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Available Research

TheCodex6824 edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

This is an overview of all available research in Thaumic Augmentation. Check here if you are unsure about the requirements for a certain research stage, or you need the internal research ID for command purposes. For information about the content actually unlocked in the research, see the "Mod Content" section of the wiki (not yet created).

Name File Internal ID Stages Extra Information
Thaumic Augmentation misc.json THAUMIC_AUGMENTATION_BASE Single stage, no requirements Auto-unlocks when clicked, or when mod is installed if First Steps is already completed
Vis Regenerator misc.json VIS_REGENERATOR 1. Silverwood Leaves + 1 Artifice observation + 1 Alchemy observation + 1 Artifice theory
2. New recipes: Vis Regeneration Lattice, Vis Regenerator
3. (Addenda, requires Flux (FLUX) research)
Seal Copier misc.json SEAL_COPIER 1. Blank seal + zombie brain + 1 Golemancy observation + 1 Artifice theory
2. New Recipes: Seal Copier
Void Thaumaturge Boots misc.json BOOTS_VOID 1. 1 Infusion observation + 1 Infusion theory + 1 Eldritch theory, gives 2 Warp on completion
2. New recipes: Void Thaumaturge Boots
Control Seal: Secure misc.json SEAL_SECURE 1. 1 Golemancy observation + 1 Golemancy theory
2. New recipes: Control Seal: Secure
3. (Addenda, requires Biothaumic Mind (MINDBIOTHAUMIC) research) New recipes: Advanced Control Seal: Secure
Morphic Tool misc.json MORPHIC_TOOL 1. 2 Eldritch observations
2. New recipes: Morphic Tool (see note)
The Morphic Tool recipe shown is an example, any items can be substituted for the swords. As of the current released version (1.1.11), this recipe is not shown in JEI.
Primal Cutter misc.json PRIMAL_CUTTER 1. 1 Eldritch observation + 1 Eldritch theory
2. New recipes: Primal Cutter
Warded Chest warded.json WARDED_ARCANA
Arcane Door warded.json ARCANE_DOOR
Access Control warded.json WARD_KEYS
Thaumium Caster's Gauntlet gauntlets.json GAUNTLET_THAUMIUM
Voidseer Caster's Gauntlet gauntlets.json GAUNTLET_VOID
Gauntlet Augmentation gauntlets.json GAUNTLET_AUGMENTATION
Dimensional Modifiers gauntlets.json DIMENSIONAL_MODIFIERS
Modifier: Emptiness gauntlets.json EMPTINESS_MODIFIER
Modifier: Frenzy gauntlets.json FRENZY_MODIFIER
Modifier: Experience gauntlets.json EXPERIENCE_MODIFIER
Further Auromancy Studies foci.json MORE_AUROMANCY Auto-unlocks when clicked
Focus Effect: Light foci.json FOCUS_LIGHT
Focus Effect: Ward ward_foci_coremod.json, ward_foci_no_coremod.json (see note) FOCUS_WARD Due to the gameplay consequences of disabling the coremod, there is an alternative research file for the ward focus with no coremod. While only descriptions of the ward functionality is different at the time of writing (1.1.11), other differences may be introduced in the future.
Rift Studies void.json RIFT_STUDIES
Void Stone void.json !VOIDSTONE
Manufacturing Eldritch Stone void.json VOID_STONE_USAGE
Rift Power void.json RIFT_POWER
Discovering the Emptiness void.json FRACTURE_THEORY
Entering the Emptiness void.json ENTERING_FRACTURE
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