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What is OpenStack Cluster Installer (OCI)

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General description

OCI (OpenStack Cluster Installer) is a software to provision an OpenStack cluster automatically. This package install a provisioning machine, which consists of a DHCP server, a PXE boot server, a web server, and a puppet-master.

Once computers in the cluster boot for the first time, a Debian live system is served by OCI, to act as a discovery image. This live system then reports the hardware features back to OCI. The computers can then be installed with Debian from that live system, configured with a puppet-agent that will connect to the puppet-master of OCI. After Debian is installed, the server reboots under it, and OpenStack services is then provisionned in these machines, depending on their role in the cluster.

OCI is fully packaged in Debian, including all of the Puppet modules and so on. After installing the OCI package and its dependency, no other artificat needs to be installed on your provisioning server.

What OpenStack services can OCI install?

Currently, OCI can install:

  • Swift (with optional dedicated proxy nodes)
  • Keystone
  • Cinder (LVM or Ceph backend)
  • Glance (Swift or Ceph backend)
  • Heat
  • Horizon
  • Nova
  • Neutron
  • Barbican

All of this in a high availability way, using haproxy and corosync for the controller nodes for all services.

All services are fully using TLS, even within the cluster.

As a general rule, what OCI does, is check what type of nodes are part of the cluster, and take decisions depending on it. For example, if there are some Ceph OSD nodes, OCI will use Ceph as a backend for Glance and Nova. If there are some Cinder Volume nodes, OCI will use them with the LVM backend. If there is some Swiftstore, nodes, but no Swiftproxy, the proxies will be installed in the controller. If there are some Ceph OSD nodes, but no dedicated Ceph MON nodes, the controllers will act as Ceph monitors. If there are some Compute nodes, then Cinder, Nova and Neutron will be installed on the controller nodes. Etc.

The minimum number of controller nodes is 3, though it is possible to install the 3 controllers on VMs on a single server (of course, loosing the high availability feature if the hardware fails).

Who initiated the project? Who are the main contributors?

OCI has been written from scratch by Thomas Goirand (zigo). The work is fully sponsored by Infomaniak Network, who is using it in production. Hopefully, this project, over time, will gather more contributors.

How to install your puppet-master/PXE server

Installing the package

The package repository

The package is either available from plain Debian Sid/Buster, or from the OpenStack stretch-rocky backport repositories. If using Stretch is desired, then the below repository must be added to the sources.list file:

deb stretch-rocky-backports main
deb-src stretch-rocky-backports main

deb stretch-rocky-backports-nochange main
deb-src stretch-rocky-backports-nochange main

The repository key is available this way:

apt-get update
apt-get install --allow-unauthenticated -y openstack-backports-archive-keyring
apt-get update

Install the package

Simply install the package:

apt-get install openstack-cluster-installer

Install a db server

MariaDB will do:

apt-get install mariadb-server dbconfig-common

It is possible to the db creation and credentials by hand, or to let OCI handle it automatically with dbconfig-common. If APT is running in non-interactive mode, or if during the installation, the user doesn't ask for the automatic db handling by dbconfig-common, here's how to create the database:

apt-get install openstack-pkg-tools
. /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_func
PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -hex 16)
pkgos_inifile set /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/openstack-cluster-installer.conf database connection mysql+pymysql://oci:${PASSWORD}@localhost:3306/oci"
mysql --execute 'CREATE DATABASE oci;'
mysql --execute "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON oci.* TO 'oci'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '${PASSWORD}';"

One must then make sure that the "connection" directive in /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/openstack-cluster-installer.conf doesn't contain spaces before and after the equal sign. Then the db is populated below.

Configuring OCI

Make sure the db is in sync (if it is, you'll see table exists errors):

apt-get install -y php-cli
cd /usr/share/openstack-cluster-installer ; php db_sync.php

Then edit /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/openstack-cluster-installer.conf and make it looks the way it pleases you (ie: change network values, etc.).

Generate the OCI's root CA

To handle TLS, OCI is using its own root CA. The root CA certificate is distributed on all nodes of the cluster. To create the initial root CA, there's a script to do it all:


At this point, you should be able to browse through OCI's web interface:

firefox http://your-ip-address/oci/

However, you need a login/pass to get in. There's a shell utility to manage your usernames. To add a new user, do this:

oci-userdb -a mylogin mypassword

Passwords are hashed using the PHP password_hash() function using the BCRYPT algo.

Also, OCI is capable of using an external Radius for its authentication. However, you still need to manually add logins in the db. What's bellow inserts a new user that has an entry in the radius server:

oci-userdb -r [email protected]

Note that you also need to configure your radius server address and shared secret in openstack-cluster-installer.conf.

Note that even if there is an authentication system, it is strongly advised to not expose OCI to the public internet. The best setup is if your provisionning server isn't reachable at all from the outside.

Installing side services


Configure isc-dhcp to match your network configuration. Note that "next-server" must be the address of your puppet-master node (ie: the dhcp server that we're currently configuring).

Edit /etc/default/isc-dhcpd:

sed -i 's/INTERFACESv4=.*/INTERFACESv4="eth0"/' /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server

Then edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf:

allow booting;
allow bootp;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
ddns-update-style none;
ignore-client-uids On;

subnet netmask {
        option domain-name;
        option domain-name-servers;
        option routers;
        option subnet-mask;
        option broadcast-address;
        if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
                filename "";
        } else {
                filename "pxelinux.0";

Carefully note that must be the address of your OCI server, as it will be used for serving PXE, TFTP and web for the slave nodes. It is of course fine to use another address if your OCI server does, so feel free to adapt the above to your liking.

Also, for OCI to allow query from the DHCP range, you must add your DHCP subnets to TRUSTED_NETWORKS in openstack-cluster-installer.conf.


Configure tftp-hpa to serve files from OCI:

sed -i 's#TFTP_DIRECTORY=.*#TFTP_DIRECTORY="/var/lib/openstack-cluster-installer/tftp"#' /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

Then restart tftpd-hpa.

Getting ready to install servers

Configuring ssh keys

When setting-up, OCI will create a public / private ssh keypair in here:


Once done, it will copy the corresponding content into:


and will also add all the public keys it finds under /root/.ssh/authorized_keys in it. Later on, this file will be copied in the OCI Debian live image, and in all new systems OCI will install. OCI will later on use the private key it generated to log into the servers, while your keys will also be present so you can log into each individual servers using your private key. Therefore, it is strongly advise to customize /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/authorized_keys before you build the OCI Debian Live image.

Build OCI's live image

mkdir -p /root/live-image
cd /root/live-image
openstack-cluster-installer-build-live-image --pxe-server-ip --debian-mirror-addr --debian-security-mirror-addr
cp -auxf /var/lib/openstack-cluster-installer/tftp/* /usr/share/openstack-cluster-installer
cd ..
rm -rf /root/live-image

Is is possible to use package proxy servers like approx, or local mirrors, which gives the possibility to have your cluster and OCI itself completely disconnected from internet.

Configure puppet's ENC

Once the puppet-master service is installed, its external node classifier (ENC) directives must be set, so that OCI acts as ENC (which means OCI will define roles and puppet classes to call when installing a new server with puppet):

. /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_func
pkgos_add_directive /etc/puppet/puppet.conf master "external_nodes = /usr/bin/oci-puppet-external-node-classifier" "# Path to enc"
pkgos_inifile set /etc/puppet/puppet.conf master external_nodes /usr/bin/oci-puppet-external-node-classifier
pkgos_add_directive /etc/puppet/puppet.conf master "node_terminus = exec" "# Tell what type of ENC"
pkgos_inifile set /etc/puppet/puppet.conf master node_terminus exec

then restart the puppet-master service.

Optional: approx

To speed-up package download, it is highly recommended to install approx locally on your OCI provisionning server, and use its address when setting-up servers (the address is set in /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/openstack-cluster-installer.conf).

Using OCI

Booting-up servers

Start-up a bunch of computers, booting them with PXE. If everything goes well, they will catch the OCI's DHCP, and boot-up OCI's Debian live image. Once the server is up, an agent will run to report to OCI's web interface. Just refresh OCI's web interface, and you will see machines. You can also use the CLI tool:

# apt-get install openstack-cluster-installer-cli
# ocicli machine-list
serial   ipaddr          memory  status     lastseen             cluster  hostname
2S2JGM2  4096    live       2018-09-20 09:22:31  null
2S2JGM3  4096    live       2018-09-20 09:22:50  null

Note that ocicli can either use a login/password which can be set in the OCI's internal db, or the IP address of the server where ocicli runs can be white-listed in /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/openstack-cluster-installer.conf.

Creating Swift regions, locations, networks, roles and clusters

Before we start

In this documentation, everything is done through the command line using ocicli. However, absolutely everything can also be done using the web interface. It is just easier to explain using the CLI, as this avoids the necessity of showing snapshots of the web interface.

Creating Swift regions and locations

Before installing the systems on your servers, clusters must be defined. This starts by setting-up Swift regions. In a Swift cluster, there are zones and regions. When uploading a file to Swift, it is replicated on N zones (usually 3). If 2 regions are defined, then Swift tries to replicate objects on both regions.

Under OCI, you must first define Swift regions. To do so, click on "Swift region" on the web interface, or using ocicli, type:

# ocicli swift-region-create datacenter-1
# ocicli swift-region-create datacenter-2

Then create locations attached to these regions:

# ocicli dc1-zone1 datacenter-1
# ocicli dc1-zone2 datacenter-1
# ocicli dc2-zone1 datacenter-2

Later on, when adding a swift data node to a cluster (data nodes are the servers that will actually do the Swift storage), a location must be selected.

Once the locations have been defined, it is time to define networks. Networks are attached to locations as well. The Swift zones and regions will be related to these locations and regions.

Creating networks

# ocicli network-create dc1-net1 24 dc1-zone1 no

The above command will create a subnet, located at dc1-zone1. Let's create 2 more networks:

# ocicli network-create dc1-net2 24 dc1-zone2 no
# ocicli network-create dc2-net1 24 dc2-zone1 no

Next, for the cluster to be reachable, let's create a public network on which customers will connect:

# ocicli network-create pubnet1 28 public yes

Note that if using a /32, it will be setup on the lo interface of your controller. The expected setup is to use BGP to route that public IP on the controller. To do that, it is possible to customize the ENC and add BGP peering to your router. See at the end of this documentation for that.

Creating a new cluster

Let's create a new cluster:

# ocicli cluster-create swift01

Now that we have a new cluster, the networks we created can be added to it:

# ocicli network-add dc1-net1 swift01 all eth0
# ocicli network-add dc1-net2 swift01 all eth0
# ocicli network-add dc2-net1 swift01 all eth0
# ocicli network-add pubnet1 swift01 all eth0

When adding the public network, automatically, one IP address will be reserved for the VIP (Virtual Private IP). This IP address will later be shared by the controller nodes, to perform HA (High Availability), controlled by pacemaker / corosync. The principle is: if one of the controllers nodes is hosting the VIP (and it's assigned to its eth0), and becomes unavailable (let's say, the server crashes or the network wire is unplugged), then the VIP is re-assigned to the eth0 of another controller node of the cluster.

If selecting 2 network interfaces (for example, eth0 and eth1), then bonding will be used. Note that your network equipment (switches, etc.) must be configured accordingly (LACP, etc.), and that the setup of these equipment is out of the scope of this documentation. Consult your network equipment vendor for more information.

