How to make some famous browser unable to take up your system usage.
Could not uninstall Microsoft Edge for just now, even with old command line methods, but you can disable it at least, by following these:
1)Stop all processes that is from edge.
2)Navigate into %localappdata%\Microsoft\Edge from explorer.
3)Right click the Edge folder, select Properties -> Security -> Advance -> Disable Parenting -> Select the first option in the popup. -> OK -> Edit -> Delete all users -> Add -> input Everyone then check for the name -> Refuse all the permissions in the bottom box-> OK -> OK
Now it should be unable to start the Edge. Saves your precious system resources.
I did not find any abnormal in the system just yet.
2)从地址栏打开 %localappdata%\Microsoft\Edge
According to the(引用资料):
Why you can't uninstall it? 凭啥不能卸载啊?
Edge user date location...? 数据都他妈的存哪了?