The WOUnit framework contains a set of utilities for testing WebObjects applications using JUnit 4.7 or later capabilities. This library can be useful if you write unit/integration tests for Enterprise Objects or employ the TDD technique on your projects.
Version: 1.2.4
- JUnit 4.7 or later
- Project Wonder 5
- WebObjects 5
- No Database Access Needed: all the logic is handled in memory for fast unit testing and integration testing.
- Wonderful: developed on top of Wonder classes, make possible the use of the augmented transaction process specified by the ERXEnterpriseObject interface.
- Easy to use: no extension required for test classes. The WOUnit library makes use of generics, annotations and the rule approach provided by JUnit 4.7.
- Simple but not simpler: only one line of code and you are ready to start writing tests. The rules are responsible for loading eomodels, initializing and cleaning up before/after test executions.
Maven users have to add the dependency declaration:
Non Maven users have to:
- Download the wounit.jar.
- Add the wounit library to the build path.
import static com.wounit.matchers.EOAssert.*;
import com.wounit.rules.MockEditingContext;
import com.wounit.annotations.Dummy;
import com.wounit.annotations.UnderTest;
public class MyEntityTest {
public MockEditingContext ec = new MockEditingContext("MyModel");
private Bar dummyBar;
private Foo foo;
public void cantSaveFooWithOnlyOneBar() {
confirm(foo, cannotBeSavedBecause("Foo must have at least 2 bars related to it"));
import static com.wounit.matchers.EOAssert.*;
import com.wounit.rules.TemporaryEditingContext;
import com.wounit.annotations.UnderTest;
public class MyEntityTest {
public TemporaryEditingContext ec = new TemporaryEditingContext("MyModel");
private Foo foo;
public void cannotSaveFooIfBarIsNull() {
confirm(foo, cannotBeSavedBecause("The bar property cannot be null"));
WOUnit requires WebObjects and Wonder libraries that are not available in the Maven Central repository. Check steps 2 and 3 in the Quick Start guide for more information about how to setup the WOCommunity repository and how to install WebObjects in the local Maven repository.
WOUnit can be built running the Maven command:
mvn clean install
Note: WOUnit can only be successfully built if the WOCommunity repository is correctly configured.
WOUnit can be built running the Ant command:
ant package
The required libraries will be automatically download to the lib
folder in the WOUnit project root.
Note: WebObjects must be installed. If it isn't installed in the default location, a parameter can be used to define the path to the WebObjects libraries.
ant package -Dwebobjects.lib=${path_to_webobjects_lib_folder}
Maven users should install the m2e plug-in for Eclipse and use the Import Maven Project option.
Ant users can add the libraries downloaded into the lib
folder to the project's build path. The WebObjects libraries must be added manually.
This project is an evolution of the original WOUnitTest 2 framework and is heavily inspired by it.
- Site:
- E-mail: hprange at
- Twitter: @hprange