Releases: Tigereye504/lava-java
Lava Java v0.4.3
-Lava Javas now ignore dietary restrictions from origins, because even ghouls should be allowed to enjoy a cup.
Lava Java v0.4.2
-Lava Javas now have descriptive names
-Incompatibility with Interactic fixed
Lava Java v0.4.1
Minecraft 1.19 update
Lava Java v0.4.0
-Updated to 1.18.2
-Now uses datapack for all structure generation, eliminating possibility of world gen crashes
Lava Java v0.3.0
-Adds 6 Lava Java Cafe variants (Thank you Camilo and Matcha!)
-Spanish and German Translations (Thank you Camilo and Stromboli!)
-Wither Baristas now support Chest Cavity (they have a Wither Skeleton chest cavity)
-Cafes will no longer spawn on the ceiling
-Cafes will no longer spawn in shallow lava pools
-Removed excess Lava Javas from creative inventory
Lava Java v0.2.0
-Flavors can now exclude other flavors, preventing them from being selected for the same Lava Java
-Base flavors and their variants now exclude each other, preventing Lava Javas with flavors such as Sweet and Extra Sweet
Lava Java v0.1.1
-Lava Java Associates have been reminded to be non-flammable at all times.
Lava Java v0.1.0
Lava Java 0.1.0 is hot!
Lava Java's Lava Javas will warm your blackened bones! Each cup is a melody of unique flavors that will ensure you are able to face the rest of your day. With Lava Javas starting at only 4 gold nuggets, our prices are affordable by any standard. Our friendly staff are always working to improve, so every time you visit they will have new and exciting Lava Javas waiting for you to try.
Please forward all complains and concerns to the branch manager.