Blender addon to create targetable cameras and lights
This addon makes it easier to add a targetable camera or light to the scene, or make existing cameras and lights targetable.
Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Created for Blender 2.8 Beta
Download the python file (put it in a place where you can easily find it, like your desktop)
In Blender's settings, go to the addons tab
At the bottom, click "Install from File"
Find where you put the python file, select it, and click "Install from File"
Inside the 3D View in Object Mode, set the 3D Cursor where you want the camera/light to be.
Then select the object you would like the camera/light to point towards.
Open the Add Object menu, and go to:
Camera > Add Targetable Camera
Light > Add Targetable Light > Type
A camera or light will be created at the 3D cursor, and the target empty will be created at the active object.
Select all the existing cameras/lights you would like to make targetable.
Open the Add Object menu, and click Add Target to Selected Cameras/Lights
A target empty will be created at the 3D Cursor and all selected cameras/lights will target it.