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Nathan Floris Copier edited this page Mar 10, 2016 · 2 revisions


Any *.cpp file placed in the /tests/Specs directory will automatically be ran by gTest without any extra configuration. To create a test suite, create a *.cpp file somewhere in that directory, include "gtest/gtest.h", and define a class that extends from ::testing::Test.

Example suite:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <path/to/controller/being/tested.h>

class SampleSuite : public ::testing::Test {}

To add a spec, use the TEST macro, passing in the suite class and a name for the spec.

Sample spec:

TEST(SampleSuite, SampleSpec) {
  //Do testing stuff

GTest has many built in macros to handle your specs' expectations.

Complete example:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

class SampleSuite : public ::testing::Test {}

TEST(SampleSuite, SampleSpec1) {
  EXPECT_TRUE(false); // Will fail

TEST(SampleSuite, SampleSpec2) {
  EXPECT_FALSE(false); // Will pass

To run this, it should be as simple as

make Specs


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