Research based testing Boosted Tree Classifier for Predicting Disease from Symptoms
- python 64 bit (Strictly) (32 bit will raise errors)
If you have 32 bit version. Uninstall it first then install 64 bit version.
- tensorflow 2.4
- pandas
Note: Ignore 10000 Warnings. Warnings are because we are using a version of tensorflow which can run without GPU. If you have GPU update cuda toolkit and cuDNN to run model faster.
If you encounter an error named
Value out of range
that is because you put a value of variable that is way too large.
Edit these variables in file only
- noOfTree
- maxTreeDepth
- learningRate
- noOfBatchesPerLayer
Note your observation in the observation.xlsx file under the sheet of YOUR NAME
This algorithm uses plenty of randomness to create first trees so everytime you run the model even with same variable values you might get different values.
In Sequence
You can choose not to watch these videos and find your own tutorials.
- Tensorflow Documentation:
- Example of Boosted Tree: