This testnet will start at the patched version of Terp-Core (v0.1.2
). You will need to use the distributed binary from the Terp Network packages repository.
Genesis File
curl -s > ~/.terp/config/genesis.json
Genesis sha256
sha256sum ~/.terp/config/genesis.json
# b2acc7ba63b05f5653578b05fc5322920635b35a19691dbafd41ef6374b1bc9a
jq -S -c -M '' ~/.terp/config/genesis.json | sha256sum
# 8fe05de88ef9f3eb016ae19a559369fcb0fdf1aa9a27219bb20b26ccc70f8697
terpd version
$ terpd version --long
name: Terp Core
server_name: terpd
version: v0.1.2
commit: TBD
build_tags: netgo muslc, # THIS BIT IS KEY
Seed nodes
Persistent Peers
Prerequisites: Make sure to have Golang >=1.19.
You need to ensure your gopath configuration is correct. If the following 'make' step does not work then you might have to add these lines to your .profile or .zshrc in the users home folder:
nano ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin
Source update .profile
source .profile
# find out where terpd is - will likely be /home/<your-user>/go/bin/terpd
which terpd
# put new binary there i.e. in path/to/terpd
wget -O /home/<your-user>/go/bin/terpd
#### Running in production
**Note, we'll be going through some upgrades for this testnet. Consider using [Cosmovisor]( to make your life easier.** Setting up Cosmovisor is covered in the [Terp Network Documentation]().
Download Genesis file when the time is right. Put it in your `/home/<user>/.terp` folder.
If you have not installed cosmovisor, create a systemd file for your TerpNet service:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/terpd.service
Copy and paste the following and update <YOUR_USERNAME>
and <CHAIN_ID>
Description=Terp-Core daemon
ExecStart=/home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/go/bin/terpd start
Enable and start the new service:
sudo systemctl enable terpd
sudo systemctl start terpd
Check status:
terpd status
Check logs:
journalctl -u terpd -f