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Tkd-Alex committed Aug 30, 2023
1 parent cbf3ced commit 51b1411
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Showing 6 changed files with 291 additions and 147 deletions.
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions handlers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
import copy

class Config:

node = {
"chain": {
"gas": {"value": 200000, "description": "Gas limit to set per transaction"},
"gas_adjustment": {"value": 1.05, "description": "Gas adjustment factor"},
"gas_prices": {
"value": "0.1udvpn",
"description": "Gas prices to determine the transaction fee",
"id": {"value": "sentinelhub-2", "description": "The network chain ID"},
"rpc_addresses": {
"value": "",
"description": "Comma separated Tendermint RPC addresses for the chain",
"rpc_query_timeout": {
"value": 10,
"description": "Timeout seconds for querying the data from the RPC server",
"rpc_tx_timeout": {
"value": 30,
"description": "Timeout seconds for broadcasting the transaction through RPC server",
"simulate_and_execute": {
"value": True,
"description": "Calculate the transaction fee by simulating it",
"options": [True, False],
"handshake": {
"enable": {
"value": True,
"description": "Enable Handshake DNS resolver (if you use v2ray set enable = false)",
"options": [True, False],
"peers": {"value": 8, "description": "Number of peers"},
"keyring": {
"backend": {
"value": "file",
"description": "Underlying storage mechanism for keys",
"from": {
"value": "operator",
"description": "Name of the key with which to sign",
"node": {
"interval_set_sessions": {
"value": "10s",
"description": "Time interval between each set_sessions operation",
"interval_update_sessions": {
"value": "1h55m0s",
"description": "Time interval between each update_sessions transaction",
"interval_update_status": {
"value": "55m0s",
"description": "Time interval between each set_status transaction",
"ipv4_address": {
"value": "",
"description": "IPv4 address to replace the public IPv4 address with",
"listen_on": {
"value": "<tcp_port>",
"description": "API listen-address (tcp port)",
"moniker": {"value": "your_node_name", "description": "Name of the node"},
"gigabyte_prices": {
"value": "29000000udvpn,39000ibc/A8C2D23A1E6F95DA4E48BA349667E322BD7A6C996D8A4AAE8BA72E190F3D1477,525000ibc/ED07A3391A112B175915CD8FAF43A2DA8E4790EDE12566649D0C2F97716B8518,700000ibc/31FEE1A2A9F9C01113F90BD0BBCCE8FD6BBB8585FAF109A2101827DD1D5B95B8,52500000ibc/B1C0DDB14F25279A2026BC8794E12B259F8BDA546A3C5132CCAEE4431CE36783",
"description": "Prices for one gigabyte of bandwidth provided",
"hourly_prices": {
"value": "4900000udvpn",
"description": "Prices for one hour",
"remote_url": {
"value": "https://<ip_node>:<tcp_port>",
"description": "Public URL of the node",
"type": {
"value": "wireguard",
"description": "Type of node (you can choose between wireguard and v2ray)",
"options": ["wireguard", "v2ray"],
"qos": {
"max_peers": {
"value": 250,
"description": "Limit max number of concurrent peers",
"extras": {
"udp_port": {
"value": 0,
"description": "UDP port used as listen_port for wireguard or v2ray",
"node_folder": {
"value": None,
"description": "Absolute path, where to save the node configuration",
"wallet_password": {
"value": "",
"description": "Wallet password (only used for keyring = file)"
"wallet_mnemonic": {
"value": "",
"description": "Wallet bip mnemonic (leave empty for create a new wallet)"

v2ray = {
"vmess": {
"listen_port": {
"value": 0,
"description": "Port number to accept the incoming connections",
"transport": {
"value": "grpc",
"description": "Name of the transport protocol",

wireguard = {
"interface": {"value": "wg0", "description": "Name of the network interface"},
"listen_port": {
"value": "<udp_port>",
"description": "Port number to accept the incoming connections",
"private_key": {"value": None, "description": "Server private key"},

def validate_config(node_config: dict) -> str | bool:
allowed_empty = ["ipv4_address"]
remote_url = node_config["node"]["remote_url"]["value"]
listen_on = node_config["node"]["listen_on"]["value"]
if remote_url.split(":")[-1].strip() != listen_on.split(":")[-1].strip():
return "TCP port must be equal"

for group in node_config:
for key in node_config[group]:
if key not in allowed_empty and node_config[group][key]["value"] == "":
return f"{group}.{key} cannot be empty"

if node_config["node"]["type"]["value"] == "v2ray":
if node_config["handshake"]["enable"] is True:
return f"{group}.{key} cannot be True"

return True

def __handle_type(value):
if value in ["True", "False"]:
return value.lower()
elif value.isdigit():
return value
return f'"{value}"'

def tomlize(node_config: dict) -> str:
ignore = ["extras"]
raw = ""
for group in node_config:
if group not in ignore:
# check if is a 'group'
keys = list(node_config[group].keys())
if "value" not in keys and "description" not in keys:
raw += f"\n[{group}]\n"
for key in keys:
raw += f"\n# {node_config[group][key]['description']}\n"
raw += f"{key} = {__handle_type(node_config[group][key]['value'])}\n"
raw += f"{group} = {__handle_type(node_config[group]['value'])}\n"
return raw

def node_toml2wellknow(node_config: dict) -> dict:
default_values = copy.deepcopy(Config.node)
for group in node_config:
if group in default_values:
for key in node_config[group]:
if key in default_values[group]:
default_values[group][key]["value"] = node_config[group][key]
return default_values
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions handlers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import urllib.request
import paramiko

from docker import APIClient
from docker.transport import SSHHTTPAdapter

class SSHAdapterPassword(SSHHTTPAdapter):
def __init__(self, base_url: str, password: str):
self.password = password
def _connect(self):
if self.ssh_client:
self.ssh_params["password"] = self.password

class SSH():
def __init__(self, host: str, username: str, password: str = None, port: int = 22):

self.client = paramiko.SSHClient()

self.client.connect(host, username=username, password=password, port=port, look_for_keys=True)

k = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(keyfilename)
# OR k = paramiko.DSSKey.from_private_key_file(keyfilename)
self.client.connect(hostname=host, username=user, pkey=k)

def sudo_exec_command(self, cmd: str):
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = self.client.exec_command(cmd, get_pty=True)
if ssh_stdin.closed is False and password is not None and "sudo" in cmd:
ssh_stdin.write(self.password + '\n')
return ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr

def read_file(self, fpath: str) -> str:
sftp = self.client.open_sftp()
rfile =
content = ""
for line in rfile:
content += line
return content

def get_home(self) -> str:
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = self.client.exec_command("echo ${HOME}")

def put_file(self, fpath: str) -> bool:
home_directory = ssh_get_home(ssh)
ftp = self.client.open_sftp()
fname = os.path.basename(fpath)
ftp.put(fpath, os.path.join(home_directory, fname))
return True

def close(self): # :)

def exec_command(self, cmd: str): # :)
return self.client.exec_command(cmd)

def docker(self, docker_api_version: str):
client = APIClient(f'ssh://{}:{self.port}', use_ssh_client=True, version=docker_api_version)
ssh_adapter = SSHAdapterPassword(f'ssh://{self.username}@{}:{self.port}', password=self.password)
client.mount('http+docker://ssh', ssh_adapter)
if client.version(api_version=False)["ApiVersion"] == docker_api_version:
return client
return None
Empty file added handlers/
Empty file.

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