Before running, make sure that your local machine has PHP and Composer installed.
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Copy
and rename to.env
. Edit.env
file (please create a new database first and update DB Configuration):DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=your db host ip DB_PORT=your db port DB_DATABASE=your db name DB_USERNAME=your db user DB_PASSWORD=your db password
- Install vendor:
composer install
- Generate app key:
php artisan key:generate
- Run migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Publish PDF libary asset:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider"
- Run virtual server:
php artisan serve
- Your default account will be:
username: tomnguyen password: 123456
- Access this link to log in:
- After logging in successfully, you will be redirected to Dashboard page
- Dashboard page includes:
1 notification message at the top 3 page links: Click on the text to go to the page you want to. For example: click on "Click here to go to Fruit page" to go to FRUIT page
- Fruit Category page includes List of Fruit Categories on the left and Create New Fruit Category form on the right
- Fruit page includes List of Fruits on the left and Create New Fruit form on the right
- Invoice page includes:
- Create new invoice link on the left (click on the text "Click here to create new invoice ")
- Each table in the center of page represents for an Invoice information
- There are 3 action links/button on the right of a table:
- "Click here to edit": your will be redirected to Edit Invoice page
- button "Delete Invoice": delete current invoice
- "Click here to export": export current invoice
- Before creating an Invoice, please make sure to create at least 1 fruit category and fruit item
- Add/Edit Invoice form has a button "Add Fruit" to allow you add multiple fruit items for an invoice
- Login screen:
- Dashboard:
- Fruit Category screen:
- Fruit screen:
- Invoice screen:
- Add Invoice screen:
- Edit Invoice screen: your invoice id