Enrolling servers in a cluster

Now that we have networks assigned to the cluster, it is time to add assign servers to the cluster. Let's say we have the below output:

# ocicli machine-list
serial  ipaddr          memory  status  lastseen             cluster  hostname
C1  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:57  null
C2  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:04  null
C3  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:14  null
C4  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:08  null
C5  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:06  null
C6  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:14  null
C7  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:18  null
C8  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:26  null
C9  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:30:50  null
CA  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:00  null
CB  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:07  null
CC  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:20  null
CD  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:28  null
CE  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:33  null
CF  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:40  null
D0  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:47  null
D1  4096    live    2018-09-21 20:31:23  null
D2  4096    live    2018-09-21 20:31:31  null

Then we can enroll machines in the cluster this way:

# ocicli machine-add C1 swift01 controller dc1-zone1
# ocicli machine-add C2 swift01 controller dc1-zone2
# ocicli machine-add C3 swift01 controller dc2-zone1
# ocicli machine-add C4 swift01 swiftproxy dc1-zone1
# ocicli machine-add C5 swift01 swiftproxy dc1-zone2
# ocicli machine-add C6 swift01 swiftproxy dc2-zone1
# ocicli machine-add C7 swift01 swiftstore dc1-zone1
# ocicli machine-add C8 swift01 swiftstore dc1-zone2
# ocicli machine-add C9 swift01 swiftstore dc2-zone1
# ocicli machine-add CA swift01 swiftstore dc1-zone1
# ocicli machine-add CB swift01 swiftstore dc1-zone2
# ocicli machine-add CC swift01 swiftstore dc2-zone1

As a result, there's going to be 1 controller, 1 Swift proxy and 2 Swift data node on each zone of our clusters. IP addresses will automatically be assigned to servers as you add them to the clusters. They aren't shown in ocicli, but you can check for them through the web interface. The result should be like this:

# ocicli machine-list
serial  ipaddr          memory  status  lastseen             cluster  hostname
C1  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:57  7
C2  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:04  7
C3  8192    live    2018-09-19 20:31:14  7
C4  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:08  7
C5  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:06  7
C6  5120    live    2018-09-19 20:31:14  7
C7  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:18  7
C8  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:26  7
C9  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:30:50  7
CA  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:00  7
CB  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:07  7
CC  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:20  7
CD  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:28  null
CE  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:33  null
CF  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:40  null
D0  4096    live    2018-09-19 20:31:47  null
D1  4096    live    2018-09-21 20:31:23  null
D2  4096    live    2018-09-21 20:31:31  null

As you can see, hostnames are calculated automatically as well.

Calculating the Swift ring

Before starting to install servers, the swift ring must be built. Simply issue this command:

# ocicli swift-calculate-ring swift01

Note that it may take a very long time, depending on your cluster size. This is expected. Just be patient.

Installing servers

There's no (yet) a big "install the cluster" button on the web interface, or on the CLI. Instead, servers must be installed one by one:

# ocicli machine-install-os C1
# ocicli machine-install-os C2
# ocicli machine-install-os C3

It is advised to first install the controller nodes, manually check that they are installed correctly (for example, check that "openstack user list" works), then the Swift store nodes, then the Swift proxy nodes. However, nodes of the same type can be installed at once. Also, du to the use of a VIP and corosync/pacemaker, controller nodes must be installed roughly at the same time.

It is possible to see a server's installation log last lines using the CLI as well:

# ocicli machine-install-log C1

This will show the logs of the system installation from /var/log/oci, then once the server has rebooted, it will show the puppet logs from /var/log/puppet-first-run.

Checking your installation

Login on a controller node. To do that, list its IP:

# CONTROLLER_IP=$(ocicli machine-list | grep C1 | awk '{print $2}')
# ssh root@${CONTROLLER_IP}

Once logged into the controller, you'll see login credentials under /root/ Source it and try:

# . /root/
# openstack user list

You can also try Swift:

# . /root/
# openstack container create foo
# echo "test" >bar
# openstack object create foo bar
# rm bar
# openstack object delete foo bar

Enabling Swift object encryption

Locally on the Swift store, Swift stores the object in clear form. This means that anyone with physical access to the data center can pull a hard drive and objects can be accessed from the /srv/node folder. To mitigate this risk, Swift can do encryption of the objects it stores. The metadata (accounts, containters, etc.) will still be stored in clear form, but at least, the data that is stored encrypted.

