This page is host to a decentralized Twitter clone, hosted via IPFS. You can download and use this page to create your own decentralized Twitter profile page so that you can ensure your voice cannot be censored.
Follow the below Github link to download your very own decentralized Twitter page and open the index.html file to begin editing.
The div class "rightcontainer" is the block of code that creates and displays posts. Simply copy and paste the below block of code to use it as a post, edit the details (username, date etc) in the block to customise your page, as well as the above profile card name. Use the two lines of empty space to create content of your post.
<div class="rightcontainer">
<ul id="tweetscontainer" class="tweetscontainer"><li class="tweetcontainer">
<img class="tweetprofimg" src="index_files/icon.png"><span class="tweetprofname">TheChiefMeat</span>
<span class="tweetprofuid">@TheChiefMeat - 27th Oct 2018</span>
<div class="ml58px"><p style="margin: 0px;">
To have a user icon, simply rename your chosen icon to icon.png and place it in the index_files folder.
To host the page on IPFS, follow the below IPFS tutorial: