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Tunguso4ka committed Sep 1, 2024
1 parent c8fe0c1 commit a0bfa1f
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Showing 28 changed files with 207 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/armor/rmc-suit-light.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
rmc-suit-light-short = Your source of light shorts out.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
command-description-areas-load = Load all saved areas to the map as entities.
command-description-areas-loadmortar = Load only mortarable saved areas to the map as entities.
command-description-areas-save = Save all mapped areas to the map.
command-description-bioscan-marine = Manually triggers an ARES bioscan to announce to marines where xenos are and how many are left.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
rmc-construction-not-proper-surface = {$construction} повинна бути збудована на правильній поверхні!
rmc-construction-not-proper-surface = {$construction} повинна бути збудована на правильній поверхні!
rmc-construction-not-barricade-clear = В цьому напрямі вже є барікада!
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,7 @@ ent-RMCCrateClothingMedicalPouches = medical pouches crate (1x firstaid, medical
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateWeldable.desc }
ent-RMCCrateClothingWebbing = webbing crate (x4)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateWeldable.desc }
ent-RMCCrateClothingWebbingPouch = drop pouch crate (x4)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateWeldable.desc }
ent-RMCCrateClothingOfficerOutfit = officer outfit crate
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateWeldable.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
ent-RMCCrateGearBinoculars = mixed binoculars crate (2x per, 6x total)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateGearPackFlare = flare packs crate (x20)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateGearPackFlareCAS = signal flare packs crate (x4)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateAmmo.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,4 +38,6 @@ ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineM44Revolver = Speedloader box (M44, 16x loaders)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineM44RevolverMarksman = Speedloader box (Marksman M44, 16x loaders)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineSentry = UA 571-C sentry ammunition (x2)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateAmmo.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ent-RMCCrateMortarKit = M402 mortar crate (Mortar x1, Mortar shell backpack x1)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateWeapons.desc }
ent-RMCCrateMortarShellHE = M402 mortar shells crate (x6 HE)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateMortarAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateMortarShellFlare = M402 mortar shells crate (x6 Flare/Camera)
.desc = { ent-RMCCrateMortarAmmo.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-RMCEffectExtraSlash = { "" }
.desc = { "" }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,8 @@ ent-CMEffectSelfStomp = { "" }
ent-CMEffectStomp = { "" }
.desc = { "" }
ent-RMCEffectCripple = { ent-CMEffectStomp }
.desc = { ent-CMEffectStomp.desc }
ent-RMCEffectLurkerSlow = { ent-CMEffectStomp }
.desc = { ent-CMEffectStomp.desc }
ent-RMCEffectCrusherSlow = { ent-CMEffectStomp }
.desc = { ent-CMEffectStomp.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-RMCNurseArmband = nurse armband
.desc = An armband, worn by the rookie nurses to display they are still not doctors. This one is dark red.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
ent-RMCBinoculars = binoculars
.desc = A military-issued pair of binoculars.
ent-RMCRangefinder = rangefinder
.desc = A pair of binoculars with a rangefinding function. Click a tile to acquire it's coordinates.
ent-RMCLaserDesignator = laser designator
.desc = A budget laser designator with one mode: target marking for CAS with IR laser. Click a tile to target something.
ent-RMCLaserDesignatorScout = scout laser designator
.desc = An improved laser designator, issued to USCM scouts, with one mode: target marking for CAS with IR laser. Click a tile to target something.
ent-RMCLaserDesignatorTarget = laser
ent-RMCRangefinderTarget = laser
.desc = { "" }
ent-RMCLaserDesignatorTarget = { ent-RMCRangefinderTarget }
.desc = It's a laser to designate artillery targets, get away from it!
ent-RMCLaserDropshipTarget = blinking laser
.desc = { "" }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,9 @@ ent-CMMiniTank = MS-11 розумний заправочний контейне
.desc = A robust little tank capable of refilling autoinjectors that previously required a nanomed system to refill. Using the wonders of microchips, it automatically sorts the correct chemicals into most single reagent autoinjectors. It is unable to partially fill them however. A valve exists on the top to transfer reagents to another container or to flush it entirely.
ent-CMPressurizedCanister = каністра під тиском
.desc = Каністра під тиском. Внутрішня частина мішка-каністри під тиском. Ви можете вставити його тільки в мішок, пристрої або в контейнер.
.desc = Каністра під тиском. Внутрішня частина мішка-каністри під тиском. Ви можете вставити його тільки в мішок, пристрої або в контейнер.
ent-RMCVial = ампула
.desc = A small glass vial. Can hold up to 30 units.
ent-RMCVialTricordrazine = tricordrazine vial
.desc = A small glass vial. Can hold up to 30 units. Contains Tricordrazine, a weak general use medicine for treating damage.
