A winery website for tourists to view and make use of when trying to browse a selection of wines in South Africa
- Download and install XAMPP
- Clone the project files from this repo and place the project folder in "C:\xampp\htdocs"
- Start the Apache and MYSQL servers in XAMPP
- In your browser navigate to localhost/COS221-PA5
- Click on project
- Click on FrontEnd
- Click on Pages
- The index page should show up
- The default login details are as follows:
email: //enter here
password: //enter here
Michael 🎨 📆 🚧 🚇 📖 💻 🐛 |
JMPastoll 🔣 🤔 🔬 |
NicholasJHarvey 💻 🐛 🔣 🖋 |
TiyisoWolfiez 💻 🖋 |
Jaden Moodley 💻 🖋 🎨 🚇 |
Dindosss 💻 🖋 🔣 🚇 |
Remiku-bit 🔬 |
- Group meetup for discussions and planning
- Initial design of website in html, css
- Initial setup and design of backend and continued design of frontend and research
- Completeion of frontend, conversion of files to php and beginning integration of dynamic data from backennd
- Testing of website
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!