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colour trails do things now
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TehBucket committed Aug 20, 2014
1 parent fc68572 commit c3f8b6d
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 36 deletions.
120 changes: 84 additions & 36 deletions stuff.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ Difficulty: progress bar
new enemy: doesn't move much, shoots projectiles at player
IMPROVE new level generation system
particle streams don't go in the right direction at certain angles (enemy trails, disabled currently)

var C = document.getElementById('game');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ var tri /*draws poly, rotated*/= function(x,y,s,a,c){

//classes and globals and stuff
var co /*colors*/= {r3:{r:188,g:73,b:58},y3:{r:188,g:135,b:58},b3:{r:44,g:84,b:122},g3:{r:43,g:141,b:69},w:{r:255,g:255,b:255},}
var co /*colors*/= {r3:{r:188,g:73,b:58},y3:{r:188,g:135,b:58},b3:{r:44,g:84,b:122},g3:{r:43,g:141,b:69},w:{r:255,g:255,b:255},b:{r:25,g:25,b:25},en:{r:225,g:225,b:225},}
var p /*player*/= {x:300,y:250,el:co.r3,w:30,h:30,c:mix(co.r3,co.w,-.5),hp:8,st:0,r:0,s:15,sd:.1};
var en /*enemies*/= [];
var enN /*new enemy (constructor)*/= function(){ //random placement at edge of screen
Expand All @@ -86,17 +85,22 @@ var enN /*new enemy (constructor)*/= function(){ //random placement at edge of s
this.w =40; //width and height for colission mainly (i should .proto this)
this.h =40;
this.c = {r:225,g:225,b:225};
this.hp = 10; //health (when at 0, freezes)
this.acc = 1; //acceleration (affected by colour)
this.fric = 1; //friction (affected by colour)
this.tim = 0; //timer, for blinking
var lvl /*current level, difficulty and theme*/= {c:{r:0,g:0,b:0},n:0/*which level, increments*/,spawn:['s']/*spawn rate of enemies, fast, slow, ranged*/,score:0,goal:20};
var lvl /*current level, difficulty and theme*/= {c:{r:0,g:0,b:0},n:0/*which level, increments*/,spawn:['s']/*spawn rate of enemies, fast, slow, ranged*/,score:0,goal:30,tim:0,pause:0};
// colors: (r1 is lightest red, r5 is darkest red. rgb is 0-255)
var bg = [/*[{r,g,b}]*/]; //blocks of background that change colour dynamically (generated)
var particles = []; //triangles that have velocitiy, and dissapate

var newP = function(x,y,xv,yv,c){
var newP = function(x,y,xv,yv,c){ //new particle, constructor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ var generateBG = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) {
bg[bg.length - 1].push(new function () {
bg[bg.length - 1].push(new function () { //constructor for background box
this.c = {r:i + ii, g:i + ii, b:i + ii};
this.x = ii * 50;
this.y = i * 50;
Expand All @@ -159,6 +163,7 @@ var resetBG = function(){

//fancy boxey dynamic background
var background = function(){
var tmp = [];
for(var i=0;i<12;i++){//rows
for(var ii=0;ii<16;ii++){with(bg[i][ii]){
G.fillStyle = rgb(c);
Expand All @@ -172,21 +177,53 @@ var background = function(){
// p.c.b=255-(c.r+c.g+c.b)/3;
// p.c = oppo(c); //set player to visual opposite of background (broken)
// if(c.r<=500){c.r += 5}; //testification
if((c.r+c.b+c.g)/3<=500){c=mix(c,p.el,.1)}; //increment colour based on player
if((c.r+c.b+c.g)/3<=500){c=mix(c,p.el,.05)}; //increment colour based on player
// else if((c.r+c.b+c.g)/3>=i+ii){c=mix(c,co.w,-1/255)} //slowly blackens (broken)
// else if(c.r<=i+ii){c.r = i+ii} //r,g and b bottom out (broken)
// else if(c.g<=i+ii){c.g = i+ii}
// else if(c.b<=i+ii){c.b = i+ii}
// if(c.r>=255){particles.push(new newP(x,y,ran(-1,1),ran(-1,1)),[c])} // broken

if(c.r>=255||c.b>=255||c.g>=255){//if bg-box is a full colour (has effect)
for(var i3=0;i3<en.length;i3++){//collide with enemy
if(en[i3].hp>0){en[i3].c = c;} //colours enemy, needs help (blink?)
if(c.r>=255&&c.b>=255&&c.g>=255){//if WHITE
if(en[i3].hp > 0){
// tmp.push(i3); //kills enemy
en[i3].c = co.b;
en[i3].hp = 0;
en[i3].acc = 0;
en[i3].fric = .98;
console.log('hit enemy with white');
for(var i4=0;i4<ran(16,22);i4++){particles.push(new newP(en[i3].x,en[i3].y,ran(-1,1),ran(-1,1),[{r:c.r,g:c.g,b:c.b}]))}
en.push(new enN);
else if(c.r>=255 && c.g <255 && c.b <255 && en[i3].tim==0){//if RED
en[i3].hp -= 1; //damages enemy
console.log('hit enemy with red');
else if(c.g>=255 && c.r <255 && c.b <255 && en[i3].tim==0){//if GREEN
if(en[i3].fric>0){en[i3].fric -= .01;} //slows enemy (friction)
console.log('hit enemy with green');
else if(c.b>=255 && c.g <255 && c.r <255 && en[i3].tim==0){//if BLUE
if(en[i3].acc>0){en[i3].acc -=.05;} //slows enemy (acceleration)
console.log('hit enemy with blue');

// if(!ran(0,145)){particles.push(new newP(en[i3].x,en[i3].y,0,0,[{r:c.r,g:c.g,b:c.b}]))}


c.r<=i+ii ? c.r = i+ii : c.r -= 1; //r,g and b bottom out
c.g<=i+ii ? c.g = i+ii : c.g -= 1;
c.b<=i+ii ? c.b = i+ii : c.b -= 1;
// c.r <=0 ? c.r=0 : c.r -= 1;
return tmp;

//moves the player, and if by sides of screen, it scrolls scene
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,52 +270,56 @@ var newLvl = function(){with(lvl){

var explode = function(a){with(a){ //creates particles from given object
for(var i=0;i<ran(6,12);i++){particles.push(new newP(x,y,xv,yv,[{r:225,g:225,b:225},{r:25,g:25,b:25},{r:172,g:60,b:45}]))}
for(var i=0;i<ran(6,12);i++){particles.push(new newP(x,y,yv*2,xv*2,[{r:225,g:225,b:225},{r:25,g:25,b:25},{r:172,g:60,b:45}]))}

//moves, draws enemies (ai) ENEMY MOVE
var enMove = function(){
for(var i=0;i<en.length;i++){with(en[i]){
if(hp == 0){c = co.b} //necessary? (red)
tim >= 100 ? tim = 0 : tim+=1;
if(tim<50 && c!=co.en && hp>0){c=co.en} //flashes back to white except when dead
var a = fromAngle(r) //x,y coords of direction enemy is facing
//turn towards player
var point = toAngle(x,y,p.x,p.y); //what angle would be looking directly at player
if(point - 5 <= r && point + 5 >= r){ // is enemy pointing directly at player (give or take some)
xv += a.x/10; //add velocity in direction of player
yv += a.y/10;
if(point - 5 <= r && point + 5 >= r && hp > 0){ // is enemy pointing directly at player (give or take some)
xv += (a.x/10)*acc; //add velocity in direction of player
yv += (a.y/10)*acc;
else{//turn towards player
else if(hp>0){//turn towards player
r - point < 0 ? r += 1 : r -= 1;
r = loopA(r);
//draw Slow enemy (vector)
// if((Math.abs(xv)+Math.abs(yv))/2>2){particles.push(new newP(x,y,-xv,-yv,loopA(r-180),[{r:188,g:73,b:58}]))} //draws fire coming out of fast moving enemies
tri(x,y,45,fromAngle(point),{r:106,g:213,b:134,a:.2});//ghost pointer (green)
// c={r:255,g:142,b:127}
// tri(x,y,-40,{x:a.x/2,y:a.y/2},c);
else if(type=='f'){//fast ones
r = point;
xv += a.x/10;
yv += a.y/10;
r = point;
xv += a.x/10;
yv += a.y/10;
//draw Fast enemy (vector)
tri(x,y,50,a,{r:255,g:213,b:134,a:.2});//ghost pointer (green)
tri(x,y,20,fromAngle(loopA(r-180)),{r:255,g:213,b:134,a:.2});//meh, flaggy thing, helps distinguish fast ones
x += xv; //move based on velocity
y += yv;
xv *= .99; //friction
yv *= .99;
xv *= .99*fric; //friction
yv *= .99*fric;
// if(a.x == 0 && p.x >= x - 40 && p.x <= x + 40){ y += 1 }

//draw enemies (DEBUG boxes)
Expand All @@ -290,6 +331,8 @@ var enMove = function(){
// G.lineTo(x + a.x*30, y + a.y*30);
// G.lineWidth=3;
// G.stroke();
// if((Math.abs(xv)+Math.abs(yv))/2>2){particles.push(new newP(x,y,-yv,-xv,[{r:188,g:73,b:58}]))} //draws fire coming out of fast moving enemies

//draws and a few other things, the Player
Expand All @@ -302,11 +345,11 @@ var drawP = function(){with(p){
G.fillStyle = rgb({r:c.r,g:c.g,b:c.b,a:.8}); //debug box colour (transparent)
// G.fillRect(x-15,y-15,30,30); //debug box
G.arc(x, y, s, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); //debug sphere
G.arc(x, y, s, 0, s/5 * Math.PI, false); //sphere
G.fillStyle = rgb(co.w);
G.arc(x, y, s*11/15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); //debug sphere
G.arc(x, y, s*11/15, 0, s/5 * Math.PI, false); //inner sphere
s-= 5;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,14 +378,14 @@ var drawP = function(){with(p){

//Every Frame
var update = function(){
// requestAnimationFrame(update); //nope
C.height = C.height;
background(); //paints background
drawP(); //draws player (and something)
var tmp = background(); //paints background, returns array of enemies touching bg colours
drawP(); //draws player
moveParticles();//manage particles
enMove(); //moves-draw all enemies
if(ran(0,en.length*170)==0){en.push(new enN())} //spawns new enemy
//Collide with player, or enemy
var tmp = [];//temporary, holds enemies that will die
for(var i=0;i<en.length;i++){//col with enemies
for(var ii=i;ii<en.length;ii++){
Expand All @@ -366,10 +409,11 @@ var update = function(){
for(var i=0;i<p.hp;i++){HUD.fillRect(i*100+20,(100-p.s*2)/2,60,p.s*2)} //draws HP bar 2
HUD.fillStyle = 'white';
for(var i=0;i<2;i++){HUD.fillRect(0,i*90,800*(lvl.score/lvl.goal),10);} //draws lvl completion bar
lvl.tim >= 100 ? lvl.tim = 0 : lvl.tim += 1; //general global timer for countdowns or whatever
if(lvl.score >= lvl.goal){newLvl()} //once you kill the required amount, go to next level

var frame=self.setInterval(update,1);

//mouse input
Expand All @@ -383,10 +427,14 @@ document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
if(e.keyCode==50){p.el=co.b3;p.c=mix(co.b3,co.w,-.5)} //blue, water 2
if(e.keyCode==51){p.el=co.y3;p.c=mix(co.y3,co.w,-.5)} //yellow, earth 3
if(e.keyCode==52){p.el=co.g3;p.c=mix(co.g3,co.w,-.5)} //green, air 4
// if(e.keyCode==32){frame=self.setInterval(update,0);} //pauses game (broken)
if(e.keyCode==32){lvl.pause ? frame=self.setInterval(update,1) : clearInterval(frame)} //pauses game


// en.push(new enN) //testification
// en.push(new enN) //testification


var frame=self.setInterval(update,1);
// update();

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