To play the game install the ReadyProgram folder.
Demonstration at:
It has windowed(1280x720) and fullscreen stretched mode.
It has inbuilt editor(free-form, not grid based) with the posibility of quick testing by entering test mode - number buttons give you certain items from the game and you can press left click to teleport the player(items will be reset)
It has inbuilt reseting campaign progress. Theoritically you can build your own campaign, the naming structure for levels is xy - with x being the row and y the column. Tested map is put into the Test folder. You can also use the announcing system by writing so in the txt file with the map: "98 Example message". Minimap in menu is hardcoded to be 5x7, so it can't be changed, you can only change how each map cell looks by replacing the png.
left/right arrow - move left/right
space/up arrow - jump and double jump(when you have the item)
r - respawn
shift - dash(when you have the item)
e - turn on/off certain walls(when you have the item)