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This repository is the implementation for ME5413 Autonomous Mobile Robotics Final Project

Created by Group 12

Ubuntu 20.04 ROS Noetic C++ Python


The requirement can be found in and also an extra ros package

  • pcl_ros is used for generating pcl file from rostopic


This repo is a ros workspace, containing several rospkgs:

  • ALOAM is SLAM algorithm package used for 3D mapping
  • costmap_prohibition_layer provides a plugin to add virtual obstacle in costmap to set prohibited region
  • interactive_tools are customized tools to interact with gazebo and your robot
  • jackal_description contains the modified jackal robot model descriptions
  • jackal_navigation contains a probabilistic localization system for navigation
  • me5413_world the main pkg containing the gazebo world, and the launch files
  • pcd2pgm for converting pcd file to pgm map which can be used for navigation
# Clone this repo
git clone
cd My_project

# Install all dependencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

# Build
# Source 
source devel/setup.bash

To properly load the gazebo world, you will need to have the necessary model files in the ~/.gazebo/models/ directory, which installation instructions can be found in URL above.


1. Mapping

Following commands will launch the gazebo with the project world

# Launch Gazebo World together with our robot
roslaunch me5413_world world.launch

In the second terminal, launch A-LOAM SLAM for 3D Lidar

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch aloam_velodyne aloam_velodyne_VLP_16.launch 

In order to drive the robot around for mapping, launch keyboard control node in the third terminal

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard 

By above you can visualize pointclouds, and finish mapping by exploring all possible areas pointcloud To save the pointclouds in a pcl file, run rosnode in pcl_ros package to generate file in current direction

rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/laser_cloud_surround

pc_map To convert the pcl file to pgm format, run rosnode in pcd2pgm package after modify the path in test.cpp

private_nh.param("file_directory", file_directory, std::string("/home/tommy/pcd/")); # the path to pcd file
private_nh.param("file_name", file_name, std::string("12673.944000000")); # the name of the pcd file

Then build the workspace again and run the rosnode

cd ~/My_project
rosrun pcd2pgm pcd2topic

And run map saver in another terminal

rosrun map_server map_saver

After transforming you can obtain the global map by 3D Lidar SLAM like below and also a corresponding .yaml file, rename both as my_map and put them into src/me5413_world/maps/


2. Navigation

To begin with adding prohibited region in the map, find prohibition_areas.yaml in My_project/src/jackal_navigation/params/map_nav_params/ and modify the following content in the file to the desired one


# define an obstacle point
# - [17.09, -6.388]
# define  an obstacle line
 - [[4.5, 1.5],
    [4.5, 5.0]]
 - [[1.0, 1.0],
    [3.0, 1.0]]

# define  an obstacle region
#- [[-11.15, -15.614],
#   [-12.35, -13.89],
#   [-10.05, -12.218]]

After that, also check if following lines in move_base.launch in jackal_navigation package,

<rosparam file="$(find jackal_navigation)/params/map_nav_params/prohibition_areas.yaml" command="load" ns="global_costmap/costmap_prohibition_layer" />
<rosparam file="$(find jackal_navigation)/params/map_nav_params/prohibition_areas.yaml" command="load" ns="local_costmap/costmap_prohibition_layer" />

Close all terminals and start new one in the workspace

source develop/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world world.launch

In the second terminal launch the navigation node

source develop/setup.bash
roslaunch me5413_world navigation.launch

Click the buttons of the bottom right panel in rviz and navigation to the specified pose navigation


Get Support

If you have any questions please feel free to open a pull-request


The My_Project is released under the MIT License


This is my implementation of ME5413 final project







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