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Tunguso4ka committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent cce3360 commit 9a0f0e5
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Showing 38 changed files with 658 additions and 106 deletions.
83 changes: 77 additions & 6 deletions Resources/Locale/uk-UA/_RMC14/cm-chatsan.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,233 +1,304 @@
cm-chatsan-word-deltard = deltard
cm-chatsan-replacement-deltard = delta
cm-chatsan-word-deltards = deltards
cm-chatsan-replacement-deltards = deltas
cm-chatsan-word-admin-marine = адмін
cm-chatsan-replacement-admin-marine = вище командування
cm-chatsan-replacement-deltards = deltas
cm-chatsan-word-admins-marine = адміни
cm-chatsan-replacement-admins-marine = вище командування
cm-chatsan-word-eorg-marine = eorg
cm-chatsan-replacement-eorg-marine = warcrimes
cm-chatsan-word-beno = beno
cm-chatsan-replacement-beno = xeno
cm-chatsan-word-benos = benos
cm-chatsan-replacement-benos = xenos
cm-chatsan-word-eorg-xeno = eorg
cm-chatsan-replacement-eorg-xeno = sister harm
cm-chatsan-word-sniper = sniper
cm-chatsan-replacement-sniper = long spitter
cm-chatsan-word-flare = flare
cm-chatsan-replacement-flare = glow stick
cm-chatsan-word-synth = synth
cm-chatsan-replacement-synth = fake hosts
cm-chatsan-word-synthetic = synthetic
cm-chatsan-replacement-synthetic = fake hosts
cm-chatsan-word-synths = synths
cm-chatsan-replacement-synths = fake hosts
cm-chatsan-word-synthetics = synthetics
cm-chatsan-replacement-synthetics = fake hosts
cm-chatsan-word-human = human
cm-chatsan-replacement-human = tall host
cm-chatsan-word-humans = humans
cm-chatsan-replacement-humans = tall hosts
cm-chatsan-word-marine = marine
cm-chatsan-replacement-marine = tall host
cm-chatsan-word-marines = marines
cm-chatsan-replacement-marines = tall hosts
cm-chatsan-word-lizard = lizard
cm-chatsan-replacement-lizard = scaled host
cm-chatsan-word-lizards = lizards
cm-chatsan-replacement-lizards = scaled hosts
cm-chatsan-word-reptilian = reptilian
cm-chatsan-replacement-reptilian = scaled host
cm-chatsan-word-reptilians = reptilians
cm-chatsan-replacement-reptilians = scaled hosts
cm-chatsan-word-dwarf = dwarf
cm-chatsan-replacement-dwarf = short host
cm-chatsan-word-dwarves = dwarves
cm-chatsan-replacement-dwarves = short hosts
cm-chatsan-word-slime = slime
cm-chatsan-replacement-slime = slime host
cm-chatsan-word-slimes = slimes
cm-chatsan-replacement-slimes = slime hosts
cm-chatsan-word-diona = diona
cm-chatsan-replacement-diona = plant host
cm-chatsan-word-dionas = dionas
cm-chatsan-replacement-dionas = plant hosts
cm-chatsan-word-moth = moth
cm-chatsan-replacement-moth = winged host
cm-chatsan-word-moths = moths
cm-chatsan-replacement-moths = winged hosts
cm-chatsan-word-mothes = mothes
cm-chatsan-replacement-mothes = winged hosts
cm-chatsan-word-spider = spider
cm-chatsan-replacement-spider = webspitter
cm-chatsan-word-spiders = spiders
cm-chatsan-replacement-spiders = webspitters
cm-chatsan-word-arachnid = arachnid
cm-chatsan-replacement-arachnid = webspitting host
cm-chatsan-word-arachnids = arachnids
cm-chatsan-replacement-arachnids = webspitting hosts
cm-chatsan-word-dropship = dropship
cm-chatsan-replacement-dropship = metal bird
cm-chatsan-word-dropships = dropships
cm-chatsan-replacement-dropships = metal birds
cm-chatsan-word-ship = ship
cm-chatsan-replacement-ship = metal bird
cm-chatsan-word-ships = ships
cm-chatsan-replacement-ships = metal birds
cm-chatsan-word-alamo = alamo
cm-chatsan-replacement-alamo = metal bird
cm-chatsan-word-normandy = normandy
cm-chatsan-replacement-normandy = metal bird
cm-chatsan-word-almayer = almayer
cm-chatsan-replacement-almayer = metal hive
cm-chatsan-word-admin-xeno = адмін
cm-chatsan-replacement-admin-xeno = бабця
cm-chatsan-replacement-almayer = metal hive
cm-chatsan-word-admins-xeno = адміни
cm-chatsan-replacement-admins-xeno = бабці
cm-chatsan-word-ob = ob
cm-chatsan-replacement-ob = skyfire
cm-chatsan-word-orbital = orbital
cm-chatsan-replacement-orbital = skyfire
cm-chatsan-word-orbital-bomb = orbital bomb
cm-chatsan-replacement-orbital-bomb = skyfire
cm-chatsan-word-orbital-bombardment = orbital bombardment
cm-chatsan-replacement-orbital-bombardment = skyfire
cm-chatsan-word-engie = engie
cm-chatsan-replacement-engie = tall builder
cm-chatsan-word-engineer = engineer
cm-chatsan-replacement-engineer = tall builder
cm-chatsan-word-comtech = comtech
cm-chatsan-replacement-comtech = tall builder
cm-chatsan-word-combat-technitian = combat technician
cm-chatsan-replacement-combat-technician = tall builder
cm-chatsan-word-corpsman = corpsman
cm-chatsan-replacement-corpsman = tall healer
cm-chatsan-word-medic = medic
cm-chatsan-replacement-medic = tall healer
cm-chatsan-word-doc = doc
cm-chatsan-replacement-doc = tall healer
cm-chatsan-word-doctor = doctor
cm-chatsan-replacement-doctor = tall healer
cm-chatsan-word-squad-leader = squad leader
cm-chatsan-replacement-squad-leader = tall leader
cm-chatsan-word-sl = sl
cm-chatsan-replacement-sl = tall leader
cm-chatsan-word-commanding-officer = commanding officer
cm-chatsan-replacement-commanding-officer = tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-comm-officer = comm officer
cm-chatsan-replacement-comm-officer = tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-co = co
cm-chatsan-replacement-co = tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-staff-officer = staff officer
cm-chatsan-replacement-staff-officer = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-xo = xo
cm-chatsan-replacement-xo = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-executive-officer = executive officer
cm-chatsan-replacement-executive-officer = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-exec-officer = exec officer
cm-chatsan-replacement-exec-officer = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-senior-enlisted = senior enlisted
cm-chatsan-replacement-senior-enlisted = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-senior-enlisted-advisor = senior enlisted advisor
cm-chatsan-replacement-senior-enlisted-advisor = young tall queen
cm-chatsan-word-lz = lz
cm-chatsan-replacement-lz = metal bird perch
cm-chatsan-word-shoot = shoot
cm-chatsan-replacement-shoot = spit
cm-chatsan-word-felinid = felinid
cm-chatsan-replacement-felinid = feline host
cm-chatsan-word-felinids = felinids
cm-chatsan-replacement-felinids = feline hosts
cm-chatsan-word-cat = feline host
cm-chatsan-replacement-cat = feline host
cm-chatsan-word-cats = feline hosts
cm-chatsan-replacement-cats = feline hosts
cm-chatsan-word-grenade = grenade
cm-chatsan-replacement-grenade = boomstick
cm-chatsan-word-grenades = grenades
cm-chatsan-replacement-grenades = boomsticks
cm-chatsan-word-bullet = bullet
cm-chatsan-replacement-bullet = spit
cm-chatsan-word-bullets = bullets
cm-chatsan-replacement-bullets = spits
cm-chatsan-word-ammo = ammo
cm-chatsan-replacement-ammo = spits
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,3 +45,10 @@ ent-RMCCrateMagazineSmartGun = ML66A smart gun drum crate (2x)
ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineSmartPistol = Magazine box (SU-6, 16x mags)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineM44Revolver = Speedloader box (M44, 16x loaders)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateBoxMagazineM44RevolverMarksman = Speedloader box (Marksman M44, 16x loaders)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,16 @@ ent-RMCCrateM5DemoSpecHighExplosive = M5-ATL High Explosives Crate (HE x3)
ent-RMCCrateM5DemoSpecAntiArmor = M5-ATL Anti-Armor Crate (HE x3)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateMagazineM4SPRCustomMixed = M4SPR Scout Mixed Magazine Crate (regular x2, incendiary x2, impact x2)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateMagazineM4SPRCustomStandard = M4SPR Scout Magazine Crate (x5)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-RMCCrateMagazineM4SPRCustomImpact = M4SPR Scout Impact Magazine Crate (x3)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
ent-CMCrateMagazineM4SPRCustomIncendiary = M4SPR Scout Incendiary Magazine Crate (x3)
.desc = { ent-CMCrateAmmo.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ ent-CMSatchel = шкіряна сумка
ent-CMBackpackSniper = плащ снайпера M3
.desc = Спеціально розроблений плащ з кармашками під всі потреби снайпера.
ent-RMCBackpackScout = M68 thermal cloak
.desc = The lightweight thermal dampeners and optical camouflage provided by this cloak are weaker than those found in standard USCM ghillie suits. In exchange, the cloak can be worn over combat armor and offers the wearer high maneuverability and adaptability to many environments.
ent-CMSatchelEngineer = індустріальна сумка
.desc = Крепка сумка з додатковими кармашками.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,3 +42,4 @@ ent-RMCSatchelWelderChestrig = technician welder chestrig
ent-RMCSatchelDemoSpec = UNMC IMP M22 rocket bags
.desc = A specially-designed backpack that fits to the IMP mounting frame on standard UNMC infantry armor. It's made of two easily-accessible, waterproofed reinforced tubes and one smaller satchel slung at the bottom. The two silos are for rockets, but no one is stopping you from cramming other things in there.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ ent-CMGlassesSecurity = окуляри охорони
ent-CMGlassesM42ScoutSight = M42 scout sight
.desc = A headset and night vision sighting system for the M42 Scout Rifle. Allows highlighted imaging of surroundings.
ent-RMCGlassesM4SPRBattleSight = M4SPR Battle Sight
.desc = A headset and night vision sighting system for the M4SPR Custom Battle Rifle. Allows highlighted imaging of surroundings.
ent-RMCGlassesSmartGunSight = ML66A head mounted sight
.desc = A headset and goggles system for the ML66A Smart Gun.
Expand All @@ -21,3 +24,4 @@ ent-RMCGogglesM1A1Ballistic = M1A1 Ballistic goggles
ent-RMCGogglesPrescriptionBallistic = Prescription ballistic goggles
.desc = Standard issue USCM goggles. Mostly used to decorate one's helmet. Contains prescription lenses in case you weren't sure if they were lame or not.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,12 @@ ent-CMHeadBeretCO = берет командуючого
ent-CMHeadBeretCOBlack = чорний берет командуючого
.desc = { ent-CMHeadBeret.desc }
ent-RMCHeadBeretGreen = берет МК ОН
.desc = { ent-CMHeadBeret.desc }
.suffix = Green
ent-CMHeadCapMP = кепка воєнполу
.desc = Кепка бейсболка для більш повсякденних з сил військової поліції КМП ООН.
.desc = Кепка бейсболка для більш повсякденних з сил військової поліції МК ОН.
ent-CMHeadCapWarden = кашкет наглядача
.desc = Пахне пончиками.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,3 +58,4 @@ ent-CMHeadCapSurgPurple = фіолетова шапка хірурга
ent-CMHeadCapSurgOrange = оранжева шапка хірурга
.desc = { ent-CMHeadCapSurgBlue.desc }

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