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Features overview

Nate Sookwongse edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 16 revisions



DynamoDBClient is a Spring bean class used to interface with Amazon's DynamoDB NoSql datastore. It provides custom functionality geared towards uploading larger items (>400KB) to DyanmoDB.

See: implementation details

Differential Expression Analysis (DEA)

Differential Expression Analysis (DEA) is a tool that allows users to upload time-series data with metabolite/protein levels across comparison groups (comparison groups here can vary, but an example is each patient compared with himself over multiple time points). This feature computes statistical significance via two-sided t-tests. It affords visualizing the trends across comparison groups via interactive graphs and tables.

D3.js is used as the primary plotting library, with everything else is hand-written.

See: implementation details

Temporal Pattern Recognition Analysis

The Temporal Pattern Recognition Analysis tool also allows users to upload time-series data with metabolite/protein abundance ratios that can have multiple replicates. The data is grouped by timepoints and a boxplot is created for each timepoint. A bolded boxplot indicates a statistically significant change had occurred from the previous timepoint to this timepoint. In addition, each strain has a path line to help visualize any trends in changing abundance values across timepoints.

One plot for a particular metabolite is shown at a time, but a searchable dropdown selection allows you to view the plots for other metabolites as well.

See implementation details