.suffix = Filled, Tricordrazine
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
ent-CMHypospray = гіпоспрей
.desc = Гіпоспрей корпорації DeForest Medical це стерильний авто-інжектор для швидкої подачи ліків у кров паціентам.
ent-CMHyposprayWithVial = { ent-CMHypospray }
.desc = { ent-CMHypospray.desc }
.suffix = З ампулою
ent-CMHyposprayFilledTricord = { ent-CMHypospray }
.desc = { ent-CMHypospray.desc }
.suffix = Filled, Tricordrazine
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,4 +137,8 @@ ent-RMCFigurinePatronSethSleeper = Seth Sleeper figurine
ent-RMCFigurinePatronLanceVictors = Lance Victors figurine
.desc = This detailed figurine of a Marine Corps Warden just LOOKS like it's going to bury you in paperwork. And it has an eye scar. Edgy.
ent-RMCFigurinePatronBredDahne = Bred Dahne figurine
.desc = Gluten Free
.desc = Gluten Free
ent-RMCFigurinePatronDartingSleepyGroth = Darting 'Sleepy' Groth figurine
.desc = "Is it naptime yet..?"
ent-RMCFigurinePatronSamAli = Sam Ali figurine
.desc = Heavily wounded dwarf.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
ent-CMCartridgeSentry10x50mm = cartridge (10x50mm)
.desc = { ent-CMBaseCartridgeRifle.desc }
ent-CMBulletSentry10x50mm = bullet (10x50mm)
.desc = { ent-BaseBullet.desc }
ent-RMCCartridgeSentry = cartridge (10x28mm)
.desc = { ent-CMBaseCartridgeRifle.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-RMCMagazineSentry = M30 ammo drum (10x28mm Caseless)
.desc = An ammo drum of 500 10x28mm caseless rounds for the UN 571-C Sentry Gun. Just feed it into the sentry gun's ammo port when its ammo is depleted.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ent-CMBulletSentry10x50mm = bullet (10x50mm)
.desc = { ent-BaseBullet.desc }
ent-RMCBulletSentry = bullet (10x28mm)
.desc = { ent-BaseBullet.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
ent-RMCMortarKit = M402 mortar portable kit
.desc = A manual, crew-operated mortar system intended to rain down 80mm goodness on anything it's aimed at. Needs to be set down first.
ent-RMCMortarShellBase = 80mm mortar shell
.desc = An unlabeled 80mm mortar shell, probably a casing.
ent-RMCMortarShellHE = 80mm high explosive mortar shell
.desc = An 80mm mortar shell, loaded with a high explosive charge.
ent-RMCMortarShellFlare = 80mm flare/camera mortar shell
.desc = An 80mm mortar shell, loaded with an illumination flare / camera combo, attached to a parachute.
ent-RMCMortarFlare = illumination flare
.desc = It's really bright, and unreachable.
ent-RMCMortarCamera = para-cam
.desc = { "" }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ent-RMCBaseTurret = turret
.desc = { ent-BaseStructure.desc }
ent-RMCTurretGaussSpaceborne = UA-577 spaceborne gauss turret
.desc = A fully-automated defence turret with mid-range targeting capabilities. Armed with a modified M32-S Autocannon and an internal belt feed.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
ent-RMCBaseSentry = turret
.desc = { ent-BaseItem.desc }
ent-RMCEngineeringUpgrade = engineering upgrade kit
.desc = A kit used to upgrade the defenses of an engineer's sentry. Back in 1980 when the machines tried to break free, it was a single android who laid them low. Now their technology is used widely on the rim.
ent-RMCSentry = UN 571-C sentry gun
.desc = A deployable, semi-automated turret with AI targeting capabilities. Armed with an M30 Autocannon and a 500-round drum magazine.
ent-RMCSentryMini = UN 512-M mini sentry
.desc = A compact version of the UNMC defenses. Designed for quick deployment of the associated type in the field.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ent-ColMarTechWardrobeCorp = Corporate Liaison's Personal Wardrobe
.desc = A wardrobe containing all the clothes an executive would ever need.
.suffix = Corp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,4 +59,6 @@ ent-RMCCrateSecureWeYa = secure We-Ya crate
ent-RMCCrateSecurePhoron = ящик форону
.desc = Не з форону, але з фороном.
ent-RMCCrateMinecart = minecart
.desc = Essentially a big metal bucket on wheels. This one has a modern plastic shroud.
