This repository implements the Bayesian test of introgression developed by Ji et al. (2023). The program calculates the Bayes factor via the Savage-Dickey density ratio using an MCMC sample under the MSci or MSC-M to evaluate the evidence for a proposed gene flow event. Note that the MSci models gene flow as a discrete event that occurred at some fixed time, with its magnitude estimated through the introgression probability,
The Bayes factor representing the evidence for
The program is currently distributed as an R script. To install and run do the following:
- Clone the repository or download the source files.
- Navigate to the directory containing the script.
- Make sure you have R installed on your machine. If not, download and install R from
The stats
package (>= 4.2.2) must be installed. This can be done with the following command:
The program accepts as input a BPP MCMC sample file.
From the command line, the script can be run as follows:
Rscript BF-script.R [function] [alpha] [beta] [epsilon] [file] [column_indices]
function Either BF_Gamma or BF_Beta.
alpha Numeric value for the alpha parameter of the prior distribution on M or Varphi.
beta Numeric value for the beta parameter of the prior distribution on M or Varphi.
epsilon Numeric value for the epsilon parameter.
file Path to the MCMC sample file.
column_indices Column indices, separated by spaces. Ranges can be specified using ':'.
If the BF_Gamma option is selected then 'alpha' is the shape and 'beta' is the rate of the prior distribution.
If the BF_Beta option is selected then both 'alpha' and 'beta' are shape parameters of the prior distribution.
For example:
Rscript BF-script.R BF_Gamma 2 10 0.01 /path/to/sample-mcmc.txt 25:30
would use the BF_Gamma function with alpha = 2 (shape), beta = 10 (rate), epsilon = 0.01, an MCMC sample file located at /path/to/mcmc_file.txt, and columns 25:30. The MCMC file used in this example, along with the output file, can be found in the 'test' folder.
The output of the program is a text file containing the calculated Bayes factor for each proposed gene flow event. A Bayes factor threshold of 100 means strong support for
The usage instructions can be viewed by typing Rscript BF-script.R --help
Flouri, T., Jiao, X., Rannala, B., and Yang, Z. 2018. Species tree inference with BPP using genomic sequences and the multispecies coalescent. Mol. Biol. Evol., 35(10): 2585–2593.
Flouri, T., Jiao, X., Rannala, B., and Yang, Z. 2020. A Bayesian implementation of the multispecies coalescent model with introgression for phylogenomic analysis. Mol. Biol. Evol., 37(4): 1211–1223.
Ji, J., Jackson, D. J., Leache, A. D., and Yang, Z. 2023. Power of Bayesian and heuristic tests to detect cross-species introgression with reference to gene flow in the Tamias quadrivittatus group of North American chipmunks. Syst. Biol., page 10.1093/sysbio/syac077.