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draft ecology metrics
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TGuillerme committed Jul 18, 2019
1 parent df9d0b6 commit ffbd369
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 0 deletions.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions new_metrics.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
## Minimal spanning tree distances evenness
func.eve <- function(matrix) {
## Distance matrix
distances <- dist(matrix)
## weighted evenness (EW) for equal weighted species
branch_lengths <- (distances/2)[which(as.dist(ape::mst(distances)) != 0)]
## partial weighted evenness (PEW)
rel_br_lentghs <- branch_lengths/sum(branch_lengths)
## Regular abundance value (1/(S-1))
regular <- 1/(nrow(matrix) - 1)
## Get the minimal distances
min_distances <- sapply(rel_br_lentghs, function(x, y) min(c(x, y)), y = regular)
## Return the Functional eveness
return((sum(min_distances) - regular) / (1 - regular))

## Distance from centroid deviation ratio
func.div <- function(matrix) {
## The distance from centroid (dGi)
dist_centroid <- centroids(matrix)
## The mean distance from centroid (dG)
mean_dis_cent <- mean(dist_centroid)
## The number of observations
obs <- length(dist_centroid)
## The FDiv metric
return((sum(dist_centroid) - mean_dis_cent * (obs-1)) / ((sum(abs(dist_centroid - mean_dis_cent) + dist_centroid))/obs))

test_that("ecology.metric", {
dummy_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(25),5,5, dimnames = list(letters[1:5]))
x <- dist(dummy_matrix)
x_pco <- cmdscale(as.matrix(x), k = ncol(as.matrix(x))-1)

FD_test <- dbFD(x)

## Convex Hull volume
expect_equal(geometry::convhulln(x_pco, "FA")$vol, FD_test$FRic)

## Regularity of distances on the minimum spanning tree (Villéger et al. 2008)
expect_equal(func.eve(x_pco), FD_test$FEve)

## Distance from centroid deviation ratio (Villéger et al. 2008)
expect_equal(func.div(x_pco), FD_test$FDiv)


FDis <- FD_test$FDis # Laliberté and Legendre 2010 - Functional dispersion = Average distance to centroid (if all species have the same abundance) = multivariate dispersion - Anderson (2006))
# mean(centroids(as.matrix(x)))
func.disp <- function(matrix){unname(FD::fdisp(dist(matrix))$FDis)}


RaoQ <- FD_test$RaoQ # Rao's quadratic entropy (Q) - Botta-Dukát (2005)
ade4::divc(data.frame(matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(as.matrix(x)), dimnames = list(c(rownames(as.matrix(x)))))),
x, scale = FALSE)

# # Villéger, S., N. W. H. Mason and D. Mouillot (2008) New multidimensional functional diversity indices for a multifaceted framework in functional ecology. Ecology 89:2290-2301.
# # Legendre, P. and L. Legendre (1998) Numerical Ecology. 2nd English edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
# # Laliberté, E. and P. Legendre (2010) A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits. Ecology 91:299-305.
# # Anderson, M. J. (2006) Distance-based tests for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions. Biometrics 62:245-253.

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