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FrEDI v4.0.1 (public review)

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@emcduffie emcduffie released this 26 Feb 18:37
· 380 commits to main since this release

Starting in February 2024, the FrEDI Technical Documentation and v4.0 of the FrEDI R package will be subject to a public review comment period and independent, external peer-review.
This release corresponds to FrEDI v4.0.1, the public comment release version.

  • Bug fixes - file paths in function documentation for run_fredi(), import_inputs(), and aggregate_impacts(); income elasticity for SLR sectors post-2090 in run_fredi() (no longer dependent on argument elasticity)

  • Updates -

    Major updates include: impacts and damages now calculated at the state-level (previously region-level) for 12 impact-category sectors; population inputs for `run_fredi()` now requires state-level population instead of region-level inputs; damage function extrapolation approach for warmer temperatures for `run_fredi()` and `run_fredi_sv()`; default income elasticity (argument `elasticity` in `run_fredi()`) from 0.4 to 1.0; updated `run_fredi()` user inputs to remove options to calculate present values (arguments `pv`, `rate`, `baseYear`) and add option to output intermediate calculation columns
    Minor updates include: `magrittr` pipe operator `%>%` to the native pipe operator `|>`; Added monitoring of default `run_fredi()` parameter use; output columns from `aggregate_impacts` (added columns `“sectorprimary”` and `“includeaggregate”` for all aggregation levels and added columns `“physical_impacts”`, `“physicalmeasure”` for all aggregation levels except `aggLevels=”impacttype”`); removed option to output `run_fredi_sv()` module results to an Excel template
  • Documentation fixes - this version corresponds to the February 2024 version of the FrEDI Technical Documentation (see Function documentation updated to correspond to updates.

  • Additional sectors added - n/a

  • New features - FrEDI outputs include damages and impacts at the state-level (48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia) for 12 impact category sectors.