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Tunguso4ka committed Jan 19, 2025
1 parent 56f3426 commit dc79280
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Showing 69 changed files with 672 additions and 361 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Content.Shared/Preferences/HumanoidCharacterProfile.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace Content.Shared.Preferences
[Serializable, NetSerializable]
public sealed partial class HumanoidCharacterProfile : ICharacterProfile
private static readonly Regex RestrictedNameRegex = new("[^A-Z,a-z,А-ЯҐЄІЇЎ,а-яґєіїў,0-9, 'ʼ\-]");
private static readonly Regex RestrictedNameRegex = new("[^A-Z,a-z,А-ЯҐЄІЇЎ,а-яґєіїў,0-9, 'ʼ\\-]");
private static readonly Regex ICNameCaseRegex = new(@"^(?<word>\w)|\b(?<word>\w)(?=\w*$)");

public const int MaxNameLength = 32;
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/actions/actions/wagging.ftl

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Resources/Locale/uk-UA/administration/admin-alerts.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
admin-alert-shared-connection = {$player} має спільне з'єднання з {$otherCount} іншима гравцями: {$otherList}
admin-alert-shared-connection = {$player} має спільне з'єднання з {$otherCount} іншима гравцями: {$otherList}
admin-alert-ipintel-blocked = {$player} was rejected from joining due to their IP having a {TOSTRING($percent, "P0")} confidence of being a VPN/Datacenter.
admin-alert-ipintel-warning = {$player} IP has a {TOSTRING($percent, "P0")} confidence of being a VPN/Datacenter. Please watch them.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Resources/Locale/uk-UA/administration/antag.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
verb-categories-antag = Антагі
verb-categories-antag = Антаги
admin-verb-make-traitor = Перетворює ціль на зрадника.
admin-verb-make-initial-infected = Перетворює ціль на першого інфікованого.
admin-verb-make-zombie = Перетворює ціль на зомбі.
Expand All @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ admin-verb-text-make-nuclear-operative = Ядерний Оперативник
admin-verb-text-make-pirate = Пірат
admin-verb-text-make-head-rev = Головний Революціонер
admin-verb-text-make-thief = Крадій
admin-overlay-antag-classic = АНТАГ
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/administration/commands/babyjail.ftl