The way this is implemented in OCI is to use Barbican. This is the reason why Barbican is provisionned by default on the controller nodes. By default, encryption isn't activated. To activate it, you must first store the key for object encryption in the Barbican store. It can be done this way:

# ENC_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
# openstack secret store --name swift-encryption-key \
  --payload-content-type=text/plain --algorithm aes \
  --bit-length 256 --mode ctr --secret-type symmetric \
  --payload ${ENC_KEY}
| Field         | Value                                                                                      |
| Secret href   | |
| Name          | swift-encryption-key                                                                       |
| Created       | None                                                                                       |
| Status        | None                                                                                       |
| Content types | {'default': 'text/plain'}                                                                  |
| Algorithm     | aes                                                                                        |
| Bit length    | 256                                                                                        |
| Secret type   | symmetric                                                                                  |
| Mode          | ctr                                                                                        |
| Expiration    | None                                                                                       |

Once that's done, the key ID (here: 6ba8dd62-d752-4144-b803-b32012d707d0) has to be entered in the OCI's web interface, in the cluster definition, under "Swift encryption key id (blank: no encryption):". Once that's done, another puppet run is needed on the swift proxy nodes:

root@C1-swift01-swiftproxy-1>_ ~ # OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/oci-pki-oci-ca-chain.pem puppet agent --test --debug

This should enable encryption. Note that the encryption key must be stored in Barbican under the user swift and project services, so that Swift has access to it.

Adding other types of nodes

OCI can handle, by default, the below types of nodes:

  • cephmon: Ceph monitor
  • cephosd: Ceph data machines
  • compute: Nova compute and Neutron DVR nodes
  • controller: The OpenStack control plane, running all API and daemons
  • swiftproxy: Swift proxy servers
  • swiftstore: Swift data machines
  • volume: Cinder LVM nodes

It is only mandatory to install 3 controllers, then everything else is optional. There's nothing to configure, OCI will understand what the user wants depending of what type of nodes is provisioned.

If cephosd nodes are deployed, then everything will be using Ceph:

  • Nova
  • Glance
  • Cinder

Though even with Ceph, setting-up volume nodes will add the LVM backend capability. With or without volume nodes, if some OSD nodes are deployed, cinder-volume with Ceph backend will be installed on the controller nodes.

Live migration of VMs between compute nodes is only possible if using Cpeh (ie: if some Ceph OSD nodes are deployed).

Ceph MON nodes are optional. If they aren't deplyed, the Ceph MON and MGR will be installed on the controller nodes.

Advanced usage

Customizing the ENC

In /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/hiera, you'll find 2 folders and a all.yaml. These are to allow one to customize the output of OCI's ENC. For example, if you put:

         - iburst

in /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/hiera/all.yaml, then all nodes will be configured with ntp using to synchronize time.

If we have a swift01 cluster, then the full folder structure is as follow:


Customizing installed server at setup time

Sometimes, it is desirable to configure a server at setup time. For example, it could be needed to configure routing (using BGP) for the virtual IP to be available at setup time. OCI offers all what's needed in order to enrich the server configuration at install time, before puppet agent even starts.

Say you want to configure swift01-controller-1 in your swift01 cluster, add quagga to it, and add some configuration files. Simply create the folder, fill content in it, and add a oci-packages-list file:

# mkdir -p /var/lib/oci/clusters/swift01/
# cd /var/lib/oci/clusters/swift01/
# echo -n "quagga,tmux" >oci-packages-list
# mkdir -p oci-in-target/etc/quagga
# echo "some conf" >oci-in-target/etc/quagga/bgpd.conf

When OCI provision the baremetal server, it looks if the oci-packages-list file exists. If it does, the packages are added when installing. Then the oci-in-target content is copied into the target system.

