This Powershell Module catch the min/max/current value from the CPU and GPU temperature. This Module is based on the OpenHardwaremonitoring Project and will not use the default Windows CIM Class. Thereby all CPUs and GPUs are supported. For more Information see
!!!!! PS Gallery is no updatet yet, will be follow !!!! Clone Repository
Get-HWMeasurement | Reports all Measurement Values
Set-HWMeasuremet | Enable CPU/GPU
Get-HWInformationLog | Show the Logging
Get-HWObject | Show the Object Detailinformation
New-HWCustomObject | Create a Custom Object fromt Type HardwareMonitor. Class Description see below
Build the Custom Class Object
New-HWCustomObject -CustomObjectName "HARDWAREMONITOR"
Set required Parameters
$HARDWAREMONITOR.EnableCPU = $true|$false {default: $True}
$HARDWAREMONITOR.EnableGPU = $true|$false {default: $False}
Get Value from System
Show Value from System
**Show Logging
**Show Last Error
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- PowerShell 5 is required
- OpenHardwareMonitor (dll) is required (Included in Project)
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
- 22.02.2025: Change to LibreHardwareMonitoring
- 01.05.2020: Extend as Module
- 01.04:2020 : Final Class
- 01.01.2019: Final Alpha
- Thomas Willa - Initial work - ThomasWilla
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details