This website is run in localhost. So you have to setup your database and server.
Stage 1: 1.npm init -y (setup) 2.npm install 3.npm start website displayed on localhost (you good here)
Stage 2: service mysql start MySQL < database.sql (initialise database) MySQL (run database)
Installing NPM: npm init -y npm install --save mysql npm install express mysql2 nodemailer body-parser npm install nodemailer npm install express express-session bcryptjs npm install bcrypt npm install express-session npm install uuid npm install path npm install moment
use database: mysql<database.sql Use projects
accounts: -manager: [email protected], password: manager@a123 -admin: [email protected], password: manager@123
ytb video:
Functions haven't been completed: Change password, personal information page, and number of members on the admin page.