Dgeni package providing a static site generator.
Take a folder of files - attach metadata, parse the content as markdown, convert to html, and template through handlebars before writing out.
Add additional dgeni packages to the pipeline for things like data aggregation, custom formatters, pretty urls, etc. Great start for building any type of static site - promotional, blog, content site, etc.
- A folder of markdown documents (configured on readFilesProcessor)
- A folder of handlebars templates (configured on templateFinder)
- A build folder of the documents after having run through the additional/modified dgeni pipeline steps.
New Pipeline:
- readFilesProcessor (base)
- computeIdsProcessor (base)
- computePathsProcessor (base)
- splitContentProcessor (static-content-site)
- webpathProcessor (static-content-site)
- metadataProcessor (static-content-site)
- contentMarkdownProcessor (static-content-site)
- handlebarsPartialsProcessor (handlebars)
- handlebarsTemplatesProcessor (handlebars)
- renderDocsProcessor (base)
- unescapeCommentsProcessor (base)
- writeFilesProcessor (base)
- checkAnchorLinksProcessor (base)
Create the folder, setup package.json and install dependancies
mkdir mySite
cd mySite
npm init
npm install canonical-path dgeni https://github.com/Tidwell/dgeni-static-gen.git --save
Create the index.js entrypoint and configure the pipeline to run
var path = require('canonical-path');
var Dgeni = require('dgeni');
var staticGeneratorPackage = require('static-generator');
/* Create the package for the site generator */
var sitePackage = new Dgeni.Package('sitePackage', [
/* Config */
writeFilesProcessor.outputFolder = path.resolve(process.cwd(), './build');
sitePackage.config(function(readFilesProcessor) {
readFilesProcessor.basePath = './';
readFilesProcessor.sourceFiles = [{
include: 'content/**/*',
basePath: 'content'
/* Run */
var dgeni = new Dgeni([sitePackage]);
dgeni.generate().then(function(docs) {
console.log(docs.length, 'docs generated');
git clone https://github.com/Tidwell/dgeni-static-gen.git
cd dgeni-static-gen
npm install
##Run Tests
npm test