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Resources/Locale/uk-UA/administration/ui/permissions-eui.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-title-edit-placeholder = Спеціальни
permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-no-rank-button = Без ранга
permissions-eui-edit-admin-rank-window-name-edit-placeholder = Назва ранга
permissions-eui-edit-admin-title-control-text = none
permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-suspended = Suspended?
permissions-eui-edit-no-rank-text = none
permissions-eui-edit-title-button = Редагувати
permissions-eui-edit-admin-rank-button = Редагувати
permissions-eui-edit-admin-rank-window-title = Редагувати ранг адміна
permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-save-button = Зберегти
permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-remove-flag-button = Вилучити
permissions-eui-edit-admin-window-remove-flag-button = Вилучити
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Resources/Locale/uk-UA/administration/ui/tabs/player-tab.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ player-tab-username = Ім'я
player-tab-character = Персонаж
player-tab-job = Роль
player-tab-antagonist = Антаг?
player-tab-roletype = Тип ролі
player-tab-playtime = Час гри
player-tab-show-disconnected = Показувати від'єднаних
player-tab-overlay = Оверлей
player-tab-entry-tooltip = Час гри показується як дні/години/хвилини.
player-tab-filter-line-edit-placeholder = Фільтр
player-tab-is-antag-yes = ТАК
player-tab-is-antag-no = НІ
player-tab-is-antag-no = НІ
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/advertisements/vending/pride.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
advertisement-pride-1 = Be gay do crime!
advertisement-pride-2 = Повний кольорів!
advertisement-pride-3 = You are valid!
advertisement-pride-4 = The first pride was a riot!
thankyou-pride-1 = Slay!
thankyou-pride-2 = Knock 'em dead!
thankyou-pride-3 = What a glow up!
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/advertisements/vending/smite.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
advertisement-smite-1 = SMITE! Ban your thirst!
advertisement-smite-2 = An eldritch blast of lemon and lime!
advertisement-smite-3 = Over 1 million drinks sold!
advertisement-smite-4 = SMITE! Roll 2d8 for FLAVOR.
advertisement-smite-5 = SMITE! Let's get that paperwork done!
advertisement-smite-6 = The janitor has it in for you!
advertisement-smite-7 = SMITE! It won't get you hammered.
advertisement-smite-8 = It's lemon-lime time!
thankyou-smite-1 = Smite makes right!
thankyou-smite-2 = You DEFINITELY wanted lemon-lime!
thankyou-smite-3 = The office won't know what hit them.
thankyou-smite-4 = Banish your thirst.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/connection-messages.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ whitelist-manual = You are not whitelisted on this server.
whitelist-blacklisted = You are blacklisted from this server.
whitelist-always-deny = You are not allowed to join this server.
whitelist-fail-prefix = Not whitelisted: {$msg}
whitelist-misconfigured = The server is misconfigured and is not accepting players. Please contact the server owner and try again later.
cmd-blacklistadd-desc = Adds the player with the given username to the server blacklist.
cmd-blacklistadd-help = Usage: blacklistadd <username>
cmd-blacklistadd-existing = {$username} is already on the blacklist!
Expand All @@ -54,4 +52,9 @@ cmd-blacklistremove-arg-player = [player]
baby-jail-account-denied = This server is a newbie server, intended for new players and those who want to help them. New connections by accounts that are too old or are not on a whitelist are not accepted. Check out some other servers and see everything Space Station 14 has to offer. Have fun!
baby-jail-account-denied-reason = This server is a newbie server, intended for new players and those who want to help them. New connections by accounts that are too old or are not on a whitelist are not accepted. Check out some other servers and see everything Space Station 14 has to offer. Have fun! Reason: "{$reason}"
baby-jail-account-reason-account = Your Space Station 14 account is too old. It must be younger than {$minutes} minutes
baby-jail-account-reason-overall = Your overall playtime on the server must be younger than {$minutes} $minutes
baby-jail-account-reason-overall = Your overall playtime on the server must be younger than {$minutes} $minutes
generic-misconfigured = The server is misconfigured and is not accepting players. Please contact the server owner and try again later.
ipintel-server-ratelimited = This server uses a security system with external verification, which has reached its maximum verification limit. Please contact the administration team of the server for assistance and try again later.
ipintel-unknown = This server uses a security system with external verification, but it encountered an error. Please contact the administration team of the server for assistance and try again later.
ipintel-suspicious = You seem to be connecting through a datacenter or VPN. For administrative reasons we do not allow VPN connections to play. Please contact the administration team of the server for assistance if you believe this is false.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/discord/watchlist-connections.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
discord-watchlist-connection-header =
{ $players ->
[one] {$players} player on a watchlist has
*[other] {$players} players on a watchlist have
} connected to {$serverName}
discord-watchlist-connection-entry = - {$playerName} with message "{$message}"{ $expiry ->
[0] {""}
*[other] {" "}(expires <t:{$expiry}:R>)
}{ $otherWatchlists ->
[0] {""}
[one] {" "}and {$otherWatchlists} other watchlist
*[other] {" "}and {$otherWatchlists} other watchlists
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,3 +48,5 @@ ent-CrateParticleDecelerators = particle decelerators crate
ent-CrateEngineeringSpaceHeater = space heater crate
.desc = Contains a space heater for climate control.
ent-CrateTechBoardRandom = surplus boards
.desc = Surplus boards from somewhere.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
ent-CrateMaterialGlass = glass sheet crate
.desc = 90 sheets of glass, packed with care.
ent-CrateMaterialSteel = steel sheet crate
.desc = 90 sheets of steel.
ent-CrateMaterialGlass = ящик листів скла
.desc = 90 листів скла. Запаковано з турботою.
ent-CrateMaterialSteel = ящик листів сталі
.desc = 90 листів сталі.
ent-CrateMaterialTextiles = textiles crate
.desc = 60 pieces of cloth and 30 pieces of durathread.
ent-CrateMaterialPlastic = plastic sheet crate
.desc = 90 sheets of plastic.
ent-CrateMaterialWood = wood crate
.desc = Bunch of wood planks.
ent-CrateMaterialPlastic = ящик листів пластику
.desc = 90 листів пластику.
ent-CrateMaterialWood = ящик деревини
.desc = Купа дерев'яних дощок.
ent-CrateMaterialBrass = brass crate
.desc = 90 sheets of brass.
ent-CrateMaterialPlasteel = plasteel crate
.desc = 90 sheets of plasteel.
ent-CrateMaterialPlasma = solid plasma crate
.desc = 90 sheets of plasma.
ent-CrateMaterialPlasteel = ящик пласталі
.desc = 90 листів пласталі.
ent-CrateMaterialPlasma = ящик твердої плазми
.desc = 90 листів плазми.
ent-CrateMaterialCardboard = cardboard crate
.desc = 60 pieces of cardboard.
ent-CrateMaterialPaper = paper crate
.desc = 90 sheets of paper.
ent-CrateMaterialRandom = surplus materials
.desc = Surplus materials from somewhere.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ ent-ClothingNeckNonBinaryPin = значок небінарних
ent-ClothingNeckPansexualPin = значок пансексуалів
.desc = be pan do crime.
ent-ClothingNeckOmnisexualPin = omnisexual pin
.desc = Be omni do crime.
ent-ClothingNeckTransPin = значок трансгендерних
.desc = be trans do crime.
ent-ClothingNeckAutismPin = значок аутистів
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,23 @@ ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedCentcom = striped CentCom scarf
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedZebra = zebra scarf
.desc = A striped scarf, a mandatory accessory for artists.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedAce = striped asexual scarf
.desc = A stylish striped asexual scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedAro = striped aromantic scarf
.desc = A stylish striped aromantic scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedBiSexual = striped bisexual scarf
.desc = A stylish striped bisexual scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedGay = striped gay scarf
.desc = A stylish striped gay scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedInter = striped intersex scarf
.desc = A stylish striped intersex scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedLesbian = striped lesbian scarf
.desc = A stylish striped lesbian scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedPan = striped pan scarf
.desc = A stylish striped pan scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedNonBinary = striped non-binary scarf
.desc = A stylish striped non-binary scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedRainbow = rainbow scarf
.desc = A stylish rainbow scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
ent-ClothingNeckScarfStripedTrans = striped trans scarf
.desc = A stylish striped trans scarf. The perfect winter accessory for those with a keen fashion sense, and those who just can't handle a cold breeze on their necks.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,6 @@ ent-MaintenancePlantSpawner = Maint Loot Spawner
.desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
.suffix = Plants
ent-MaintenanceInsulsSpawner = Maint Loot Spawner
.desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
.suffix = Insuls, safe