.desc = Essentially a big metal bucket on wheels. This one has a modern plastic shroud.
ent-RMCCrateMortarAmmo = mortar ammo crate
.desc = A crate containing live mortar shells with various payloads. DO NOT DROP. KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE SOURCES.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/entity-categories.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
cm-entity-category-name-surgeries = Хірургії
cm-entity-category-name-surgery-steps = Етапи хірургії
cm-entity-category-name-squads = Загони
rmc-entity-category-name-distress-signal-names = Назви ігрового режиму
rmc-entity-category-name-surgeries = Хірургії
rmc-entity-category-name-surgery-steps = Кроки хірургії
rmc-entity-category-name-squads = Загони
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/medical/hypospray.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
rmc-hypospray-label = Volume: [color=white]{$currentVolume}/{$totalVolume}[/color]
Injecting ([color=white]{$transferVolume}u[/color])
rmc-hypospray-label-novial = No Vial
Injecting ([color=white]{$transferVolume}u[/color])
rmc-hypospray-fail-tacreload = You aren't experienced enough to load this any faster.
rmc-hypospray-swap-tacreload = Ви заміняєте ампули.
rmc-hypospray-load-tacreload = Ви вставляєте ампулу в {$hypo}.
rmc-hypospray-loaded = В нього вставлена {INDEFINITE($vial)} {$vial}.
rmc-hypospray-no-vial = Немає ампули.
rmc-hypospray-amount-change = Now injecting {$amount}u.
rmc-hypospray-full = {$vial} повна.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/mortar.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
rmc-mortar-deploy-start = Ви почали розкладати {$mortar}.
rmc-mortar-deploy-end-not-planet = Ви розклали міномет M402. Це не дуже гарна ідея.
rmc-mortar-shell-busy = Хтось вже використовує {$mortar}
rmc-mortar-not-aimed = Спочатку, націльте {$mortar} кудись.
rmc-mortar-covered = Вам краще не розкладати {$mortar} під дахом.
rmc-mortar-target-invalid = Ви не можете вести вогонь з {$mortar} по цей цілі.
rmc-mortar-target-not-area = Ціль поза межею вогню!
rmc-mortar-target-covered = Ви не можете попасти по цілі. Мабуть вона знаходиться під землею.
rmc-mortar-target-is-lz = Ви не можете вести вогонь по зоні висадки.
rmc-mortar-bad-idea = Вам спадає на думку, що це погана ідея й тому ви зупиняєтеся.
rmc-mortar-cant-insert = Ви не можете вставити {$shell} у {$mortar}!
rmc-mortar-not-deployed = Спочатку, розкладить {$mortar}!
rmc-mortar-fire-cooldown = {CAPITALIZE(THE($mortar))} barrel is still steaming hot. Wait a few seconds and stop firing it.
rmc-mortar-less-accurate-with-range = [color=red]Чим далі ціль, тим менш точні постріли![/color]
rmc-mortar-target-start-self = You start adjusting {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance to match the new coordinates.
rmc-mortar-target-start-others = {$user} starts adjusting {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance.
rmc-mortar-target-finish-self = You finish adjusting {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance to match the new coordinates.
rmc-mortar-target-finish-others = {$user} finishes adjusting {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance.
rmc-mortar-dial-start-self = You start dialing {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance to match the new coordinates.
rmc-mortar-dial-start-others = {$user} starts dialing {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance.
rmc-mortar-dial-finish-self = You finish dialing {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance to match the new coordinates.
rmc-mortar-dial-finish-others = {$user} finishes dialing {THE($mortar)}'s firing angle and distance.
rmc-mortar-shell-load-start-self = Ви почали заряджати {$shell} в {$mortar}.
rmc-mortar-shell-load-start-others = {$user} почав заряджати {$shell} в {$mortar}.
rmc-mortar-shell-load-finish-self = Ви заряджаєте {$shell} в {$mortar}.
rmc-mortar-shell-fire = {CAPITALIZE($mortar)} стріляє!
rmc-mortar-shell-warning = A SHELL IS COMING DOWN TO YOUR {$direction}
rmc-mortar-shell-warning-above = A SHELL IS COMING DOWN RIGHT ABOVE YOU
rmc-mortar-shell-impact-warning = A SHELL IS ABOUT TO IMPACT TO YOUR {$direction}
rmc-mortar-shell-impact-warning-above = A SHELL IS ABOUT TO IMPACT RIGHT ABOVE YOU
rmc-mortar-interface = Дієвид міномета
rmc-mortar-target-x = X Цілі:
rmc-mortar-target-y = Y Цілі:
rmc-mortar-target-set = Встановити Ціль
rmc-mortar-target-too-close = You cannot aim at this coordinate, it is too close to your mortar.
