
: Navigation package for implementationof ROS Nav stack
: Utility package for Robot's perception systemsobj_detection
: Identification package of key competition objects (Boxes, box faces, gaffer tape on carpet, AGV, and AAV)autonomy
: State code package for both AAV and AGVmisc
: Holds all previous repo files. Need to sort and clean...docs
: General notes, images, and documents related to Robot's development
- cd to your workspace's src directory
git clone https://github.com/UTSARobotics/R5Robot_22-23.git
- Install some dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y \
ros-noetic-roslint \
ros-noetic-rosserial \
ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino \
ros-noetic-imu-filter-madgwick \
ros-noetic-gmapping \
ros-noetic-map-server \
ros-noetic-navigation \
ros-noetic-robot-localization \
ros-noetic-tf2 \