Using a BGP VIP

The same way, you can for example, decide to have the VIP of your controllers to use BGP routing. To do that, write in /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/roles/controller.yaml:

      my_asn: 64496,
         - ''
               - ''
            desc: TEST Network

Though you may want to do this only for a specific node of a single cluster of servers, rather than all. In such case, simply use this filepath scheme: /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/clusters/cloud1/nodes/

For all controllers of the cloud1 cluster, use: /etc/openstack-cluster-installer/clusters/cloud1/roles/controller.yaml

Doing a test in OCI's manifests for debug purpose

If you would like to test a change in OCI's puppet files, edit them in /usr/share/puppet/modules/oci, then on the master run, for example:

# puppet master --compile
# /etc/init.d/puppet-master stop
# /etc/init.d/puppet-master start

then on you can run:

# OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/oci-pki-oci-ca-chain.pem puppet agent --test --debug

Customizing files and packages in your servers.

If you wish to customize the file contents of your hosts, simply write any file in, for example:


and it will be copied in the server you'll be installing.

The same way, you can add additional packages to your server by adding their names in this file:


Packages must be listed on a single line, separated by comas. For example:


Enabling Hiera for environment

If you need to enable Hiera, you can do it this way:

# mkdir -p /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/
# echo "hiera_include('classes')" > /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp
# cat /etc/puppet/code/hiera/common.yaml
  - xxx


set -e set -x

Once deployment is ready

There's currently a few issues that need to be addressed by hand. Hopefully, all of these will be automated in a near future. In the mean while, please do contribute the fixes if you find out how, or just do as per what's below.

Fixing-up the controllers

Unfortunately, sometimes, there's some scheduling issues in the puppet apply. If this happens, one can try to relaunch the puppet thing:

# OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/oci-pki-oci-ca-chain.pem puppet agent --test --debug 2>&1 | tee /var/log/puppet-run-1

Do this on the controller-1 node first, wait until it finishes, then restart it on the other controller nodes.

Adding custom firewall rulles

OCI is using puppet-module-puppetlabs-firewall, and flushes iptables on each run. Therefore, if you need custom firewall rules, you also have to do it via puppet. If you want to do apply the same firewall rules on all nodes, simply edit the site.pp like this in /etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp:


firewall { '000 allow monitoring network':
  proto       => tcp,
  action      => accept,
  source      => "",

Note that the firewall rule is prefixed with a number. This is mandatory. Also, make sure that this number doesn't enter in conflict with an already existing rule.

What's done by OCI is: protect the controller's VIP (deny access to it from the outside), and protect the swiftstore ports for account, container and object servers from any query not from within the cluster. So the above will allow a monitoring server from to monitor your swiftstore ndoes.

Setting-up redis cluster

Currently, this is not yet automated:

# redis-cli -h --cluster create

Enabling cloudkitty rating

First, enable the hashmap module:

cloudkitty module enable hashmap
cloudkitty module set priority hashmap 100

Note that the error 503 may be just ignored, it still works, as "module list" shows. Now, let's add rating for instances:

cloudkitty hashmap group create instance_uptime_flavor
cloudkitty hashmap service create compute
cloudkitty hashmap field create 96a34245-83ae-406b-9621-c4dcd627fb8e flavor

The above ID is the one of the hashmap service create. Then we reuse the ID of the field create we just had for the -f parameter, and the group ID for the -g parameter below:

cloudkitty hashmap mapping create --field-id ce85c041-00a9-4a6a-a25d-9ebf028692b6 --value demo-flavor -t flat -g 2a986ce8-60a3-4f09-911e-c9989d875187 0.03

Adding compute nodes

To add the compute node to the cluster and check it's there, on the controller, do:

# . oci-openrc
# su nova -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts"
# openstack hypervisor list
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname           | Hypervisor Type | Host IP       | State |
|  4 | | QEMU            | | up    |

There's nothing more to it... :)

Installing a first OpenStack image

openstack image create \
	--container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 \
	--file debian-9-openstack-amd64.qcow2 \