rmc-mortar-offset-x = X Offset:
rmc-mortar-offset-y = Y Offset:
rmc-mortar-offset-set = Dial Offset
rmc-mortar-offset-too-far = You cannot dial to this coordinate, it is too far away from the original target.
rmc-mortar-offset-too-close = You cannot dial to this coordinate, it is too close to your mortar.
rmc-mortar-offset-max = Max dial
offset: {$max}
rmc-mortar-view-camera = Подивитися
rmc-mortar-camera-title = Дієвид Камери
rmc-mortar-camera-name = Пара-Кам ({$x}):({$y})
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/rangefinder/rmc-rangefinder.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
rmc-rangefinder = Rangefinder
rmc-rangefinder-header = [bold]SIMPLIFIED COORDINATES OF TARGET[/bold]
rmc-rangefinder-longitude = [font size=28]LONGITUDE : {$x},[/font]
rmc-rangefinder-latitude = [font size=28]LATITUDE : {$y}[/font]
rmc-rangefinder-examine = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} reads: LONGITUDE {$x}, LATITUDE {$y}
rmc-laser-designator-out-of-range = You can't see that far!
rmc-laser-designator-already-targeting = You're already targeting something!
rmc-laser-designator-not-surface = INVALID TARGET: target must be on the surface.
rmc-laser-designator-not-cas = INVALID TARGET: target must be visible from high altitude.
rmc-laser-designator-start = INITIATING LASER TARGETING. Stand still.
rmc-laser-designator-target-name-squad = {$squad}-{$id} laser
rmc-laser-designator-target-name = {$id} laser
rmc-laser-designator-target-abbreviation-squad = {$letter}-{$id}
rmc-laser-designator-target-abbreviation = {$id}
rmc-laser-designator-examine-id = Tracking ID for CAS: {$id}.
rmc-laser-designator-signal-flare-examine = [color=red]It cannot be picked back up while its burning.[/color]
rmc-laser-designator-switch-mode = Switch to {$mode} mode
rmc-laser-designator-in-rangefinder-mode = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} is currently set to range finder mode.
rmc-laser-designator-in-designator-mode = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} is currently set to CAS marking mode.
rmc-laser-designator-to-switch = [color=cyan]Alt + Click designator to switch modes.[/color]
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/rmc-repairable.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
rmc-repairable-need-blowtorch = You need a stronger blowtorch!
rmc-repairable-start-self = Ви почали ремонтувати {$target}
rmc-repairable-start-others = {$user} почав ремонтувати {$target}
rmc-repairable-finish-self = Ви відремонтували {$target}
rmc-repairable-finish-others = {$user} відремонтував {$target}
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/rmc-sentry.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
rmc-sentry-need-open-area = You need a clear, open area to build a {$sentry}, something is blocking the way in front of you!
rmc-sentry-on = {CAPITALIZE(THE($sentry))} hums to life and emits several beeps.
rmc-sentry-off = {CAPITALIZE(THE($sentry))} powers down and goes silent.
rmc-sentry-magazine-invalid = {CAPITALIZE(THE($item))} isn't a valid sentry magazine!
rmc-sentry-magazine-swap-not-empty = You can't swap the magazine until it's empty.
rmc-sentry-magazine-swap-start-user = You begin swapping a new {$magazine} into {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-magazine-swap-start-others = {$user} begins swapping a new {$magazine} into {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-magazine-swap-finish-user = You swap a new {$magazine} into {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-magazine-swap-finish-others = {$user} swaps a new {$magazine} into {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-limited-rotation = [color=red]It can only turn a maximum of {$degrees} degrees when firing.[/color]
rmc-sentry-disassembled-with-multitool = Ви можете розібрати її за допомогою [color=cyan]мультітула[/color].
rmc-sentry-upgrade-not-item = You need to disassemble {THE($sentry)} with a multitool before upgrading it!
rmc-sentry-upgrade-not-holding = You need to be holding an upgrade kit in your active hand to upgrade {THE($sentry)}!
rmc-sentry-upgrade-not-upgradeable = Ви не можете покращити {$sentry}!
rmc-sentry-disassemble-start-self = You begin disassembling {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-disassemble-start-others = {$user} begins disassembling {THE($sentry)}.
rmc-sentry-disassemble-finish-self = Ви розібрали {$sentry}.
rmc-sentry-disassemble-finish-others = {$user} розібрав {$sentry}.
rmc-sentry-unanchor-is-on = {CAPITALIZE($sentry)} is currently active. The motors will prevent you from unanchoring it safely.

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