final-project-team-12-ecommreviewanalysis created by GitHub Classroom
MCIT Final Project - Data Analysis on Women's Clothing E-Commerce Reviews.
Team members : Yong Jin Lee [email protected] Xinyi Samore [email protected], Xiting Wang [email protected]
Objective: Run data analysis on Women's Clothing E-Commerce Review csv file from Internet.
Packages/Libraries Used: apache.commons.csv (commons-csv-1.8) ( ,Stanford coreNLP ( , *DoctFile on how to configure Eclipse Buildpath with External jar and libarries for our project is included in this Github rpeository with the name: Adding Project12 External Jars asnd Libraries.docx
Two Main Runner class to be run in sequence: 1) SentimentAnalysisRunner <- to run SentimentAnalysis and generate output with Sentiments analysis outcome. 2) ReviewAnalysisRunner <- take the output from Sentiment analysis, run data analysis, then generate output in txt and plots.