Setting-up networking

There's many ways to handle networking in OpenStack. This documentation only quickly covers one way, and it is out of the scope of this doc to explain all of OpenStack networking. However, the reader must know that OCI is setting-up compute nodes using DVR (Distributed Virtual Routers), which means a Neutron router is installed on every compute nodes. Also, OpenVSwitch is used, using VXLan between the compute nodes. Anyway, here's one way to setup networking. Something like this may do it:

# Create external network
openstack network create --external --provider-physical-network external --provider-network-type flat ext-net
openstack subnet create --network ext-net --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver --gateway --subnet-range --no-dhcp ext-subnet

# Create internal network
openstack network create --share demo-net
openstack subnet create --network demo-net --subnet-range --dns-nameserver demo-subnet

# Create router, add it to demo-subnet and set it as gateway
openstack router create demo-router
openstack router add subnet demo-router demo-subnet
openstack router set demo-router --external-gateway ext-net

# Create a few floating IPs
openstack floating ip create ext-net
openstack floating ip create ext-net
openstack floating ip create ext-net
openstack floating ip create ext-net
openstack floating ip create ext-net

# Add rules to the admin's security group to allow ping and ssh
SECURITY_GROUP=$(openstack security group list --project admin --format=csv | q -d , -H 'SELECT ID FROM -')
openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 ${SECURITY_GROUP}
openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp --ingress ${SECURITY_GROUP}

Adding an ssh key

openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ demo-keypair

Creating flavor

openstack flavor create --ram 2048 --disk 5 --vcpus 1 demo-flavor
openstack flavor create --ram 6144 --disk 20 --vcpus 2 cpu2-ram6-disk20
openstack flavor create --ram 12288 --disk 40 --vcpus 4 cpu4-ram12-disk40

Boot a VM


set -e
set -x

NETWORK_ID=$(openstack network list --name demo-net -c ID -f value)
IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image list -f csv 2>/dev/null | q -H -d , "SELECT ID FROM - WHERE Name LIKE 'debian-9%.qcow2'")
FLAVOR_ID=$(openstack flavor show demo-flavor -c id -f value)

openstack server create --image ${IMAGE_ID} --flavor ${FLAVOR_ID} \
	--key-name demo-keypair --nic net-id=${NETWORK_ID} --availability-zone demo-server

Add billing

The below script will rate "demo-flavor" at 0.01:

cloudkitty module enable hashmap
cloudkitty module set priority hashmap 100
cloudkitty hashmap group create instance_uptime_flavor_id
GROUP_ID=$(cloudkitty hashmap group list -f value -c "Group ID")

cloudkitty hashmap service create instance
SERVICE_ID=$(cloudkitty hashmap service list -f value -c "Service ID")

cloudkitty hashmap field create ${SERVICE_ID} flavor_id
FIELD_ID=$(cloudkitty hashmap field list ${SERVICE_ID} -f value -c "Field ID")

FLAVOR_ID=$(openstack flavor show demo-flavor -f value -c id)

cloudkitty hashmap mapping create 0.01 --field-id ${FIELD_ID} --value ${FLAVOR_ID} -g ${GROUP_ID} -t flat

The rest may be found here:

Also, add the role rating to the admin:

openstack role add --user admin --project admin rating

Note: currently, after installing the cluster, all ceilometer agents must be restarted in order to obtain metrics, even though they appear to be well configured.

Add Octavia service

All of what's done below can be done with 2 helper scripts:


If you wish to do things manually, here's how it works.

