Data-driven game engine.
Nodes for everything: shader, render pipeline, material, vfx, gui, ai, geometric edit, postprocessing, physical modeling, image processing, trigger event, scene modeling...
Constraint-based, rule-based and functional programming.
Procedural content generation.
Based for each editors
- custom node
- subgraph
- ...
- math : Boolean, Integer, Number, Number2, Number3, Number4, Matrix, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Radians, Sin, Cos, Clamp, Reciprocal, Negate, Abs, Length, Rect, Floor, Ceil,
- logic : AND, OR, NOT,
- camera : Camera2d, Camera3d, OrbitCamera, Lookat, Orthographic, Perspective,
- transform : Scale, Rotate, Translate,
- constant : Time, Viewport,
- data : Array, Combine, Fetch, Merge, Split, ListClear, ListAdd, ListAddF, ListRemove, ListShift, ListPopBack, ListBack, IsEmpty,
- control : flow Block, Loop, LoopF, ForEach, Branch, BranchF, SwitchF, Compare, Finish, Group,
- tools : Commentary, Custom, Print, Proxy, Expand, Store, Load, Variable, Swap, Assignment, Debug, IsNull, Cache, ClearCache,
- subgraph : Input, Output, Property, Subgraph,
Sample from Jorge Jimenez's separable-sss SSSS
Sample from learnopengl SSAO
- auto gen shader uniforms
- operable nodes
- vertex : Model, Gltf, PrimitiveShape, VertexArray,
- resource : Shader, Texture, Cubemap, RenderTarget, RenderBuffer,
- operate : Clear, Compute, Draw,
- control : Pass,
- tools : ShaderCode,
- multiple brushes
- generator : Gradient, Worley,
- combiner : Combiner,
- filter : Gaussian, Incline, ScaleBias, Step, Transform,
- natural : Erosion, ThermalWeathering,
- selector : SelectHeight, SelectSlope,
- edit : Brush,
- use spir-v AST instead of combine shader strings
- input-geometry : Normal, TexCoord, WorldPos,
- utility-shader : FragColor, Uniform,
- math : Cross, Dot, Normalize, Max, Min, Mix, Reflect, RotateX, RotateY, RotateZ, Pow, Sqrt,
- control : Kill, Return,
- tools : Parameter, SampleTexture, TBN, ShaderGen,
Sample from Jamie Wong's tutorial Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions
- primitive : Sphere, Box, RoundBox, BoxFrame, Torus, CappedTorus, Link, InfiniteCylinder, Cone, InfiniteCone, Plane, HexagonalPrism, TriangularPrism, Capsule, VerticalCapsule, VertCappedCylinder, CappedCylinder, RoundedCylinder, VertCappedCone, CappedCone, SolidAngle, VertRoundCone, RoundCone, Ellipsoid, Rhombus, Octahedron, Pyramid, Triangle, Quad,
- operation-alterations : Elongate, Rounding, Onion,
- operation-combinations : Union, Subtraction, Intersection, SmoothUnion, SmoothSubtraction, SmoothIntersection,
- operation-positioning : Translate, Scale, Rotate, Symmetry, InfiniteRepetition, FiniteRepetition,
- operation-deformations and distortions : Displace, Twist, Bend,
- noise : PerlinNoise, BillowedNoise, RidgedNoise,
- turbulence : Turbulence, IqTurbulence, SwissTurbulence, JordanTurbulence, Erosion1Turbulence, Erosion2Turbulence, DistortTurbulence,
- deriv : PerlinNoisePseudoDeriv, PerlinNoiseDeriv, NoiseDeriv,
- tools : Dither,
- Specular BRDF distribution : D_GGX, D_GGX_Anisotropic, D_Charlie,
- Specular BRDF visibility : V_Kelemen, V_Neubelt, V_Sheen, V_Smith, V_SmithGGXCorrelated, V_SmithGGXCorrelated_Anisotropic,
- Specular BRDF fresnel : F_Schlick,
- Specular BRDF : Fr_CookTorrance,
- Diffuse BRDF : Fd_Burley, Fd_Lambert, Fd_Wrap,
- Tools : EnergyConservation, Shadergraph, SrgbToLinear, GammaCorrection, IorToRoughness, MirrorLight, IorToF0,
- artistic-adjustment : ChannelMixer, Contrast, Hue, InvertColors, ReplaceColor, Saturation, WhiteBalance,
- uv : Flipbook, PolarCoordinates, RadialShear, Rotate, Spherize, TilingAndOffset, Twirl,
- procedural-shapes : Checkerboard, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, RoundedPolygon, RoundedRectangle,
- behavior tree : Sequence, Selector, Parallel, Condition, Repeat,
- tools : BehaviorTree,
- event : MouseLeftDown, MouseLeftUp, MouseRightDown, MouseRightUp, MouseLeftDrag, MouseMove, KeyPressed, KeyReleased, BlueprintChanged, LeaveRuntimeMode, EnterRuntimeMode,
- tools : Trigger, CoordTrans, IsKeyPressed, Ticker, Dirty,
- shapes : Line, Rect, Circle, Polyline, Polygon,
- constraints : Distance,
- operations : CopyAndTranslate,
- actions : Translate,
- test : IsContain, IsIntersect,
- tools : DrawGeometry, ConstraintSolver, AABB, Resample,
- objects : World, Body, Fixture, BodyInfo, Chain,
- joints : RevoluteJoint, PrismaticJoint, DistanceJoint, MouseJoint, WheelJoint,
- force : ApplyForce, ApplyTorque, ApplyLinearImpulse, ApplyAngularImpulse,
- setter : SetLinearVelocity, SetTransform, SetMotorSpeed,
- operate : Simulation, UpdateWorld, RemoveBody,
- events : BeginContact, EndContact, PreSolve, PostSolve,
- tools : BodySelector,
- SweetFX : Ascii, Border, CAS, CRT, Cartoon, ChromaticAberration, Cineon, ColorMatrix, Curves, FakeHDR, FilmGrain, LUT, Levels, LiftGammaGain, LumaSharpen, Monochrome, Nostalgia, Splitscreen, Technicolor, Technicolor2, Tint, Tonemap, Vibrance, Vignette,
- prod80 : ColorGamut, ColorSpaceCurves, CurvedLevels, ShadowsMidtonesHighlights, BlackAndWhite, ColorBalance, ColorIsolation, ColorTemperature, SaturationLimiter, SelectiveColor, SelectiveColor2, Technicolor3, LumaSharpen2,
- components : GaussianHori, GaussianVert,
- dataset : Sprite, Combine,
- operations : Transform,
- tools : DrawSprite,
First clone the project & submodules:
git clone [email protected]:TanTien-Engine/tantien.git
cd tantien
git submodule update --init --recursive
open platform/windows/tantien.sln copy dlls (from platform/windows/lib)
Run: editor.exe rendergraph