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,3 +2,6 @@ ent-RandomVending = random vending machine spawner
.desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
.suffix = Any
ent-RandomVendingClothing = random vending machine spawner
.desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc }
.suffix = Clothing
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,13 +148,15 @@ ent-MobGrenadePenguin = grenade penguin
ent-MobSnake = змія
.desc = Хісс! Ця не отруйна.
ent-MobSpiderBase = { ent-SimpleMobBase }
.desc = { ent-SimpleMobBase.desc }
ent-MobSpiderAngryBase = { ent-MobSpiderBase }
.desc = { ent-MobSpiderBase.desc }
ent-MobGiantSpider = тарантул
.desc = Всесвітньо признані як найгірша штука на світі.
ent-MobGiantSpiderAngry = тарантул
.desc = { ent-MobGiantSpider.desc }
.suffix = Angry
ent-MobClownSpider = клоун-павук
.desc = Ви боїтеся й клоунів й павуків? Тоді ця істота для вас - клоуно-павук!
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ ent-RobocopCircuitBoard = law board (Robocop)
.desc = An electronics board containing the Robocop lawset.
ent-OverlordCircuitBoard = law board (Overlord)
.desc = An electronics board containing the Overlord lawset.
ent-DungeonMasterCircuitBoard = law board (Dungeon Master)
.desc = An electronics board containing the Dungeon Master lawset.
ent-GameMasterCircuitBoard = law board (Game Master)
.desc = An electronics board containing the Game Master lawset.
ent-ArtistCircuitBoard = law board (Artist)
.desc = An electronics board containing the Artist lawset.
ent-AntimovCircuitBoard = law board (Antimov)
Expand All @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ ent-StationAiBrain = { ent-PositronicBrain }
ent-StationAiHolo = AI eye
.desc = The AI's viewer.
.suffix = DO NOT MAP
ent-StationAiHoloLocal = AI hologram
.desc = A holographic representation of an AI.
.suffix = DO NOT MAP
ent-PlayerBorgBattery = { ent-BorgChassisGeneric }
.desc = { ent-BorgChassisGeneric.desc }
.suffix = Battery
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,10 +254,9 @@ ent-IrishBoolGlass = { ent-DrinkGlass }
.desc = { ent-DrinkGlass.desc }
.suffix = irish bool
ent-DrinkIrishCarBomb = { ent-DrinkGlass }
ent-DrinkIrishSlammer = { ent-DrinkGlass }
.desc = { ent-DrinkGlass.desc }
.suffix = irish car bomb
.suffix = irish slammer
ent-DrinkIrishCoffeeGlass = { ent-DrinkGlass }
.desc = { ent-DrinkGlass.desc }
.suffix = irish coffee
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,21 +548,10 @@ ent-XenoBasherGlass = { ent-DrinkGlass }
.suffix = xeno basher
ent-DrinkShakeBlue = blue milkshake
.desc = { "" }
ent-DrinkShakeEmpty = shakeempty
.desc = { "" }
ent-DrinkShakeMeat = meat shake
.desc = { "" }
ent-DrinkShakeRobo = robo shake
.desc = { "" }
ent-DrinkShakeWhite = white shake
.desc = { "" }
ent-DrinkBloodGlass = { ent-DrinkGlass }
.desc = { ent-DrinkGlass.desc }
.suffix = blood
.suffix = blood

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