- Start project with :
npm run dev
--- Product ---
- User can view products list and product item for each product.
--- Authenticate ---
- User can register.
- User can log in.
--- Cart ---
- User can view the products added.
- User can add product quantity.
- User can add remove product.
--- Order ---
- User can view their order status.
- User can view ordered products.
- User can view ordered prices.
- User can payment online by bank transfer through Vietqr.
- User can delete order with status
--- Profile ---
- User can view personal information (email, phone number, ...).
- User can update personal information.
--- Product ---
- Admin can create products and product items for each product
- Admin can update the products.
- Admin can delete the products.
- Admin can view all the products.
--- Product Item ---
- Admin can update the product item.
- Admin can delete the product item.
--- Order ---
- Admin can delete user order.
- Admin can view the order list of the website.