A passionate developer from France
I have deployed a Portfolio (developed using Astro) to reference and explain some of my various projects. Repository
- 💻 I work at Energiency as a Full Stack Developer (VueJs, Node, TypeScript, Docker, PostgreSQL).
- 🏓 I manage voluntarily all the IT part of the TFTT club where I have been a player for more than 18 years :
- Wordpress Website
- Annual tournament website
- Team management application
- Slides for the Pro A matches
- Domain name management and hosting (OVH)
- 🧑💻 I work with many different programming languages (Javascript, TypeScript, Python, Flutter, Python, PHP) and many others that you can see by browsing my repositories
- 👨🔬 I love discovering new tools and technologies, I make many small projects to try them out
- MarathonProgram (Vue3 / Tailwind CSS)
- Mobile app (Flutter using WordPress API)
- Website for the registration of the club's tournament: (SQL, MySQL, PHP)
- Visualization of travel times using Directions API (Grafana, docker, Python, MySql)
- Visualization of a home-made strava challenge using Grafana by fetching strava data (Grafana, Node, PostgreSQL) deployed with AWS
- Image recognition quiz (60 seconds to find as many image names as possible) using Vue3 / Vite / TypeScript / SemanticRelease
- Some scripts (Python, PHP, AppScript) for the table tennis club of Thorigné Fouillard