The development process of this project follows the gitflow concept
- master - production
- develop - staging
- feature branches - this will be for any feature you are working
- releases
$ apt-get install git-flow
$ brew install git-flow
- Initialize your repository with
$ git flow init
- Start a new feature
$ git flow feature start MYFEATURE
Work on the feature and then send a PR and tag either of the developers.
Merges will be done on the github side rather than the terminal to minimize conflicts.
For more into on git-flow you can read this 2 articles
Git Flow CheeatSheet . Thanks to Daniel Crammer A successful Git Branching Model . Thanks to Vincent Driessen
- Feature branches automatically branch out of the main develop branch
- Commiting to develop branch directly or the master branch shall not be acceptable
- All work shall be done on it own branch and after done a pull request to be submitted for review.
- You cannot merge your branch to develop, the other developer or technical lead are the only who can merge.