This program will allow you to read and write Pokémon Quest save files.
Pokémon Quest's title ID is 01005D100807A000
, and the save file is a single 512 KB file named user
Usage: pqsave mode input output [script1 (In script mode only)] [script2]...
d Decrypt save
e Encrypt save
x Export save to JSON
i Import save from JSON
s Script - Run scripts on an encrypted save
User-provided C# scripts can be run to modify the save data.
Two examples have been provided:
.NET Core can run PqSave on Linux or macOS.
Make sure .NET Core is installed, open a terminal in the directory containing PqSave and run the program with dotnet PqSave.dll
- Open
in Visual Studio - Run
Build Solution
If you do not have .NET Core 2.0 or higher installed, Visual Studio will give an error saying that the netcoreapp2.0
build failed.
The .NET Framework 4.6 build should still succeed if this happens.
- Install the .NET Core SDK
- Open a command prompt in the directory containing
- Run
dotnet build -f netcoreapp2.0
If you have the .NET Framework 4.6 Targeting Pack installed the .NET Core SDK will also build the program for .NET Framework 4.6.