This repo include the followings:
- A cloudformation template that creates an pair of Elastic Beanstalk application and environment. The pair is to be used as the deployment target of a codepipeline.
- A Cloudformation template that creates an AWS codepipeline. The pipeline gets its source from a github repo, builds and tests using an AWS codebuild project, and deploys the application to an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
- An ELB fronts an autoscaling group.
- The ELB logs access to an S3 bucket.
- The TargetGroup response time triggers scaling action of the auto scaling group.
- Instance logs are streams to CloudWatch log.
- Test the application in a codebuild container.
- Deploy application only tests passes.
Create the elastic beanstalk application and environment, and get the application and environment Ids
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name <elastic beanstalk stack name> --template-file elasticBeanStalk_setup.yml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
SolutionStackName="64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v4.14.1 running Node.js" \
NotificationEmail=<[email protected]> \
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack_name> | jq ".Stacks[0].Outputs[]"
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name <codepipeline stack name> --template-file codepipeline_template.yml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides \
GitHubUser=<user> \
GitHubRepo=<repo> \
GitHubBranch=<branch> \
GitHubToken=<personal token> \
ElasticBeanstalkApplication="application ID from earlier step" \
ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment="environment ID from earlier step" \
CloudWatchLogGroup=<codebuild log group> \
CloudWatchLogStream=<codebuild log stream>
After pipeline creation, there will be an initial release. Open the URL for the Elastic Beanstalk environment to verify that the application is running.
Push a change to the application repo branch, the codepipeline should execute.