A web app that shows news from multiple sources and gives the viewer a way to research the topic and view the original source.
I wanted to see unbiased news from multiple news outlets with no interest targeting.
Live: here on Heroku.
- Node
- Express
- React
- Mongodb
- Node
- Nodemon
- clone to computer using:
git clone https://github.com/TS22082/your_news.git
- run npm install from inside the root directory AND the client directory.
npm install
cd client
npm install
_ Note: you will need accounts and api keys from the news-api and open weather map._
Create a .env file in root directory:
- From inside project folder type (requires Nodemon) to start server and client:
npm run dev
You can also just run the server for development:
npm run server
You can also just run the client for development:
npm run client