Create the Amphora image. This can be done with DIB (Disk Image Builder) like this:

sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-virtualenv python-diskimage-builder qemu kpartx debootstrap
git clone
cd octavia/diskimage-create
openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --file amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2 amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2
openstack image set --tag amphora amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2

or you can use openstack-debian-image, simply launching the contrib script:


Create the Octavia network. If, like in the PoC package, you are running with a specific br-lb bridge bound to an external network called external1, something like this will do:

openstack network create --external --provider-physical-network external1 --provider-network-type flat lb-mgmt-net
openstack subnet create --network lb-mgmt-net --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver --dns-nameserver --gateway --subnet-range lb-mgmt-subnet

Then we need s specific security groups for Octavia (make sure to use /root/octavia-openrc, not the admin's one):

openstack security group create lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 9443 lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol icmpv6 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 9443 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-mgmt-sec-grp

openstack security group create lb-health-mgr-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port 5555 lb-health-mgr-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port 5555 --ethertype IPv6 --remote-ip ::/0 lb-health-mgr-sec-grp

Then we create an ssh keypair:

mkdir /etc/octavia/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/octavia/.ssh/octavia_ssh_key
chown -R octavia:octavia /etc/octavia/.ssh
rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --delete /etc/octavia/.ssh/ root@z-controller-2:/etc/octavia/.ssh/
rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --delete /etc/octavia/.ssh/ root@z-controller-3:/etc/octavia/.ssh/
. /root/octavia-openrc
openstack keypair create --public-key /etc/octavia/.ssh/ octavia-ssh-key

Make the certs as per the upstream tutorial at

Rsync the certs to the other 2 controllers:

rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --delete /etc/octavia/certs/ root@z-controller-2:/etc/octavia/certs/
rsync -e 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz --delete /etc/octavia/certs/ root@z-controller-3:/etc/octavia/certs/

Edit octavia.conf and set amp_boot_network_list and amp_secgroup_list IDs.

Then restart all Octavia services on all controllers.

Create the load-balancer_admin role and assign it:

openstack role create load-balancer_admin
openstack role add --project admin --user admin load-balancer_admin

Now, one must set, with ocicli, the boot network and security group list for the amphora:

ocicli cluster-set swift01 \
	--amp-boot-network-list 0c50875f-368a-4f43-802a-8350b330c127 \
	--amp-secgroup-list b94afddb-4fe1-4450-a1b8-25f36a354b7d,012584cd-ffde-483b-a55a-a1afba52bc20

Then we can start using Octavia:

openstack loadbalancer create --name lb-test-1 --vip-subnet-id ext-subnet

How to use the load balancer is described here:

Setting-up no limits for services resources

As some services may spawn instances, like for example Octavia or Magnum, it may be desirable to set no limit for some resources of the services project:

openstack quota set --secgroup-rules -1 --secgroups -1 --instances -1 --ram -1 --cores -1 --ports -1 services

The quota will apply for the virtual resources the services project will create, for example, use openstack loadbalancer quota show PROJECT_NAME to set the max number of loadbalancer for a project.

Add Magnum service

First, upload the coreos image and set the property correctly:

openstack image create --file coreos_production_openstack_image.img coreos_production_openstack_image.img
openstack image set --property os_distro=coreos coreos_production_openstack_image.img

Then create the COE template:

openstack coe cluster template create k8s-cluster-template \
    --image coreos_production_openstack_image.img --keypair demo-keypair \
    --external-network ext-net --dns-nameserver --flavor demo-flavor \
    --docker-volume-size 5 --network-driver flannel --coe kubernetes

Then create the Magnum cluster:

openstack coe cluster create k8s-cluster \
                      --cluster-template k8s-cluster-template \
                      --master-count 1 \
                      --node-count 2

Looks like coreos wouldn't work for k8s. Instead:

openstack image create \
                      --disk-format=qcow2 \
                      --container-format=bare \
                      --file=Fedora-Atomic-27-20180419.0.x86_64.qcow2 \
                      --property os_distro='fedora-atomic' \
openstack coe cluster template create kubernetes-cluster-template \
	--image fedora-atomic-latest --keypair demo-keypair \
	--external-network ext-net --dns-nameserver \
	--master-flavor demo-flavor --flavor demo-flavor \
	--docker-volume-size 5 --network-driver flannel \
	--coe kubernetes


[WORK-IN-PROGRESS] Skripte für das Openstack im Keller der Toolbox







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